Add Local account

Use this page to add an account to the Local security policy for the IBM® TS7700 Grid.

Note: The following topic has been added to the TS7700 Service Information Center for reference only. LDAP setup and administration is a customer task. Contact the customer to obtain an LDAP user ID and password.
To add a new account to the Local security policy:
  1. From the Modify Local Accounts page, navigate to the Local Accounts table.
  2. Select Add... from the Select Action drop-down menu.
  3. Click Go to open the Add Local Account page.
Enter values for the following required fields:
User Name
The login name for the new user. This value must be 1 - 16 characters in length and composed of Unicode characters.
Restriction: User Name restrictions include:
  • No spaces can be included
  • No tabs can be included
  • The following values cannot be used: root, service, support
The password for the user account. This value must be 6 - 16 characters in length composed of alphanumeric characters.
Restriction: Password restrictions include:
  • At least 5 letters and 1 number must be used
  • A number cannot be in the first or last position
  • No spaces can be included
  • The user name cannot be included
Confirm Password
The password for the user account. Reenter the password entered in the Password field.
Select values for the following fields:
The role assigned to the user account. The role can a predefined role or a user-defined role. Possible values are:
The operator has access to monitoring information, but is restricted from changing settings for performance, network configuration, feature licenses, user accounts, or custom roles. The operator is also restricted from inserting and deleting virtual volumes.
Lead Operator
The lead operator has access to monitoring information and can perform actions for volume operation. The lead operator has nearly identical permissions to the administrator, but cannot change network configuration, feature licenses, user accounts, or custom roles.
The administrator has the highest level of authority and can view all pages and perform all actions, including addition and removal of user accounts. The administrator has access to all service functions and TS7700 resources except the Service Login.
The manager has access to monitoring information and performance data and functions, and can add, modify, or delete user accounts. The manager is restricted from changing most other settings.
Read Only
The read only role can view all pages but cannot perform any actions. You can make any custom role read-only by applying the Read Only role template to the custom role.
Custom roles
The administrator can name and define 10 custom roles by selecting individual tasks that are permitted to each custom role. Tasks can be assigned to a custom role in the Roles and assigned permissions table from the Roles & Permissions Properties page.
Note: You can backup these settings as part of the ts7700_cluster<cluster ID>.xmi file and restore them for later use or use with another cluster.
Cluster Access
The clusters the user has access to. A user can have access to multiple clusters.
To complete the operation click OK. To abandon the operation and return to the Modify Local Accounts page, click Cancel.