HYDIN0967W (OP0967) Excessive number of logical volumes in the premigration queue.


The number of logical volumes queued for premigration has reached over the excessive amount of 200,000. When the number of logical volumes in the premigration queue reaches 250,000 or more, the TS7700 will throttle host and copy workloads.

Operator response

  1. Ensure there are at least two physical tape drives online to the TS7700.
  2. Ensure there are physical scratch tapes available to the TS7700.
  3. Ensure the physical library is in the ready state (enclosure doors are closed, no hardware errors).
  4. Ensure the physical library is not out of allocated storage slots.
  5. Ensure the TS7700 is not in maintenance mode.
  6. You should not clear this intervention. The system will clear this intervention automatically when the number of logical volumes on the premigration queue falls below 195,000.

