HYDME0590W Only two clusters in the grid are online and not in Service mode. The system is susceptible to a single point of failure when only one cluster is online and not in Service mode. Select Prepare for Service Mode to continue placing the cluster in Service mode.


While it is possible in cases of emergency to have only one cluster in a grid configuration not in Service mode, it is strongly recommended against for the following reasons:
  1. Only one cluster will remain operational, creating a single point of failure.
  2. High availability will no longer be accessible.
  3. Copy redundancy will no longer be available.
  4. The two sites exiting Service mode will simultaneously catch up on new copies, increasing the impact on the source site for copy material.
  5. The recovery path for error scenarios will become more complex.
  6. I/O bandwidth may be reduced up to 2/3 as the number of virtual devices into the composite library is reduced.