Test authentication policy

Use this page to test security settings for the IBM® TS7700 Grid.

Note: The following topic has been added to the TS7700 Service Information Center for reference only. LDAP setup and administration is a customer task. Contact the customer to obtain an LDAP user ID and password.
To test the roles assigned to your user name by an existing policy:
  1. From the Security Settings page, navigate to the Authentication Policies table.
  2. Select the radio button next to the policy you want to test.
  3. Select Test... from the Select Action drop-down menu.
  4. Click Go to open the Test Authentication Policy page.
  5. Check the check box next to the name of each cluster on which to conduct the policy test.
  6. Enter values for the following fields:
    User Name
    Your user name for the TS7700 Management Interface. This value is composed of one to 16 Unicode characters.
    Your password for the TS7700 Management Interface. This value is composed of one to 16 Unicode characters.
    Note: If the User Name entered belongs to a user not included on the policy, test results will show success but the result comments will show a null value for role and access fields. Additionally, the User Name entered cannot be used to log in to the management interface.
  7. Select the URL to test from the LDAP server to test drop down. The possible values are: Primary LDAP server, Alternate LDAP server, and both primary and alternate LDAP servers.
    Note: This drop down is available only for the LDAP remote policies. It is not available for the local and SAS policies. Also, this drop down is available only if there are two URLs configured in the security policy.
  8. Click OK to complete the operation. Click Cancel to abandon the operation and return to the Security Settings page.
When the authentication policy test completes, the Test Authentication Policy Results window opens to display results for each selected cluster. The results include a statement indicating whether the test succeeded or failed, and if it failed, the reason for the failure. The Test Authentication Policy Results window also displays the Policy Users table. Information shown on that table includes:
User Name
The name of a user authorized by the selected authentication policy.
The role assigned to the user under the selected authentication policy.
Cluster Access
A list of all the clusters in the grid for which the user and user role are authorized by the selected authentication policy.
To return to the Test Authentication Policy window, click the Close Window button. To return to the Security Settings page, click the Back button at the top of the Test Authentication Policy Results window.