Modify, delete, and view object store
You can modify, delete, and view an existing object store in the object store page.
- Modify object store
- To modify an existing object store description, complete the following steps:
- Right-click an existing object store to be modified and select Modify Object
Store or select an existing object store to be modified and select Actions >
Modify Object Store.The Modify Object Store window appears as shown in the following figure:
Figure 1. Modify object store - Make the required update in the Object Policy and Description fields and click Modify. If there is no update required, click Cancel.
- Right-click an existing object store to be modified and select Modify Object
Store or select an existing object store to be modified and select Actions >
Modify Object Store.
- Delete object store
- To delete an existing object store, complete the following steps:
- Either select the object store to be deleted and select Actions > Delete
or right-click the object store to be deleted and select Delete.The Delete Object Store window appears as shown in the following figure:
Figure 2. Delete object store - Click Delete. If you want to discontinue with deleting the object store, click Cancel.
- Either select the object store to be deleted and select Actions > Delete
or right-click the object store to be deleted and select Delete.
- View object store information
- To view an object store information, either select the object store and select
Actions > Properties or right-click the object store and select
Properties. The object store information is shown in the following
Figure 3. View object store
- Modify DR Family
To setup or modify an existing DR Family, complete the following steps:
- Right-click an existing object store and select Modify DR Family or
select an existing DR Family to be modified, then select Actions > Modify DR
The Modify DR Family window appears as shown in the following figure:
Figure 4. Modify DR Family
- Right-click an existing object store and select Modify DR Family or
select an existing DR Family to be modified, then select Actions > Modify DR