MT 3952/3956/3957 feature details

This topic describes feature codes for 3952/3956/3957 Machine Types.

FC 0201, 9 Micron LC/LC 31 Meter

This feature provides one 31 meter (101 ft.) 9 micron single mode fibre cable with LC Duplex connectors on both ends, for connection between the Long Wavelength FICON Channel feature and a host system or fibre component long wavelength channel with a 9 micron fibre cable LC Duplex adapter.

Refer to FC 0201 in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 0203, 50-micron LC/LC 31-meter

This feature provides one 31 meter (101 ft.) 50 micron multimode fibre cable with LC Duplex connectors on both ends, for connection between the Short Wavelength FICON Channel feature and a host system or fibre component short wavelength channel with a 50 micron fibre cable LC Duplex adapter.

Refer to FC 0203 in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 0983, TAA Compliance

FC 0983, TAA Compliance, indicates that the product is TAA compliant. This feature specifies that the machine shipment is to comply with the U.S. Trade Agreements Act for USA orders only.

For requirements and other information, refer to FC 0983 in Table 1.

FC 1034, Enable Second Port Grid Connection

This feature enables the second port of the dual port 1 Gb, quad port 1Gb, or dual port 10 Gb Grid Connection adapters provided by #1032, #1033, #1036, #1037, #1038, #1039, #1041. (#1041 will go out with Phase II RFA)

Refer to FC 1034 in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 1036, 1 Gb grid dual port copper connection

FC 1036, 1 Gb grid dual port copper connection provides a dual port 1-Gbps 10/100/1000 Base-TX PCIe Ethernet adapter for grid communication between TS7700s with a single port enabled. This adapter has an RJ-45 connector for attaching Cat6 cables. It conforms to the IEEE 802.3ab 1000 Base-T standard. It supports distances of up to 100 meters using four pairs of Cat6 balanced copper cabling. This feature is supported only on a 3957-V07, 3957-VEB, or 3957-VEC operating a microcode level of 8.20.0.xx or later.

When FC 4015, Grid enablement, is installed customer-supplied Cat6 cables must be used with this adapter.

Refer to FC 1036, 1Gb grid dual port copper connection in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 1038, 10 Gb Quad Port Grid Optical LW Connection

This feature provides a dual port 10-Gbps Ethernet longwave adapter for Grid Communication between TS7700s. This adapter has an LC Duplex connector for attaching 9 micron single mode fibre cable. It is a standard longwave (1,310 nm) adapter conforming to the IEEE 802.3ae standards. It supports distances up to 10 km.

Refer to FC 1038 in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 1039, 1 Gb Grid Quad Port Copper Connection

This feature provides a quad port 1-Gbps 10/100/1000Base-TX PCIe Ethernet adapter for Grid Communication between TS7700s with a single port enabled. This adapter has an RJ-45 connector for attaching Cat6 cables. This adapter conforms to the IEEE 802.3ab 1000Base-T standard. It supports distances of up to 100 meters using four pairs of Cat6 balanced copper cabling.

Customer supplied Cat6 cables must be used with the adapter when Grid Enablement (#4015) is installed.

Refer to FC 1039 in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 1041, 10 Gb Dual Port Grid Optical LW Connection

This feature provides a dual port 10 Gbps Ethernet longwave adapter for Grid Communication between TS7700s and replaces #1038. The adapter has an LC Duplex connector for attaching 9 micron single mode fibre cable. It is a standard longwave (1,310 nm) adapter conforming to the IEEE 802.3ae standards. The adapter supports up to 10 km distance.

  • This adapter cannot negotiate down to run at 1 Gb.
  • This adapter is only for TS7770 installations and is not supported in TS7760.
Refer to 1041 in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 1776, US RoHS Indicator

The state of Wisconsin requires RoHS compliant equipment. This feature will be selected as needed in the configurator for equipment that will be shipped to or used in Wisconsin.

