Storage Groups
Learn how to add, modify, copy, or delete a storage group that is used to define a primary pool for virtual volume pre-migration.
- Create a storage group
- Modify an existing storage group
- Copy an existing storage group
- Copy an existing storage group from the accessing cluster to another cluster in the grid
- Delete one or more storage groups
- Name
- The name of the storage group. The value in this field must be between 1 and 8 characters in
length. Each storage group within a cluster or cluster pair must
have a unique name. Valid characters for this field
A-Z, 0-9, $, @, and #
The first character of this field cannot be a number. This is the only field that cannot be modified once added. - Cloud Premigration Rank
- This field represents which Cloud Pool will be used for logical volumes that offload to an object store. The logical volume's corresponding storage class determines which disk partition is used and this field determines which object store pool is used. Logical volumes, which exist in the resident only partition, will ignore this setting, unless they are moved to a partition through a mount/demount or LIB REQ PARTRFSH operation.
- Object Prefix
- This field represents what optional prefix will be prepended to the target object store key name or object name. This allows you to separate objects by workload within the target object store.
- Primary Pool
- The primary pool for pre-migration. Only validated physical primary pools may be selected. This
column is only visible if the cluster possesses a physical library. If the cluster does not possess
a physical library, the management interface categorizes newly created storage groups by using pool
1.Note: For the TS7700 Tape Attach, the primary pool of the storage group is applied only to logical volumes not residing in cache partition 0.
- Description
- A description of the storage group.
Use the drop-down menu on the Storage Groups table to add a new storage group or modify, copy, or delete an existing storage group.
The following is the format that is used when storing logical volumes in an object store.
? PREFIX ? User provided prefix in Storage Group
? XXXX ? 16-bit hexadecimal random value for object store hashing performance
? COMPLIB ? Five-digit composite library ID of grid who created object
? DISTLIB ? Five digit distributed library ID of cluster who created object
? SERIAL ? Five character serial number of cluster who created object
? VOLSER ? Six character volume serial that is being saved as an object
? INSERT ? Token Insert Level at the time the object was created.
? DATA ? Token Data Level at the time the object was created.
? DATETIME ? YYYYMMDDHHMMSS UTC time of when object was created
? GRD123/ba65/BA092/BA92A/H1233/CLD003/120/100/201710250526
? fossilman/0b31/BA099/BA99A/H9840/ZKM000/106/103/20180613102558