TS7700 product introduction

The TS7700 is a member of the TS line of products and builds upon previous implementations of tape storage virtualization.

The TS7700 offers a modular and scalable architecture to the tape virtualization market allowing you to better customize the system to meet your particular requirements. Digital information that is generated by a smarter planet requires increasing storage and management. Online application storage and offline, permanent archive media continue to increase and require high-performance and high-capacity data storage solutions. The TS7700 is a fully integrated, tiered storage hierarchy of disk and tape. It leverages the benefits of both technologies by storing recent, frequently accessed data on disk to maximize performance in backup-and-restore operations, while moving older, less accessed data to tape, minimizing storage costs and securing long-term retention. The TS7700 can also fulfill storage requirements for applications and deployments that are designed to store data on tape, but that also require disk performance and capabilities. The TS7700 can help reduce batch processing time, total cost of ownership, and management overhead. The TS7700 delivers significant processing power increase over previous models, resulting in:
  • Greater efficiency
  • Improved connectivity for grid configurations and tape and cache support
  • Improved resiliency that uses 4-way and larger grid configuration support
  • Improved data management in mainframe environments
Important: Microcode level 8.60.0.x and later can be installed only on TS7770 ( 39xx-VED ) and TS7780 ( 3948-VEF ).
Important: Microcode level 8.52.10x.x can be installed only on a TS7770 Server model 3957-VED and TS7760 Server model 3957-VEC.
Note: It is recommended to regularly update a system to recommended and/or latest code. See recommendation: https://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=ssg1S1010472
The TS7700 is part of a family of IBM® Enterprise tape products, and can be the answer to growing storage requirements, shrinking backup windows, and the need for access to data. Features and functionality include:
TS7780 ( 8.60.0.x microcode )

A TS7780 virtual tape system, model 3948-VEF with 3948-CFD with either 3948-XSD enclosures ( HDD ) or 3948-XFD enclosures ( SSD ).

A minimum configuration base TS7780 with a 3948-CFD with two 3948-XSD enclosures can contain up to 314 TB of usable encryption capable disk cache.

A maximum configuration base TS7780 with a 3948-CFD with ten 3948-XSD enclosures can contain up to 1572 TB of usable encryption capable disk cache.

A minimum configuration base TS7780 with a 3948-CFD with one 3948-XFD enclosure can contain up to 260 TB of usable encryption capable disk cache.

A maximum configuration base TS7780 with a 3948-CFD with ten 3948-XFD enclosures can contain up to 260 TB of usable encryption capable disk cache.

A maximum configuration base and expansion TS7780 with a 3948-CFD with ten 3948-XSD enclosures can contain up to 4716 TB of usable encryption capable disk cache

New Hardware:

  • F08 frame
  • 4U Power9+ server with internal NVMe storage
  • Cache expansions subsystem with 20 TB HDD or 15 TB SSDs
  • 32 Gbps Ficon adapters
  • 32 Gbps cache and tape adapters
  • Support for 32 Gb FC switch for tape attach located in the TS7700 frame.
TS7700 ( 8.54.1.x microcode )

Starting with this release the tape attach switch will be located within the TS7700 frame.

Support for 32 Gb FC switch for tape attach.

TS7770 with model number 3948 (8.53.0.x code)

A TS7770 virtual tape system, model 3948-VED with 3948-CFC and 3956-XFC enclosures can support up to 133 TB of usable encryption capable disk cache. Each type of enclosure uses 24 - 3.84 TB SSD drives in a Distributed RAID (DRAID) configuration. A minimum configuration base TS7770 with a 3956-CFC can contain up to 63 TB of usable encryption capable disk cache.

Starting R5.3, TS7700 replaces Machine Type 3952, 3956, and 3957 to a universal Machine Type 3948 in order to support Expert Care Service model.

3957-VED is the same hardware as a 3948-VED.

3956-CFC is the same hardware as a 3948-CFC.

3956-CSB/XSB is the same hardware as a 3948-CSB/XSB.

3957-F07 is the same hardware as a 3948-F07.

