Library details and health

The library view displays details and health for a library that is attached to the TS7700 Cluster.

To open the library view, click the small image of the tape library at the top of the Cluster Summary page. Click the expanded library image to start the TS3500/TS4500 Management GUI.
Note: The TS3500/TS4500 Management GUI link can have two different addresses that are determined by the HTTP request. The link uses HTTPS protocol by default, the secure protocol must be configured on the tape library. The address depends on whether you are logged in through the internal (TSSC) or external (customer) network. If you are logged in through the TSSC, the link displays the library internal address that is obtained from the vital product database (VPD). If you are logged in through the external network, the link displays the library external IP address, obtained by a request to the common interface model (CIM) server. The CIM server must be enabled on the physical library to return the library external IP address to the IBM® TS7700 Management Interface.
Hover over the expanded library image to display library details, as described in Table 1.
Table 1. Library details and health
Detail Definition
Physical library type — virtual library name The type of physical library (type is always TS3500/TS4500) accompanied by the name of the virtual library that is established on the physical library.
Tape Library Health
Fibre Switch Health
Tape Drive Health

Tape Drive Path Health

The health states of the library and its main components. The state can be one of the following values:
  • Normal
  • Degraded
  • Failed
  • Unknown
  • Warning
State Whether the library is online or offline to the TS7700
Operational Mode The library operational mode. The mode can be one of the following values:
  • Automatic
  • Paused
Frame Door Whether a frame door is open or closed.
Virtual I/O Slots Status of the I/O station that is used to move cartridges into and out of the library. The status can be one of the following values:
  • Occupied
  • Full
  • Empty
Physical Cartridges The number of physical cartridges that are assigned to the identified virtual library.
Tape Drives The number of physical tape drives available, as a fraction of the total. Click this detail to open the Physical Tape Drives panel.