Object policy

Use the object policy page of the management interface to add, modify, and delete object policies.

Object policies are used to determine how to manage objects that go to TS7700 from an external host, such as a DS8000 as part of transparent cloud tiering (TCT). TS7700 currently allows the capability to set up copy policies for object redundancy across a TS7700 grid.

Object policies are grid scope and pertain to how an object is managed for each cluster in the grid. You can set up object policies for every object-enabled cluster in the grid by accessing this page from one of those clusters. The maximum number of object policies that can exist on a TS7700 grid is 256. If a policy does not exist on TS7700 that is object-enabled, the default object policy is used. A default object policy can be modified but cannot be deleted.

The following figure shows the object policy page in the management interface:
Figure 1. Object policy page

The following table describes the columns in the object policy page:

Table 1. Object policy page columns
Column name Description
Name Name of an object policy. The object policy name must adhere to the following rules:
  • Each object policy name within a TS7700 grid must be unique.
  • The value must be 1 - 30 characters in length.
  • Valid characters are A-Z, 0-9, $, @, and #.
  • The first character cannot be a number.
  • The object policy name cannot be modified after it is added.
  • The value is case-sensitive.
Description Description of an object policy. The maximum length for this field is 280 characters.
Object Store Number of object stores currently assigned to a policy.


Replication settings define how object copies are managed within a TS7700 grid. Each object-enabled cluster can be uniquely set to manage object replication differently.

The following table describes the fields in the Replication tab:

Table 2. Replication
Fields Description
Cluster For each object-enabled cluster in the grid, a set of copy modes are selected. An object PUT operation that targets the cluster follows the copy policies that are described in this column.

For instance, an object PUT operation that targets TS7700 cluster 0 performs the copy operation to itself if the cluster requires a copy, and to the other object-enabled clusters in the grid based on the policy settings configured for the target cluster.

Copy mode Copy mode is used when an object PUT operation is received by a cluster. It determines how the copy is handled throughout the grid. The following are the valid types of copy mode:
This copy mode provides ability to write two copies of the same object synchronously. If synchronous copy mode is requested, two clusters need to be selected. If one of the clusters is not available or fails to write an object, TS7700 continues the write operation to the available cluster but TS7700 grid enters a state of synchronous-deferred. After the cluster is available and completes the synchronous-deferred copies, the grid removes the synchronous-deferred state. Synchronous-deferred copies are prioritized over deferred copy queue entries.
In this copy mode, the object duplication occurs later based on the internal schedule of the copy engine.
No copy
If this copy mode is selected, no object duplication occurs on the cluster.

To create, modify, delete, and view an object policy, see the following sections: