Managing Assist On-Site settings

This topic provides instructions for managing Assist On-Site (AOS) settings.

About this task

Assist On-Site (AOS) allows IBM Support engineers to remotely access customers' computers to identify and resolve technical issues in real time. AOS facilitates problem determination and remediation by providing a powerful suite of tools that enables IBM Support engineers to quickly complete root cause analysis and take appropriate corrective action.

AOS implements outbound connections that are protected by state-of-the-art TLS (AOS 4.0) encryption over a port 443 session to prevent intruder access to the information exchanged during all AOS sessions. Chat, screen viewing, screen sharing, and file transfer data are encrypted end to end, and packets are never decrypted in transit by the communication servers.

To access AOS Settings, from the System console management GUI, select Call Home Settings > AOS Settings.

Start, Stop, or Restart AOS:

  • To Start, Stop, or Restart the AOS service, click the corresponding button in the AOS Configuration section.
  • If you want only Customer users to have control over AOS settings, click Take Control of This Page From IBM Service in the AOS Configuration section. Alternately, if you want IBM and Customer users to have control, select Transfer Control of This Page to IBM Service.
Enable or Disable Unattended Mode (AOS Lights Out):
  • To enable unattended mode (AOS Lights Out), select the Enable Unattended Mode check box and click Apply.
  • If you want attended mode (Lights On), clear the Enable Unattended Mode check box and click Apply.
  • To back out and not make any changes, select Cancel.

Configure a Proxy Server:

  1. Select the Connect Through HTTP Proxy check box.
  2. Select the Proxy server requires authentication check box.
  3. Enter the URL of the server in the Proxy Address field.
  4. Enter the port number in the Proxy Port field.
  5. Enter the User ID in the User ID field.
  6. Enter the password in the Password field.
  7. Reenter the password in the Confirm Password field.
  8. Select Apply.
  9. To back out and not make any changes, select Cancel.
~               OK                   OK
`               not allowed          OK
!               requires \!          requires \!
@               not allowed          not allowed
#               requires \#          requires \#
$               OK                   OK
%               OK                   OK
^               OK                   OK
&               OK                   OK
*               OK                   OK
(               OK                   OK
)               OK                   OK
_               OK                   OK
-               OK                   OK
+               OK                   OK
=               OK                   OK
[               OK                   OK
]               OK                   OK
{               OK                   OK
}               OK                   OK
|               OK                   OK
\               requires \\          requires \\
:               OK, but display cuts off everything after :
;               OK                   OK
"               OK                   OK
'               OK                   OK
<               OK                   OK
>               OK                   OK
,               OK                   OK
.               OK                   OK
?               OK                   OK
/               not allowed          not allowed

Change the DNS Mode:

  • If you are not using DNS, ensure that the Enable No-DNS mode check box is selected. Enter the IP address of the AOS relay server. If the IP address is not known, leave the IP Address field blank to accept the default. Click Apply.
  • If you are using DNS, clear the Enable No-DNS mode check box. Then, click Apply.
  • To back out and not make any changes, select Cancel.