Refer to FC 1776 in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 1903, Power Distribution Unit

FC 1903, Power Distribution Unit, provides one additional PDU to allow connection to independent branch power circuits. This feature supplies two power cords when ordered.

Refer to FC 1903 in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 1913, Single Phase Power Distribution Unit (F07)

This feature provides two 12 outlet PDUs to allow connection to independent branch power circuits. It replaces FC 1912.

Refer to FC 1913 in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 1913, Single Phase Power Distribution Unit (VED)

This feature provides two 12 outlet PDUs to allow connection to independent branch power circuits. It replaces FC 1912.

Refer to FC 1913 in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 2704, TSSC expansion 26-port Ethernet switch/rackmount

FC 2704, TSSC expansion 26-port Ethernet switch/rackmount, provides a 26-port Ethernet switch and attachment cable for connection to a IBM® TSSC (TSSC). Up to 24 additional connections are provided by this feature for connection of TSSC FC 2714, 2715, or another FC 2704.

Refer to FC 2704 in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 2715, Console attachment

FC 2715, Console attachment, provides a cable to attach to a TSSC.

Refer to FC 2715, Console attachment in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 3401, Enable FICON second port

FC 3401, Enable FICON second port, enables the second port on each installed FICON adapter.

Refer to FC 3401, Enable FICON dual port for requirements and other information.

Note: Unless No Factory Cables (FC 9700) has been selected, two cables are required for each active FICON port. When installing FC 3401, include two FC 0201 cables for each FC 3403 FICON card configured, and two FC 0203 for each FC 3402 FICON card configured.

FC 3402, 16 Gb SW FICON Adapter

This feature provides one short-wavelength FICON adapter with an LC Duplex con-nector. One port is active by default. The adapter attaches to a FICON host system short wave channel utilizing a 50 micron or 62.5 micron multimode fibre cable. Each FICON attachment can support up to 512 logical channels.

Refer to FC 3402 in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 3403, 16 Gb Long Wavelength FICON Adapter

This feature provides one long-wavelength FICON adapter, with an LC Duplex connector. One port is active by default. The adapter attaches to a FICON host system long wave channel utilizing a 9-micron single-mode fibre cable. The total cable length cannot exceed 10 km. Each FICON attachment can support up to 512 logical channels.

Refer to FC 3403, 16 Gb FICON Long Wavelength Attachment in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 3438, 8 Gb FICON Short Wavelength Attachment

FC 3438, 8 Gb FICON® Short Wavelength Attachment provides one short-wavelength FICON adapter with an LC Duplex connector, for attachment to a FICON host system short wave channel utilizing a 50 micron or 62.5 micron multimode fibre cable. Each FICON attachment can support up to 512 logical channels. At 8 Gb/sec speed, the total cable length cannot exceed:
  • 150 meters using 50 micron OM3 (2000MHz*km) Aqua blue colored fibre
  • 50 meters using 50 micron OM2 (500MHz*km) Orange colored fibre
  • 21 meters using 62.5 micron OM1 (200MHz*km) Orange colored fibre

Refer to FC 3438, 8 Gb FICON Short Wavelength Attachment in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 3439, 8 Gb FICON Long Wavelength Attachment

FC 3439, 8 Gb FICON Long Wavelength Attachment provides one long-wavelength FICON adapter, with an LC Duplex connector, for the attachment to a FICON host system long wave channel utilizing a 9-micron single-mode fibre cable. The total cable length cannot exceed 10 km. Each FICON attachment can support up to 512 logical channels.
Note: This feature is not supported in TS7770.

Refer to FC 3439, 8 Gb FICON Long Wavelength Attachment in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 3466, 32 GB memory upgrade

FC 3466, 32 GB memory upgrade, provides an additional 32 GB RAM to the TS7700 Server.

Refer to FC 3466, 32 GB memory upgrade in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 3479, 64GB DDR 4 memory upgrade for P9 based VED

This feature adds 64 GB of DDR 4 memory to new or existing 3957 VED for a total of 128 GB. Qty 1 FC 3479 (64GB) is required for all VED that runs on R5.3 or above.

