Viewing network information

This topic provides instructions for viewing network information.

About this task

Use the Network Information page to view information about the systems network connections.


  1. From the System console management GUI, select Network Information.
  2. Refer to Table 1 for information available from the Network Information page.
    Table 1. Selections available from the Network Information page
    Item Description
    Ping To test a connection, enter the Host name or TCP/IP address and click Ping Host.
    Network Statistics Shows the active Internet connections (w/o servers) and the active UNIX domain sockets (w/o servers).
    Interfaces Shows the systems interfaces. For example, External, Grid, bond:0, and bond0:1.
    Address Shows the IP addresses for all network interfaces, including displaying values for bond0 and bond0:1 if the External and Grid adapters are bonded.
    Routes Shows the Kernel IP routing table.
    ARP Shows the IP address and hardware type of each interface.
    Sockets Shows active Internet connections (servers)
    TCP Shows active Internet connections (w/o servers)
    UDP Shows active Internet connections (w/o servers)
    NTP Shows whether the NTP server is enabled.
    Tracepath To run a traceroute, enter the Host name or TCP/IP address and click Run Tracepath.
    TCP Dump To run a TCP Dump:
    1. Select the Adapter type.
    2. Enter the Port and Duration.
    3. Click the check box for Call home collected data if wanted.
    4. Then, click Run TCP Dump.
    Nslookup Enter the Host name and select Nslookup Host.