HYDIN0901W (OP0901)The TS7700 cache string String type Type lost communication with the primary
Encryption Key Server.
The TS7700 cache subsystem cannot communicate with the Encryption Key Server for one
of the following reasons:
The TS7700 cache subsystem cannot communicate with the key server on the ethernet network. Check
the network infrastructure for failed components. Verify network connectivity using the TS7700
EKMping function on the Management Interface.
The internal switches are not functioning correctly or were turned off.
The ethernet cables from the cache string to the internal switches are not connected correctly
or not giving link.
Operator response
An administrator can check the connection between the cluster and the Encryption Key Server. To
do this, execute the Ping Test on the Encryption Key Server Settings panel of the TS7700 management
interface. If the test pass, contact your next level of support to check TSS7700 internal
This intervention will be cleared automatically when communication with the primary Encryption
Key Server from the cache string have been restored. It can also be cleared by the operator.
If the problem persists, contact your IBM service representative.