Refer to FC 3479 in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 4015, Grid Enablement

This feature delivers a key to enable the communication function that would allow communication with other TS7700s in a Grid configuration. A path to each TS7700 must be enabled on one of the G Nodes. Each TS7700 in a Grid must enable communication with other TS7700s in the configuration.

Refer to FC 4015 in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 4016, Remove Cluster from Grid

This feature delivers instructions for a one time process to remove a cluster from a Grid. This is required before a Cluster Cleanup can be performed on any cluster which is configured to participate in a Grid. If this cluster is returned to service after the cleanup is performed, and it joins a Grid, another instance of #4016 is required if the cluster will be removed from the new Grid.

Refer to FC 4016 in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 4017,Cluster Cleanup

This feature facilitates a one-time Cluster Cleanup, to clean the database, delete logical volumes from the Tape Volume Cache, and removing configuration data for host connections from a TS7700 cluster. Before the cleanup can occur, a cluster with #4015, Grid Enable, must be removed from the Grid using #4016. If another cleanup is required on this cluster, another instance of #4017 is required.

Refer to FC 4017 in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 4643, Rack Mount Kit VED with CSB

The Rack Mount kit delivers the mounting hardware, required to install the TS7700 Server in a customer provided 19" rack.

Refer to FC 4643 in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 4649, Rack Mount Kit VED with CFC

The Rack Mount kit delivers the mounting hardware required to install the TS7700 Server in a customer provided 19" rack.

Refer to FC 4649 in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 4651, Rack Mount Kit XFC

The Rack Mount kit delivers the mounting hardware and cables required to install the TS7700 Expansion Controller in a customer provided 19" rack along with a rack mounted TS7700 Server.

Refer to FC 4651 in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 4694, Initial Order XSB Customer Rack

This feature allows the initial order of a TS7700 Cache Module into a customer installed Rack. This feature must be ordered on the 3957 VED and the Rack Install feature FC 4648 must appear on the 3956 model XSB TS7700 Cache Module order.

Refer to FC 4694 in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 4746, Remove 3956-CX6

FC 4746, Remove 3956-CX6, provides the instructions to remove a TS7740 Cache Drawer (3956-CX6) from an installed 3952 Tape Frame.

Refer to FC 4746, Remove 3956-CX6 in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 4879, TS7700 BE Switch Mounting Hardware

FC 4879, TS7700 BE Switch Mounting Hardware, provides mounting hardware for two Fibre Channel switches including rack brackets and power cords.

Refer to FC 4879, TS7700 BE Switch Mounting Hardware in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 4880, TS7700 BE 16 Gb Fibre Channel Switch

FC 4880, TS7700 BE 16 Gb Fibre Channel Switch , provides one 16 Gb Fibre channel switch.

Refer to FC 4880, TS7700 BE 16 Gb Fibre Channel Switch in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 4881, 32GB switches in F07 frame

This feature provides two switches that offer FC connectivity to the TS3500/4500 Tape Library along with mounting hardware and associate internal cabling to the VED, to be plant/field installed in the 3948 F07 frame.

Refer to table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 5242, Dual Port 16 Gb Fibre Channel HBA

FC 5242, Dual Port 16 Gb Fibre Channel HBA, delivers two dual-ported 16 Gb Fibre Channel HBAs and associated cables. These HBAs connect to the TS7700 Expansion frame.

FC 5242, Dual Port 16 Gb Fibre Channel HBA is used only for the TS7700 Expansion frames. For situations where customer-supplied Fibre Channel cables connect the TS7700 to the TS7700 Expansion frames, and a 16 Gb/second rate dictates, the following maximum length restrictions apply:
  • 50 μ, 2000 MHz multimode Fibre Channel aqua blue cables cannot exceed 100 meters.
  • 50 μ, 500 MHz multimode Fibre Channel orange cables cannot exceed 35 meters.