TS7770 with 3956-CFC/XFC
A TS7770 virtual tape system, model 3957-VED with 3956-CFC and 3956-XFC enclosures can support up to 133 TB of usable encryption capable disk cache. Each type of enclosure uses 24-3.84 TB SSD drives in a Distributed RAID (DRAID) configuration. A minimum configuration base TS7770 with a 3956-CFC can contain up to 63 TB of usable encryption capable disk cache.
The TS7770
A virtual tape system, model 3957-VED, that can support up to 2.3 PB of usable encryption capable disk cache. The 3956-CSB/XSB uses twelve 10 TB SAS disks in a DRAID (Distrubuted RAID) configuration; a base TS7770 can contain up to .76 PB of usable encryption capable disk cache. Up to two more 3956-CSB/XSB expansion frames can be added to a base TS7770 which providing up to a total 2.3 PB of usable encryption capable disk cache.

A second expansion frame delivers up to 3.94 PB of capacity with two fully populated expansion frames.

The TS7770 supports the optional attachment of a TS3500 or TS4500 physical tape library. When the tape attach feature is present, the TS7770 can be referred to as a TS7770T or TS7770 Tape Attach. When tape is attached, up to 100 PB of usable storage is available per TS7770T.
Note: The VED tape-attach supports only the new 16 Gb fiber switch.
TS7770 Tier to Cloud supports both the largest and smallest TS7700 users to deploy TS7700 in new use cases, such as; archival of massive data stores, and supporting DR without a grid presence (TS7770 stand-alone) or TS7770 in a GRID. TS7770 Tier to Cloud supports Amazon S3 and IBM COS S3.
Note: The VED tape-attach is not supported with a Tier to Cloud enabled cluster.
The TS7760
A virtual tape system, model 3957-VEC, that can support up to 1.6 PB of usable AES 256 encryption capable disk cache. Using 4 TB SAS disks in an RAID6 configuration, a base TS7760 can contain up to 384 TB in 38 TB increments. Up to two more expansion frames can be added each providing an addition 614 TB of usable capacity in 38 TB increments.
A virtual tape system, model 3957-VEC, that can support up to 2.5 PB of usable AES 256 encryption capable disk cache. Using 4 TB or 8 TB SAS disks in a DDP (Dynamic Disk Pooling) configuration, a base TS7760 can contain up to 618 TB in 61 TB increments. You can mix 4 TB or 8 TB drives within a frame but you cannot mix them within a drawer or enclosure. Up to two more expansion frames can be added each providing up to an additional 1607 TB of usable capacity in 61 TB increments.
The TS7760 supports the optional attachment of a TS3500 or TS4500 physical tape library. When the tape attach feature is present, the TS7760 can be referred to as a TS7760T or TS7760 Tape Attach. When tape is attached, up to 100 PB of usable storage is available per TS7760T.
TS7760 Tier to Cloud supports both the largest and smallest TS7700 users to deploy TS7700 in new use cases, such as; archival of massive data stores, and supporting DR without a grid presence (TS7760 stand-alone) or TS7760 in a GRID. TS7760 Tier to Cloud supports Amazon S3 and IBM COS S3.
Note: The VEC tape-attach is not supported with a Tier to Cloud enabled cluster.
Enhanced user interface
