Virtual volume search results

Use this page to view a list of virtual volumes on the IBM® TS7700 cluster that meet the criteria of an executed search query.

The table at the top of the Virtual Volume Search Results page displays the name of the completed search and its start and end times.
Search Criteria Set
This table displays the criteria used to generate the search.
Search Results
This table displays a list of VOLSERs belonging to the virtual volumes that meet the search criteria. Each VOLSER listed under the Virtual Volumes heading is linked to its virtual volume details page. Click the VOLSER to open the details page and view additional information about a specific virtual volume.
Note: If Mounted Tape Drive is a displayed result and the search includes a just-recently inserted virtual volume, the Mounted Tape Drive column value temporarily displays as"vtdfffe" before returning to "-".
The Search Results table displays up to 10 VOLSERs per page. To view the results contained on another page, select the right- or left-pointing arrow at the bottom of the table, or enter a page number in the adjacent field and click Go.
Note: Search results are stored as a single file with a maximum size of 2GB. If the maximum size of the search results file has already been reached, you must clear one or more saved previous searches before a new search can be initiated. Refer to the Previous Searches section, above, for instructions to remove, or clear, a previous search.
You can print or download the results of a search query using the Print Report or Download Spreadsheet buttons at the top of the Search Results table.

Click the Back button to exit the Virtual Volume Search Results page and return to the Virtual Volumes Search page.