Refer to FC 5242, Dual Port 16 Gb Fibre Channel HBA inTable 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 5243, Quad Port 16 Gb FC HBA

This feature delivers two quad-ported 16 Gb Fibre Channel HBAs and associated cables. These HBAs connect to the TS7700 #7338 Expansion frame.

Refer to FC 5243 in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 5262, 20 TB cache enablement

This feature enables a 20 TB increment of disk cache to store user data. Feature Type: Chargeable.

Refer to Capacity on Demand for table showing 20TB and then 100 TB increments.

Refer to FC 5262 in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

Note: The capacity on demand is related to physical cache size. It is not related to compression.

FC 5263, 100TB cache enablement

This feature enables a 100TB increment of disk cache to store user data.

Refer to Capacity on Demand for table showing 20TB and then 100 TB increments.

Refer to FC 5263 in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

Note: The capacity on demand is related to physical cache size. It is not related to compression.

FC 5268, 100 MB/sec Increment

This feature delivers a key to enable an additional 100 MB/sec increment of potential Peak Data Throughput. Enabling a data throughput increment does not guarantee that the overall Virtualization Engine will perform at that data throughput level.

Refer to FC 5268 in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 5270, Increased Logical Volumes

Each instance of this feature increases the number of logical volumes supported by 200,000. Up to one million Logical Volumes are supported by default. Up to four million Logical Volumes are supported with the maximum quantity of fifteen feature #5270 installed.
Note: In a Grid configuration, feature #5270 must be installed on every cluster in the Grid to increase the number of supported logical volumes in that Grid. The number of logical volumes supported in a Grid is set by the cluster with the smallest number of feature #5270 increments installed.

Refer to FC 5270 in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 5271, Selective Device Access Control

This feature authorizes the use of a set of Management Class policies that allow only certain logical control units or subsystem ids within a composite library to have exclusive access to one or more volumes.
Note: In a Grid configuration, feature #5271 must be installed on every cluster in the Grid before any Selective Device Access Control policies can be defined in that Grid.

Refer to FC 5271 in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 5272, Disk Enabled Encryption

This feature delivers the product license key required to enable disk-based encryption.
Note: For TS7770, Feature #5272 Disk Enabled Encryption is not available for field Install on the TS7770 and needs to be shipped from manufacturing with the Feature code already installed.

Refer to FC 5272 in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 5273, TS7770 Tape Attach

Enable this TS7770 to be connected to a TS3500 or TS4500 Tape Library with Machine Type 3952 tape drives dedicated to the TS7700.

Refer to FC 5273 in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 5274, Enable 1 TB Pending Tape Capacity

Each instance of feature 5274 enables 1 TB of data in the active pre-migration queue for back-end tape or cloud data.

Refer to FC 5274 in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 5275, Additional virtual devices

Each instance of feature 5275 enables up to 16 additional virtual devices (virtual tape drives).

Note: Installation of those feature requires SMIT (the system management interface tool). For more information contact your IBM Service Representative.

Refer to FC 5275 in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 5276, Disk encrypt - External key manager

This feature delivers the product license key required to enable disk-based encryption using keys managed by an external key manager.
  • All TS7770 configurations with any encryption type enabled will ALWAYS ship with local key management enabled first.
  • Once a TS7770 with feature #5272 is configured in a customer environment and able to communicate with an external key server, then feature #5276 can be activated to transition to external key management.

Refer to FC 5276 in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 5277, External Disk Encryption Certificate - Field

FC 5277, External Disk Encryption Certificate - Field, delivers a DVD containing a PKCS #12 file containing the X.509 certificate required for communication with the external key manager.

Refer to FC 5277, External Disk Encryption Certificate - Field in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 5278, Enable Cloud Storage Tier

Enables transparent cloud tiering for cloud storage behind TS7700.

Refer to FC 5278 in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 5279, 5 TB Active Pre-Migration Queue

Each instance of feature 5279 enables 5 TB of data in the active pre-migration queues for back-end tape or cloud data.

