Modify Inhibit Reclaim schedule

Use this page to modify an Inhibit Reclaim schedule used in the IBM® TS7700 Grid.

To modify an Inhibit Reclaim schedule:
  1. From the Inhibit Reclaim Schedules page, navigate to the Schedules table.
  2. Select the radio button next to the Inhibit Reclaim schedule to be modified.
  3. Select Modify... from the Select Action drop-down menu.
  4. Click Go to open the Modify Inhibit Reclaim Schedule page.
Modify values for any of the following fields:
The Schedules table displays the list of Inhibit Reclaim schedules defined for each partition of the grid. It displays the day, time, and duration of any scheduled reclamation interruption. All inhibit reclaim dates and times are displayed first in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and then in local time.
Note: Prior to microcode level 8.5.0.xx, inhibit reclaim schedules were designated using local time instead of UTC. If you recently upgraded the TS7700 from microcode level 8.4.0.xx or earlier, verify that your inhibit reclaim schedule displays the correct day and time before starting an inhibit reclaim operation using the new code version.
Status information displayed in the Schedules table includes:
UTC Day of Week
The UTC day of the week on which the reclamation will be inhibited. Possible values for this field include:
Every Day
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, or Saturday
UTC Start Time
The UTC time in hours (H) and minutes (M) at which reclamation will begin to be inhibited. The values in this field must take the form HH:MM. Possible values for this field include 00:00 through 23:59.
The Start Time field is accompanied by a time chooser clock icon. You can enter hours and minutes manually using 24–hour time designations, or you can use the time chooser to select a start time based on a 12–hour (AM/PM) clock.
Local Day of Week
The day of the week in local time on which the reclamation will be inhibited. The day recorded reflects the time zone in which your browser is located. Possible values for this field include:
Every Day
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, or Saturday
Local Start Time
The local time in hours (H) and minutes (M) at which reclamation will begin to be inhibited. The values in this field must take the form HH:MM. The time recorded reflects the time zone in which your browser is located. Possible values for this field include 00:00 through 23:59.
The Start Time field is accompanied by a time chooser clock icon. You can enter hours and minutes manually using 24–hour time designations, or you can use the time chooser to select a start time based on a 12–hour (AM/PM) clock.
The number of days (D) hours (H) and minutes (M) that the reclamation will be inhibited. The values in this field must take the form DD days HH hours MM minutes. Possible values for this field include 0 day 0 hour 1 minute through 1 day 0 hour 0 minute if the day of the week is Every Day. Otherwise, possible values for this field are 0 day 0 hour 1 minute through 7 days 0 hour 0 minute.
Note: Inhibit Reclaim schedules cannot overlap.
To complete the operation click OK. To abandon the operation and return to the Inhibit Reclaim Schedules page, click Cancel.