An updated web interface that supports a single look and feel across storage product lines. Additional enhancements include:
  • Improved summary details display
  • Continuously available cluster status
  • Improved health and event alert notification
  • Improved visibility of copy queue information
  • One-touch action items
  • Support for installation of encryption and IPv6 features
Integrated Library Manager support for the TS7700
Integrates virtual volume management and some physical volume and device management into the TS7700.
16 Gb FICON® host attachments
Microcode level 8.41.200.x supports 16 Gb, dual-port FICON adapters, increasing the potential bandwidth to the IBM Z® host. Each adapter has one port active by default. These adapters can be attached to FICON channels that support speeds of 4 Gbps, 8 Gbps, or 16 Gbps. Two or four 16 Gb FICON adapters can be installed in a TS7700 Server.
Note: No intermixing of 8 Gb and 16 Gb FICON adapters is allowed.
Note: Each FICON adapter supports a maximum of 512 virtual paths. When the maximum number of FICON adapters is installed, and with dual ports enabled, the total supported number of virtual paths is 4096.
The 3957-VEC server supports FC 3402, 16 Gb SW FICON Adapter and FC 3403, 16 Gb Long Wavelength FICON Adapter.
8 Gb FICON host attachments (not supported on TS7770)
Each adapter has one port active by default. These adapters can be attached to FICON channels that support speeds of 2 Gbps, 4 Gbps, or 8 Gbps. Two or four 8 Gb FICON adapters can be installed in a TS7700 Server.
Note: Each FICON adapter supports a maximum of 512 virtual paths. When the maximum number of FICON adapters is installed, and with dual ports enabled, the total supported number of virtual paths is 4096.
The 3957-VEC server supports FC 3438, 8 Gb FICON Short Wavelength Attachment and FC 3439, 8 Gb FICON Long Wavelength Attachment.
16 Gb Fibre Channel HBA
The 16 Gb Fibre Channel adapters are installed in the IO drawer (1500 series). They allow the TS7700 to support the full throughput of the TS7700 cache 16 Gb disk cache controller host connection.
Support for four, 1 Gb grid Ethernet links
Support for use of the second 1 Gb Ethernet port present in both grid Ethernet adapters. This support results in availability of four total 1 Gb ports for TS7700 Grid interconnections. Each 1 Gb link requires a unique IP address.
Support for 10 Gb grid optical Ethernet longwave connection
Support for a standard, 10-Gbps Ethernet longwave (1,310 nm) optical adapter for grid communication between TS7700 Servers.
When FC 1038, 10 Gb dual port optical LW connection is installed (microcode level of 8.40.0.xx or later) or FC 1041, 10 Gb dual port optical LW connection (microcode level of 8.52.100.xx or later), the TS7700 supports two 10 Gb Grid links. When FC 1034, Enable dual port grid connection is installed, the TS7700 supports four 10 Gb Grid links.
Tape library attachment
  • For TS7700 Tape Attach, use Installation Instructions FC 5273/5274 (Enable TS7700 Tape Attach) to enable the feature codes and configure the TS7700.
  • Attachment to an IBM TS3500 Tape Library (also referred to as the 3584 Tape Library or machine type 3584) is supported for the TS7700 Tape Attach.