Refer to FC 5279 in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 5281, Secure Data Transfer

FC 5281 (SDT) is required on any cluster sending or receiving encrypted data across a grid link.

Refer to FC 5281 in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 5282, DS8000 Object Store

This feature allows the TS7700 to store Objects from DS8000.

Refer to FC_5282 in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 5512, TSSC KVM display, Keyboard, mouse

FC 5283, TS770 Advanced Object Store for DS8000

This feature allows TS7700 to store DFSMShsm object data from DS8000.

Refer to FC 5283 in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 5630, Install 3957-VEC

FC 5630, Install 3957-VEC, allows installation of a TS7700 Server in a 3952 Tape Frame. This feature occurs on the 3952 Tape Frame order.

You must also order FC 9350, Plant Install against the TS7700 Server when ordering this feature.

Refer to FC 5630, Install 3957-VEC in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 5657, Plant installation of 3956-CSA

FC 5657, Plant installation of 3956-CSA, allows the factory installation of a TS7700 Cache Controller (3956-CSA) into a new 3952 Tape Frame coming from the plant. This feature occurs on the 3952 Tape Frame order.

You must also order FC 9352, Plant Install, against the 3956-CSA when ordering this feature.

Refer to FC 5657, Plant installation of 3956-CSA in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 5658, Plant installation of 3956-XSA

FC 5658, Plant installation of 3956-XSA, allows the factory installation of a TS7700 Cache Drawer (3956-XSA) into a new 3952 Tape Frame coming from the plant. This feature occurs on the 3952 Tape Frame order.

You must also order FC 9354, Plant Install against the 3956-XSA when ordering this feature.

Refer to FC 5658, Plant installation of 3956-XSA in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 5659, Field installation of 3956-XSA

FC 5659, Field installation of 3956-XSA, allows the field installation of a TS7700 Cache Drawer (3956-XSA) into an existing customer 3952 Tape Frame. This feature occurs on the 3952 Tape Frame order.

You must also order FC 9355, Field merge against the 3956-XSA when ordering this feature.

Refer to FC 5659, Field installation of 3956-XSA in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 5660, Plant installation of 3956-CSA with 8 TB DDMs

FC 5660, Plant installation of 3956-CSA with 8 TB DDMs, allows the factory installation of a TS7700 Cache Controller (3956-CSA) containing 8 TB DDMs into a new 3952 Tape Frame coming from the plant. This feature occurs on the 3952 Tape Frame order.

You must also order FC 9352, Plant Install and FC 7118, 96 TB SAS Storage against the 3956-CSA when ordering this feature.

Refer to FC 5660, Plant installation of 3956-CSA with 8 TB DDMs in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 5661, Plant installation of 3956-XSA with 8 TB DDMs

FC 5661, Plant installation of 3956-XSA with 8 TB DDMs, allows the factory installation of a TS7700 Cache Drawer (3956-XSA) containing 8 TB DDMs into a new 3952 Tape Frame coming from the plant. This feature occurs on the 3952 Tape Frame order.

You must also order FC 9354, Plant Install and FC 7118, 96 TB SAS Storage against the 3956-XSA when ordering this feature.

Refer to FC 5661, Plant installation of 3956-XSA with 8 TB DDMs in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 5662, Field installation of 3956-XSA with 8 TB DDMs

FC 5662, Field installation of 3956-XSA with 8 TB DDMs, allows the field installation of a TS7700 Cache Drawer (3956-XSA) into an existing customer 3952 Tape Frame. This feature occurs on the 3952 Tape Frame order.

You must also order FC 9355, Field merge and FC 7118, 96 TB SAS Storage against the 3956-XSA when ordering this feature.

Refer to FC 5662, Field installation of 3956-XSA with 8 TB DDMs in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 5663, Plant Install 3956 CSB

This feature allows the factory installation of a TS7700 Cache Controller Model CSB into a new 3952 Tape Frame coming from the plant. This feature must appear on the 3952 Tape Frame order, and the Plant Install a 3956 Cache Controller feature #9352 must appear on the TS7700 Cache Controller Model CSB order.

