Recall queue

The Recall Queue panel of the management interface displays the list of virtual volumes in the recall queue. You can use this panel to promote a virtual volume or filter the contents of the table.

A recall of a virtual volume retrieves the virtual volume from a physical cartridge and places it in the cache. A queue is used to process these requests. Virtual volumes in the queue are classified into three groups:
  • In Progress
  • Scheduled
  • Unscheduled
Unscheduled volumes are identified in the table according to a number that represents their position in the queue.
Table 1. Volume information displayed on the Recall Queue table
Column Name Description
Position The position of the virtual volume in the recall queue. Possible values are:
In Progress
A recall is in progress for the volume.
The volume is scheduled to be recalled. If optimization is enabled, the TS7700 will schedule recalls to be processed from the same physical cartridge.
A number that represents the volume's current position in the list of volumes that have not yet been scheduled.
These unscheduled volumes can be promoted using the Action menu.
Virtual Volume The virtual volume to be recalled.
Physical Cartridges The serial number of the physical cartridge that the virtual volume resides on. If the virtual volume is distributed across two physical cartridges, both cartridge numbers are displayed separated by a comma.
This column can be hidden.
Time in Queue Length of time the virtual volume has been in the queue, displayed in hours, minutes, and seconds as HH:MM:SS.
This column can be hidden.
You can change the appearance of the Recall Queue table.
Table 2. Actions available from the Recall Queue table
To... Do this:
Hide or show columns on the table
  1. Right-click on the table header.
  2. Click the check box next to a column heading to hide or show that column in the table. Column headings that are checked display on the table.
Note: You cannot hide the Position or Virtual Volume columns.
Filter the table data To filter using a string of text:
  1. Click in the Filter field.
  2. Enter a search string.
  3. Press Enter.
To filter by column heading:
  1. Click the down arrow next to the Filter field.
  2. Select the column heading to filter by.
  3. Refine the selection:
    Virtual Volume
    Enter a volume serial number and press Enter.
    Select from a value shown in the Choose Value drop-down menu.
    Physical Cartridge
    Enter a cartridge serial number and press Enter.
    Time in Queue
    Enter a time period in the format HH:MM:SS and press Enter.
Reset the table to its default view
  1. Right-click on the table header.
  2. Click Reset Table Preferences.
Promote a volume
  1. Select an unassigned volume to promote.
  2. Select Promote Volume from the Actions menu.
This action promotes one unassigned volume to the first position in the unscheduled portion of the recall queue.