    For the TS7700 Tape Attach, this configuration is enabled by installing FC 5273, TS7770 Tape Attach and at least one instance of FC 5274, Enable 1 TB Pending Tape Capacity. 16 Gb Fibre Channel switches are supported in the TS3500 for TS7760/TS7770 Tape Attach attachment.

  • The TS4500 is the next generation of the IBM TS3500 Tape Library. Attachment to an IBM TS4500 Tape Library is supported for the TS7760 Tape Attach. The TS4500 supports only TS1150 and TS1140 tape drives. Customers needing a library that supports earlier generation drives must remain on the TS3500 technology. 16 Gb Fibre Channel switches are supported in the TS4500 for TS7760/TS7770 attachment, and in the TS3500 for TS7760/TS7770 attachment.

    For the TS7760/TS7770 Tape Attach, this configuration is enabled by installing FC 5273, TS7770 Tape Attach and at least one instance of FC 5274, Enable 1 TB Pending Tape Capacity. In addition, FC 4880, TS7700 BE 16 Gb Fibre Channel Switch is required.

Tier to cloud
For the TS7700 Tier to Cloud, this configuration is enabled by installing FC 5278, Enable Cloud Storage Tier, and at least one instance of FC 5274, 1 TB Active Pre-Migration Queue. The customer network needs to allow connectivity between the TS7700 GRID network and the IBM COS endpoints or AMAZON region endpoints.
Tape drive support
Note: TS1160 Tape Drives, TS1150 Tape Drives, TS1140 Tape Drives, TS1130 Tape Drives, TS1120 Tape Drives, and 3592 J1A Tape Drives are collectively referred to as 3592 Tape Drives.
IBM TS1160 Tape Drive
Also referred to as 60F Tape Drive (TS4500) or 60G Tape Drive (TS3500).
TS1160 Tape Drives support JC, JD, JL, JK, JE, and JM media types. These Tape Drives can be intermixed with other drive types. The 60F/G drives are supported in a limited heterogeneous configuration. TS1160 Tape Drives are not able to read JB and older media, such as JA and JJ. In a homogeneous configuration, four to sixteen 60F/G drives along with new media must be used for read/write. In a limited heterogeneous configuration, four to fourteen 60G/F drives and two to twelve of the read-only older 3592-generation drives are required.
IBM TS1150 Tape Drive
Also referred to as E08 Tape Drive or EH8 Tape Drive.
TS1150 Tape Drives support read and write operations on JC, JD, JK, and JL media types, and read-only operations on JJ media types. TS1150 Tape Drives can be intermixed with one other drive type. The E08 drives are supported in a limited heterogeneous configuration. TS1150 Tape Drives are not able to read JB and older media such as JA and JJ. In a homogeneous configuration, four or more E08 drives along with new media must be used for read/write. In a limited heterogeneous configuration, four or more E08 drives are required and two or more of the read-only older 3592-generation drives.
TS1150 Tape Drives support only JC, JD, JK, and JL media types. TS1150 Tape Drives can be intermixed with some other drive types. The E08 drives are supported in a limited heterogeneous configuration. TS1150 Tape Drives are not able to read JB and older medial. Four or more E08 drives along with new media must be used for read/write, and two or more of the read-only older 3592-generation drives.
When the TS1150 Tape Drive is installed in a TS3500 Tape Library, it is referred to as the 3592 E08 Tape Drive. If the TS1150 Tape Drive is installed in a TS4500 Tape Library, the model is the 3592 EH8 Tape Drive. Both tape drive models are functionally equivalent.
IBM TS1140 Tape Drive
Also referred to as E07 Tape Drive or EH7 Tape Drive.
TS1140 Tape Drives support read and write operations on JB, JC, and JK media types, and read-only operations on JA and JJ media types. TS1140 Tape Drives cannot be intermixed with any other drive type.
TS1140 Tape Drives support only JB, JC, and JK media types. TS1140 Tape Drives cannot be intermixed with any other drive type.
When the TS1140 Tape Drive is installed in a TS3500 Tape Library, it is referred to as the 3592 E07 Tape Drive. If the TS1140 Tape Drive is installed in a TS4500 Tape Library, the model is the 3592 EH7 Tape Drive. Both tape drive models are functionally equivalent.
IBM TS1130 Tape Drive
Also referred to as 3592 E06 Tape Drive or 3592 EU6 Tape Drive (if converted from a 3592 E05 Tape Drive. ).
Note: TS1130 Tape Drives are shipped encryption-capable. TS1130 Tape Drives cannot be intermixed with TS1120 or 3592-J1A Tape Drives.
IBM 3592 Tape Drive J1A
Note: When 3592 J1A drives (or 3592 E05 Tape Drives in J1A emulation) are replaced with E05 drives, E05 drives append to the filling J1A-formatted drives. As the active data on the J1A gets reclaimed or expired, the tape goes back to the scratch pool and then is reformatted to the E05 data format on its first write operation. Likewise, when 3592 J1A drives (or 3592 E05 Tape Drives in J1A emulation) are replaced with 3592 E05 Tape Drives, the TS7700 marks the J1A formatted tapes with active data FULL. By marking these tapes full, the TS7700 does not append more data since the 3592 E06 Tape Drive cannot append data to a J1A formatted tape. As the active data on the J1A gets reclaimed or expired, the tape goes back to the scratch pool and then is reformatted to the E06 data format on its first write operation.
IBM 3590 Tape Drive H1A
Also referred to as 3590 H1A Tape Drive.
IBM 3590 Tape Drive E1A
Also referred to as 3590 E1A Tape Drive.
IBM 3590 Tape Drive B1A
Also referred to as 3590 B1A Tape Drive.
Encryption support
Support for data encryption on tape cartridges in a library connected to a TS7700. Requires FC 9900, Tape Encryption Tape.
Support for encryption of disk drive modules (DDMs) within a TS7700 cache subsystem. Requires FC 5272, Disk Enabled Encryption.
External key management for the cache is also supported. Requires FC 5276, Disk encrypt - External key manager.