Refer to FC 5663 in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 5664, Plant Install 3956 XSB

This feature allows the factory installation of a TS7700 Cache Module model XSB into a new 3952 Tape Frame coming from the plant. This feature must appear on the 3952 Tape Frame order, and the Plant Install a 3956 Cache Module feature #9354 must appear on the TS7700 Cache Module order.

Refer to FC 5664 in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 5665, Field Install 3956 XSB

This feature allows the field installation of a TS7700 Cache Module into a customer installed 3952 Tape Frame. This feature must be ordered on the 3952 Tape Frame and the Field Merge a 3956 Cache Module feature #9355 must appear on the TS7700 Cache Module order.

Refer to FC 5665 in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 5666, Field Install 3956 CSB

This feature allows the field installation of a TS7700 Cache Controller Model CSB into a customer installed 3952 Tape Frame. This feature must be ordered on the 3952 Tape Frame and the Field Merge a 3956 Cache Controller feature #9353 must appear on the TS7700 Cache Module order.

Refer to FC 5666 in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 5669, Field Install 3956 XFC

This feature allows the field installation of a TS7700 3956-XFC SSD Cache Module into a customer installed 3952 Tape Frame. This feature must be ordered on the 3952-F07 Tape Frame and the Field Merge a 3956-XFC SSD Cache Module feature #9355 must appear on the TS7700 Cache Module order. Feature type: Chargeable.

Refer to 5669 in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 5758, Integrated control path

FC 5758, Integrated control path, provides the Ethernet switches and cables to manage the network address translation between the Management Interface on the customer's network, and the internal TS7700 network.

Refer to FC 5758, Integrated control path in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 5904, Remote Code Load Exception

This feature indicates that the customer requires someone to physically go to the datacenter to do a code load upgrade. This feature has a price and IBM reserves the right to modify the machine records associated with features 5904 and 9904, based on the actual method used to update the code on the customer's unit. Each system requires one of features 5904 or 9904 to be included.

Refer to FC 5904 in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 5995, zTape Air-Gap

This feature provides a low cost alternative customer rack mount solution to replace C06/C07 IBM controllers. FC 5995 offers z Mainframe customers, a cost effective solution using LTO8 tape drives within a TS4300 an air-gap tape drive for exporting tapes for backup and restore.

Refer to FC 5995 in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 5999, High Performance Tape/Cloud Controller

This feature provides a high-performance tape or cloud controller hard bundle with preset feature codes that include Qty 1 FC 3401, Qty 1 FC 4015, Qty 3 FC 5262, Qty 39 FC 5268 and Qty 4 FC 5274.

Refer to FC 5999 in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 7118, 96 TB SAS Storage

FC 7118, 96 TB SAS Storage, installs a complete set of 12 FIPS 140-2 capable, self encrypting, 8 TB, 7,200 rpm, SAS HDDs providing 96 TB unformatted disk storage capacity.
Note: Approximately 62.21 TB useable capacity with dynamic disk pooling.

Refer to FC 7118, 96 TB SAS Storage in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 7119, 120 TB SAS Storage

This feature specifies that this device will be fully loaded with twelve 10 TB, 7,200 rpm, SAS HDDs providing 120 TB raw (78.75TB usable) disk storage capacity for 3956-CSB and 3956-XSB.

Refer to FC 7119 in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 7122, 92.16 TB SSD Storage

This feature specifies this device will be fully loaded with twenty four 3.84 TB, SSDs providing 92.16 TB raw (63TB usable) solid state disk storage capacity for 3956-CFC and 3956-XFC.

Refer to FC 7122 in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 7333, TS7700 Encryption-capable base frame

FC 7333, TS7700 Encryption-capable base frame, identifies a 3952 Tape Frame as an encryption-capable base unit for a TS7760.

