Library request command

Use LI REQ Command to invoke host library request commands from within the TS7700 Management Interface.

The LI REQ Command window is minimized and docked at the bottom of the management interface frame by default. Click the restore window icon at the bottom right of the browser window to open the LI REQ Command window.

The library request command is sometimes called the Host Console Request function and is initiated from a z/OS host to a composite or distributed library within a TS7700 Grid. You can use this function to request information about the TS7700 or perform operations at an attached library, such as adding management features.

Table 1. LI REQ Command window elements. You can use the LI REQ Command window to invoke host commands without leaving the management interface.
Library ID Drop-down list of all available library IDs. If a cluster is offline, then the cluster ID is disabled.
Command arguments Operation keywords and optional parameters. See z/OS I/O definitions for a complete list.

Enter up to 4 keywords separated by commas or spaces. The maximum number of characters per keyword is 8.

Similar to the Unix command line, this field remembers the last 10 commands entered. Press the up arrow key to display previously submitted commands.

Click Send or press Enter to invoke the command.

Save icon Click the Save icon to download the content of the command output area as a text file with the default name mi_li_req_output.txt.
Command output area Window that displays up to 50 lines of command output as read-only text. This area shows any command in progress and arguments and resulting output.
The LI REQ Command window is persistent while your session is active. However, the command output is stored in browser memory and is lost if you log out, close the browser, or refresh the server. To retain command output during long-running commands, save command output frequently.