TS7760 Storage Expansion Frame Configurations with 4 TB DDMs

The following table displays the total achievable capacity for a certain number of 3956-XSA drawers with 4 TB DDMs attached to a 3956-CSA Controller(s).
Table 1. TS7760 Storage Expansion Frame configurations for 4 TB capacity drives
TS7760 Cache configuration for base frame Cache units‡ in eachTS7760 Storage Expansion Frame cache controller (3956-CSA) plus optional cache drawers (3956-XSA) First TS7760 Storage Expansion Frame Second TS7760 Storage Expansion Frame
Total cache units (including TS7760 Base Frame) Available capacity Total cache units (including TS7760 Base Frame) Available capacity
1 TS7760 Cache Controller (3956-CSA) 9 TS7760 Cache Drawers (3956-XSA) 1 (controller only) 11 345.07 TB
(313.84 TiB)
27 847.60 TB
(770.88 TiB)
2 12 376.49 TB
(342.42 TiB)
28 879.03 TB
(799.47 TiB)
3 13 407.92 TB
(371 TiB)
29 910.45 TB
(828.05 TiB)
4 14 439.35 TB
(399.59 TiB)
30 941.88 TB
(856.64 TiB)
5 15 470.78 TB
(428.17 TiB)
31 973.31 TB
(885.22 TiB)
6 16 502.21 TB
(456.76 TiB)
32 1004.74 TB
(913.80 TiB)
7 17 533.64 TB
(485.34 TiB)
33 1036.17 TB
(942.39 TiB)
8 18 565.06 TB
(513.92 TiB)
34 1067.60 TB
(970.97 TiB)
9 19 596.49 TB
(542.51 TiB)
35 1099.02 TB
(999.56 TiB)
10 20 627.92 TB
(571.09 TiB)
36 1130.45 TB
(1028.14 TiB)
11 21 659.35 TB
(599.67 TiB)
37 1161.88 TB
(1056.72 TiB)
12 22 690.78 TB
(628.26 TiB)
38 1193.31 TB
(1085.31 TiB)
13 23 722.21 TB
(656.84 TiB)
39 1224.74 TB
(1113.89 TiB)
14 24 753.63 TB
(685.43 TiB)
40 1256.17 TB
(1142.48 TiB)
15 25 785.06 TB
(714.01 TiB)
41 1287.59 TB
(1171.06 TiB)
16 26 816.49 TB
(742.59 TiB)
42 1319.02 TB
(1199.64 TiB)
‡The term "Total cache units" refers to the combination of cache controllers and cache drawers.
A new TS7760 Storage Expansion Frame can be added to a TS7760 Base Frame fully configured with a 3956-CSA cache controller and nine 3956-XSA cache drawers by using FC 7334, TS7760 Encryption Capable Expansion Frame (VEC section below) as a miscellaneous equipment specification (MES).
Note: A TS7700 Base Frame that contains 3956-CS8 or 3956-CS9 cache controllers but is not fully configured can add a TS7760 Storage Expansion Frame containing a 3956-CSA cache controller and up to 15 3956-XSA cache drawers.
Refer to the topic Upgrades specific to the TS7760 in the Related information section for MES details and requirements.