Refer to FC 7333, TS7700 Encryption-capable base frame in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 7334, TS7760 Encryption Capable Expansion Frame (VEC section below)

This feature identifies this 3952 Tape Frame as the expansion frame for a TS7760 encryption-capable configuration.
  • Up to two #7334 expansion frames may be attached to the #7333 TS7700 Encryption Capable Base Frame.

Refer to FC 7334 in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 7335 TS7770 Encryption Capable Base Frame

This feature designates the 3952 F06 Tape Frame for use as a TS7770 Encryption-Capable Base Frame.

Refer to FC 7335 in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 7336, TS7700 Encryption Capable Expansion Frame

This feature identifies this 3952 Tape Frame as the expansion frame for a TS7770 encryption-capable configuration. Up to two #7336 expansion frames may be attached to the #7335 or #7337 TS7770 Encryption Capable Base Frame.

Refer to FC 7336 in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 7338, Encryption Capable Expansion Frame

This feature identifies this 3952 Tape Frame as the expansion frame for a TS7770 encryption-capable configuration. Up to two #7338 expansion frames may be attached to the #7335 or #7337 TS7770 Encryption Capable Base Frame.

Refer to FC 7338 in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 7404, Encryption

FC 7404, Encryption, enables the use of disk-based encryption on this device.

Refer to FC 7404 in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 7405, Encryption CSB (USB Flash Drives (Four Pack))

. This feature must be ordered on every 3956-CSB in the TS7770 configuration. It provides four USBs sticks per 3956-CSB to store the local encryption keys. If external key management is enabled later on, then these USB sticks are no longer needed.

Refer to FC 7405 in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 8080, 600GB HDDs in VED

This feature specifies this device will be fully loaded with six 600GB HDDs.

Refer to FC 8080 in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 8081, 775GB SSDs in VED

This feature specifies this device will be fully loaded with six 775GB SSDs.

Refer to FC 8081 in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 8083, 3.84TB SSDs in VED

This feature allows the field or plant installation of 2 x 3.84TB SSDs into empty slots of new or existing VED. It is not available for VEC. This feature must be ordered when ordering FC 5283. This feature specifies the option to add 2 x 3.84TB BSDs. Feature type: Chargeable.

Refer to 8083 in Table 1 requirements and other information.

FC 9000, Mainframe attachment

This feature indicates attachment to System z, ES/3090, ES/9000, S/390, or zSeries hosts.

Refer to 8083 in Table 1 requirements and other information.

FC 9217 Attach to TS7700

FC 9217 Attach to TS7700, indicates that a TS3500 or TS4500 tape library attaches to a TS7700 system.

This feature is available on the TS3500 and TS4500 tape libraries.

Refer to FC 9217, Attach to TS7700 Table 1 in for requirements and other information.

FC 9219, Tape Library Attach

This feature enables the TS7700 Server to attach directly to the TS3500 or TS4500 Tape Library. It's also possible to mount them in a nearby frame or a top hat.
  • Mounting in the customer rack or top hat requires additional FCs.
  • 16-Gb Fibre Channel switch features are required in the 3584 Tape Library frames containing the backend drives.

Refer to FC 9219 Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 9323, R4 Expansion Frame Attachment

This feature identifies this TS7700 base frame 3952 Model F06 or F07 with #7333 has an R4 3952 Model F06 or F07 with #7334 storage expansion frame attached to it.

FC 9323 Expansion frame attachment indicates that a 3952 Tape Frame (base frame) used with a TS7770 or TS7760 is attached to a 3952 Storage Expansion Frame.

Refer to FC 9323 in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 9336, R5 Expansion Frame Attachment

This feature identifies this TS7700 base frame 3952 Model F07 with #7337 has a first 3952 Model F07 with #7338 storage expansion frame attached to it.

Refer to FC 9336 in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 9337, R5 2nd Expansion Frame Attachment

This feature identifies this TS7700 base frame 3952 Model F07 with #7337 has a 2nd R5 3952 Model F07 with #7338 storage expansion frame attached to it.

