Physical tape drive details
Use this page to view a summary of the state of all physical drives accessible to the IBM® TS7700 Cluster.
If the cluster does not possess a physical library, the Physical Tape Drives page is not visible on the TS7700 management interface.
To view details for a specific physical drive:
- From the Physical Tape Drives page, navigate to the Physical Tape Drives table.
- Click the radio button next to the serial number of the physical drive in question.
- Select Details from the Select Action drop-down menu.
- Click Go to open the Physical Tape Drives Details page.
- Physical Drive Details
- The Physical Drives Details table displays detailed information
for a specific physical tape drive, including:
- Drive Serial Number
- The serial number of the physical drive.
- Drive Type
- The machine type and model number of the drive. Possible values
- 3592J1A
- 3592E05
- 3592E05E
- A 3592 E05 drive that is encryption capable.
- 3592E06
- 3952E07
- 3592E08
- 359260F
- 359260G
- Online
- Whether the drive is currently online.
Note that the TS7700 and the 3584 Tape Library might report different online status for a drive. This is because the TS7700 connects to the drive over a Fibre Channel interface, while the 3584 connects over an RS422 interface. If this occurs, contact your IBM Service representative.
- Health
- The health of the physical drive. This value is obtained automatically
at times determined by the TS7700.
Possible values are:
- OK
- The drive is fully functioning.
- The drive is functioning but reporting errors. Action should be taken to correct the errors.
- The drive is functioning but at lesser redundancy and performance.
- The drive is not functioning and immediate action should be taken to correct it.
- The drive is out of service or could not be reached within a certain time frame.
- The health status is unknown or undetermined.
- Role
- The current role the drive is performing. Possible values are:
- The drive is currently not in use.
- The drive is being used to copy a virtual volume from the tape volume cache to physical volume.
- The drive is being used to recall a virtual volume from a physical volume to the tape volume cache.
- The drive is being used as the source of a reclaim operation.
- The drive is being used as the target of a reclaim operation.
- The drive is currently being used to export a volume.
- The drive is being used to erase expired volumes from the physical volume securely and permanently.
- Encryption
- Whether encryption is enabled or disabled on the drive.Note: If you are monitoring this field while changing the encryption status of a drive, the new status will not display until you bring the TS7700 Cluster offline and then return it to an online state.
- Mounted Physical Volume
- VOLSER of the physical volume mounted by the drive. This field will be blank if the drive is IDLE.
- Recording Format
- The format the drive is operating in. Possible values are:
- J1A
- The drive is operating with J1A data.
- E05
- The drive is operating with E05 data.
- E05E
- The drive is operating with E05E encrypted data.
- E06
- The drive is operating with E06 data.
- E06E
- The drive is operating with E06E encrypted data.
- E07
- The drive is operating with E07 data.
- E07E
- The drive is operating with E07E encrypted data.
- E08
- The drive is operating with E08 data.
- E08E
- The drive is operating with E08E encrypted data.
- 55F
- The drive is operating with 55F data.
- 55FE
- The drive is operating with 55FE encrypted data.
- 60F
- The drive is operating with 60F data.
- 60FE
- The drive is operating with 60FE encrypted data.
- Not Available
- The format is unable to be determined because there is no physical media in the drive or the media is being erased.
- Unavailable
- The format is unable to be determined because the Health and Monitoring checks have not yet completed. Refresh the current page to determine whether the format state has changed. If the Unknown state persists for one hour or longer, contact your IBM Service Representative.
- Requested Physical Volume
- The VOLSER of the physical volume requested for mount. If no physical volume is requested, this field is blank.
- The World Wide Node Name used to locate the drive.
- Frame
- The frame in which the drive resides.
- Row
- The row in which the drive resides.
- Encryption Enabled
- Whether encryption is enabled on the
drive.Note: If you are monitoring this field while changing the encryption status of a drive, the new status will not display until you bring the TS7700 Cluster offline and then return it to an online state.
- Encryption Capable
- Whether the drive is capable of encryption.
- Role
- The current role
the drive is performing. Possible values are:
- The drive is currently not in use.
- The drive is being used to copy a virtual volume from the tape volume cache to physical volume.
- The drive is being used to recall a virtual volume from a physical volume to the tape volume cache.
- The drive is being used as the source of a reclaim operation.
- The drive is being used as the target of a reclaim operation.
- The drive is currently being used to export a volume.
- The drive is being used to erase expired volumes from the physical volume securely and permanently.
- Physical Volume
- VOLSER of the physical volume mounted by the drive. This field will be blank if the drive is IDLE.
- Pool
- The pool name of the physical volume mounted by the drive. This field will be blank if the drive is IDLE.
- Virtual Volume
- VOLSER of the virtual volume being processed by the drive. This field will be blank if the drive is IDLE or if media is being erased.
Click the Back button to return to the Physical Tape Drives page.