Encryption Support for 3948-CFC or 3956-CFC, or 3956-CSB

Unlike the previous 3956-CSA controller, encryption ( FC 5272/5276 ) CANNOT be retroactively enabled after the TS7770 has been installed. Therefore, CSB/XSB drawers MUST be encryption enabled when shipped from manufacturing.
  • Cache controller models CSB and their cache module models XSB are encryption-capable devices.
  • All disk units in the entire TS7770 cluster must be encryption capable for encryption to be enabled.
  • Disk cache encryption may be selected and enabled to deliver protection for data as it resides in the TS7770 disk repository.
  • The 3948-CFC or 3956-CFC, or 3956-CSB Cache Controller maintains the encryption keys when feature 5272 Disk Enabled Encryption is selected.
  • Options enable the user to choose encryption using externally managed keys, or using local or internally managed keys.
    • Feature #5272 Disk Enabled Encryption is not available for field Install on the TS7770 and needs to be shipped from manufacturing for any Encryption.
    • Feature #7405 must be ordered on every 3948-CFC or 3956-CFC, or 3956-CSB in the TS7770 configuration. Feature #7405 will provide four USBs sticks per 3948-CFC or 3956-CFC, or 3956-CSB used to store the local encryption keys.

      If external key management is later enabled, these USB sticks are no longer needed.

    • Feature #5276 and #5272 must be initially plant-installed on the TS7700 server to enable TS7770 disk-based encryption using externally managed keys
      1. All TS7700 configurations with any encryption type enabled will ALWAYS ship with local key management enabled first.
      2. Once a TS7770 with feature #5272 is configured in a customer environment and able to communicate with an external key server, then feature #5276 can be activated to transition to external key management.
  • For feature 5276 Disk Encrypt-External Key Manager, encryption keys are maintained outside of the TS7700 and passed to the TS7700 from an encryption key manager. Only IBM Security Key Lifecycle Manager (SKLM) will be supported.
  • For the TS7770 to successfully communicate with the SKLM servers, an X.509 encryption certificate is required. Every TS7770 system shipped with R5.0 will contain a Public Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS) file using format #12, even if encryption is not enabled on the TS7770. Feature #9277, PKCS #12 File - Plant, will be included on each of these systems to indicate the certificate file is installed.
  • Disk encryption using externally managed keys with SKLM requires software entitlements . For more information about SKLM, see the IBM Security Key Lifecycle Manager website.
Support for a hybrid TS7700 Grid
A hybrid TS7700 Grid contains an intermix of one or more TS7700 tape-attach Clusters and one or more TS7700 disk-only Clusters, which are configured together within the same grid.
Support for 7-way or more TS7700 Grid configurations
Support for a grid that consists of 7 or more TS7700 Clusters.
Note: Support for 7- and 8-way grid configurations is available by RPQ only and supported by a microcode level of 8.41.x.x or later.
Support for grid merge operations
Support to merge two existing multi-cluster grids to form a single, larger grid. This support requires all clusters must be at the exact same code level.
TS7700 Cluster Family grouping
A user-defined grouping of clusters that share a common purpose or role; it facilitates cooperative replication and improved tape volume cache (TVC) selection. Do not confuse cluster families with disaster recovery (DR) families used as part of flash copies for DR testing.
