Manage sessions

Use this page to manage the number of users logged into a TS7700 Cluster.

Note: This page is displayed only when the user is an administrator or has permission to manage user sessions.

Each user logged into a cluster's management interface consumes some available system memory. To prevent a depletion of memory, the TS7700 Management Interface limits the number of users logged into a cluster at one time to 50.

If the maximum number of users has been reached and an additional user attempts to log in, an error message is displayed. If the user attempting to log in has permission to manage other users' sessions, then the Manage Sessions page is also displayed.

Logged in Users
This table displays all users logged into a given cluster. You can use this table to view all users logged in and to log out one or more users.
The name of a user logged into the cluster. As the current user, you are not listed among the users that can be logged out.
Last Accessed
The date and time a given user logged into the cluster. The table is sorted according to values in this column, with the oldest login event listed first.
To log out one or more users, check the box in the Select column next to each Username to be logged out, then click the Logout button. When a sufficient number of users have been logged out, a message is displayed indicating you can try to login again. Log out and login again.