Cloud Accounts

Cloud account parameters

To access the Create Cloud Account window, in the MI, select Settings, Cloud Tier Settings, and Cloud Accounts.

Each cloud account contains these fields. The maximum number of cloud accounts is 256. The following explains the parameter requirements of each field:

Table 1. Cloud account Information
Column Name Description

Cloud Account Nicknames are up to 8 characters in length. Nicknames can be modified without restriction to the Account Type.

Tenant Name Tenant Name is not required for the type of Accounts that are supported in Ts7700 v4.2 (IBM COS & Amazon).
Service ID Service ID is unique and cannot be modified. It is an auto-generated value. Nouser input is required.
Health Check
  • Periodic
  • Event
  • Disabled
Health Check, if Periodic option is selected user needs to provide a number in minutes (from a minimum of 1 minute to a maximum of 60 minutes) to perform the health check.
  • Amazon
  • Other
    Note: Besides Amazon, other supported cloud providers are IBM COS, and Microsoft Azure.
Once a Cloud Account of certain type is created, this setting cannot be modified.
Access Key ID Access Key ID, is the user name to access data in the cloud when the Cloud Account is created. The Secret Access Key should be provided as well, both settings can be modified later.
You can change the appearance of the Cloud Accounts table.
Table 2. Actions available from the Cloud Accounts table
To... Do this:
Hide or show columns on the table.
  1. Right-click on the Actions table header.
  2. Click the check box next to a column heading to hide or show that column in the table. Column headings that are checked display on the table.
Filter the table data To filter by using a string of text:
  1. Click in the Filter field.
  2. Enter a search string.
  3. Press Enter.
To filter by column heading:
  1. Click the down arrow next to the Filter field.
  2. Select the column heading to filter by.
  3. Refine the selection:
    Enter a nickname and press Enter.
    Tenant Name
    Enter a nickname and press Enter.
Reset the table to its default view.
  1. Right-click on the table header.
  2. Click Reset Table Preferences.