Larger virtual volume sizes
Available virtual volume sizes include:
  • 1.05 GB (1000 MiB)
  • 2.1 GB (2000 MiB)
  • 4.19 GB (4000 MiB)
  • 6.29 GB (6000 MiB)
  • 26.21 GB (25000 MiB)
Virtual volume sizes are set by data class by using the base-10 unit mebibyte (MiB). For a discussion of the relationship between decimal and base-10 units, refer to the topic Data storage values. Refer to the topic Virtual volumes to determine the number and size of virtual volumes that are required to accommodate the planned workload. Links to both topics are found in the Related information section.
Time delay copy policy
Enhancement to defer replication until a specified number of hours has elapsed since the volume was created or since the volume was last accessed. When implemented, this policy can greatly reduce the copy traffic on the grid network, and reduce excessive reclamation activity on target TS7700 Clusters.
Copy export enhancements
  • Copy export merge expands the range of possible restore points to include an existing TS7700 tape-attached cluster, regardless of whether that cluster is part of an existing grid, available by service offering only.
  • Copy export acceleration, a new extended option, improves the speed of copy export operations by reducing the number of volumes that store a copy of the recovery database.
Parallel copies and pre-migrations during read mounts
Enhancement to allow copies and pre-migrations within the grid to continue when a private mount occurs.
On-demand capabilities
  • Up to 4 million virtual volumes per TS7700.
    Note: The default maximum number of virtual volumes that is supported is 1 million. Support for additional virtual volumes can be added in 200,000 volume increments up to 4 million total by using FC 5270, Increased virtual volumes. In a grid environment, the number of virtual volumes that is supported is determined by the cluster that has the smallest number of FC 5270, Increased virtual volumes, installed.
  • Up to 496 virtual tape device addresses.
    Note: The default maximum number of virtual devices, (and thus virtual addresses), that are supported is 256. Support for additional virtual devices can be added in 16 drive increments up to 496 total per cluster by using FC 5275, Additional virtual devices. In a grid environment, each cluster can contribute up to 496 virtual tape device addresses. The total maximum number is 496 times the number of grid members.
Incremental capabilities
  • Capacity on Demand allows customers to enable disk capacity in 20 TB and 100 TB increments concurrently.
    • A maximum of 4x #5262 20TB Cache Enablement Features may be selected for any one single order, either Initial order or MES
    • More than 4x #5262 20TB Cache Enablement Features may exist on the machine .
    • If 5x 5262 20TB Cache Enablement Features are desired in one single order, 1x 5263 - 100TB Cache Enablement Feature will be enabled (enforced via e-Config).
    • At least 1 TB of licensed capacity must be enabled on the next set of drawer pairs (through features #5262 and #5263) before the next drawer pair may be installed. Adding physical drawer pairs without at least 1 TB of licensed capacity enabled is not supported.
    • Features #5262 and #5263 should be ordered on 3957-VED model.
    • At least one feature #5262 20 TB or #5263 100 TB cache enablement increment minimum must be plant installed.

    For more details, please see: https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/ts7700-virtual-tape/5.0?topic=codes-capacity-demand.

    The TS7770 Cache Controller Model CSB and TS7770 Cache Module Model XSB
    • up to 780 TB* usable capacity in a base frame only configuration (1 CSB + 9 XSBs).
    • up to 2.36 PB usable capacity in a base frame with one expansion frame fully populated with 20 drawers (2 CSBs + 18 XSBs)
    • up to 3.94 PB usable capacity in a base frame with two expansion frames fully populated with 20 drawers (2 CSBs + 18 XSBs)

    Release 5 delivers 10 TB 7.2K SAS disk drives with 157 TB usable capacity per drawer pair. Using the ENERGY STAR-compliant IBM Storwize V5030E model, the TS7770 cache enclosures must be installed in pairs, two drawers at a time. Additional pairs of XSB drawers now support concurrent expansion, which is unique to the TS7770 model.

  • Host data transfer performance (increments of 100 MB/sec up to 4000 MB/sec) for the TS7700 FC 5268, 100 MB/sec Increment enables a 100-MB/sec increment of peak data throughput. One instance of FC 9268 is shipped standard and a maximum of 39 instances of FC 5268, 100 MB/sec Increment can be added. When the maximum number of these instances is installed, the system does not restrict peak data throughput. Unrestricted peak data throughput is not constrained by system requirements and the use of "unrestricted" does not imply unlimited peak data throughput.
  • 1 TB Active Premigration Queue (FC 5274) designates that up to 1 TB of data across all tape-managed and cloud-managed partitions may be waiting to be written to a physical tape cartridge or cloud storage. One instance of FC 5274 is required on a TS7700C or TS7700T. Up to 10 instances of FC 5274 may be installed. 5 TB Active Premigration Queue (#5279) designates that up to 5 TB of additional data across all tape-managed and cloud-managed partitions may be waiting to be written to a physical tape cartridge or to cloud storage. All 10 instances of FC 5274 are required before the first instance of FC 5279 may be installed. Up to 10 instances of FC 5279 may be installed. Once all 10 instances of FC 5274 and 10 instances of FC 5279 are installed, the size of the premigration queues is unconstrained by these feature codes and is limited only by the size of the disk repository.
Compression optimization
Compression methods that are available:
  • FICON Compression - compression that is performed by the hardware (FICON adapters).
  • LZ4 Compression - software compression that uses an LZ4 algorithm. This compression method is faster and uses less CPU than the ZSTD method but it gives a lower compression ratio than ZSTD.
  • ZSTD Compression - software compression that uses a Zstandard algorithm. This compression method gives a higher compression ratio than LZ4 but is slower and uses more CPU than LZ4.
Logical WORM
Emulates physical Write Once, Read Many (WORM) and leverages the host software support of physical WORM media.
Host override for cache residency
A library request (LI REQ) command option that is used to change the way virtual volumes are managed in the tape volume cache. The option temporarily overrides the virtual volume's preference group while the volume is in cache. It also keeps a virtual volume in cache for a longer time by making it appear as the most recently accessed volume.
Control Unit Initiated Reconfiguration (CUIR)
A library request (LI REQ) command option that automates offline/online device actions to minimize manual operator intervention during selected service or upgrade actions.
Selective write protect for disaster recovery testing
An option configurable from the TS7700 Management Interface that permits exclusion of up to 32 categories from a cluster's write protect enablement.
This function permits the emulation of disaster recovery events by performing test operations at a disaster recovery site within a TS7700 Grid configuration.
Flash copy for disaster recovery testing
An operation, performed as a sequence of LI REQ commands, which mimics the consistency or inconsistency of a disaster recovery site at time zero of a simulated disaster, emulating a true disaster scenario as closely as possible.
Device allocation assistance (DAA)
For a specific mount, returns to the host a list of prioritized clusters to determine which cluster is best configured to direct a device allocation.
Scratch allocation assistance (SAA)
For a scratch mount, returns to the host a list of candidate clusters for the allocation request. The list of candidate clusters is a subset of all clusters in the grid that have a specific Management Class construct value. When the Scratch Mount Candidate option is selected for a Management Class, SAA returns the list of clusters specified by that Management Class. A scratch allocation request is then directed to that specific set of clusters.
Preferred migration of scratch volumes
Enhancement to migrate scratch volumes prior to non-scratch volumes.
Selective device access control
Creation of library port access groups that permit segmentation of resources and authorization by controlling access to library data ports.
Note: FC 5271, Selective Device Access Control, enables this function. Each feature code key enables definition of up to eight selective device access groups, excluding the default group in the count. A feature key needs to be installed on all clusters in the grid per eight groups before the function becomes enabled.
Remote mount IP link failover
Intelligent failover during remote mounts improves availability of remote mount connections through use of alternate links.
Advanced policy management functions
Such as:
  • Physical volume pooling
  • Virtual volume copies on separate physical volumes
  • Extension of virtual volume size
  • Multiple reclamation policies
  • Grid replication policies
  • Cache retention policies
Support for IPv6
Support for the IPv6 protocol standard and its associated improvements in security, auto configuration, larger packets, mobile connections, and quality of service.
Security enhancements
  • System Storage Productivity Center (SSPC) integration
  • Native LDAP support with z/OS RACF
  • Audit logging
  • Security audit SNMP trap definition filters
  • Remote support security
Enhancements for Reliability, Availability, and Serviceability (RAS)
  • Machine-reported product data - vital product data (MRPD-VPD) enhancements
  • Assist on Site (AOS) enhancements
Important: Ask your IBM service representative to receive the most current level of TS7700 microcode. With Remote Code Load (RCL) service, the microcode will not come from an IBM service representative. It needs to be installed by the RCL team.