Refer to FC 9337 in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 9352, Plant Install CSB

This code specifies plant install of a cache controller 3956-CSB into a new 3952 Tape Frame.

Note: This feature must appear on the TS7700 Model CSB order, and the Plant Install feature (#5663) must appear on the 3952 Tape Frame order.

Refer to FC 9352 in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 9353, Field merge CSB

This specify code allows the field merge of a TS7700 Cache Controller Model CSB into a previously installed 3952 Tape Frame.
Note: This feature must appear on the TS7760 Model CSB order, and the Plant Install feature #5666 must appear on the 3952 Tape Frame model F06 or F07 order.

Refer to FC 9353 in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 9354, Plant Install XSB

This code specifies the factory installation of a cache drawer into a new 3952 Tape Frame coming from the plant.

Note: This feature must appear on the TS7760 Model XSB order, and the Plant Install feature #5664 must appear on the 3952 Tape Frame order.

Refer to FC 9354 in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 9355, Field merge XFC

This code specifies the field merge of a cache expansion drawer into a previously installed 3952 Tape Frame.
Note: This feature must appear on the TS7770 Model XFC order, and the Field Merge feature #5669 must appear on the 3952 Tape Frame model F07 order.

Refer to FC 9355 in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 9355, Field merge

This code specifies the field merge of a cache drawer into a previously installed 3952 Tape Frame.
Note: This feature must appear on the TS7760 Model XSB order, and the Plant Install feature #5665 must appear on the 3952 Tape Frame model F07 order.

Refer to FC 9355 in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 9900, Tape Encryption Tape

This feature should be ordered when encryption will be used in a TS3500/TS4500 Tape Library or TS7700 cluster. It includes publication updates with information on enabling and configuring the library (virtual or real) to support encryption. Customer initiated procedures need to be completed for enabling and configuring the TS3500/TS4500 Tape Library or TS7700 cluster to support encryption with the TS11xx encryption capable tape drive.

Refer to FC 9900 in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 9904, Remote Code Load Service

This feature is an indicator that the code load upgrades in the unit will be done remotely. This feature is the default option between features 5904 and 9904 and IBM reserves the right to modify the machine records associated with feature 5904 and 9904, based on the actual method used to update code on the customer's unit. Each system requires one of features 5904 or 9904 to be included.

Refer to FC 9904 in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 990x, To order Hard Copy Pubs to help cost savings

FC 9954, NEMA L6-30 Power Cord

This feature provides a NEMA L6-30 non-watertight 4.3 meter (14 foot) power cord, 200-208, 240 Vac, 24 Amps, used in U.S., Canada, Latin America, and Japan.

Refer to FC 9954 in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 9954, NEMA L6-30 Power Cord (3952-F07)

This feature provides a NEMA L6-30 non-watertight 4.3 meter (14 foot) power cord, 200-208, 240 Vac, 24 Amps, used in U.S., Canada, Latin America, and Japan.

Refer to FC 9954 in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 9955, RS 3750 DP Power Cord

This feature provides a Russellstoll 3750DP Watertight 4.3 meter (14 foot) power cord, 200-208, 240 Vac, 24 Amps, used in U.S, Chicago, Canada, LA, and Japan.

Refer to FC 9955 in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 9955, RS 3750 DP Power Cord (3952-F07)

This feature provides a Russellstoll 3750DP Watertight 4.3 meter (14 foot) power cord, 200-208, 240 Vac, 24 Amps, used in U.S, Chicago, Canada, LA, and Japan.

Refer to FC 9955 in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 9956, IEC 309 Power Cord

This feature provides a IEC 309, p+n+g, 32A, 4.3 meter (14 foot) power cord, 230 Vac, 24 Amps, used in EMEA.

Refer to FC 9956 in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 9957, PDL 4.3 Power Cord

This feature provides a PDL 4.3 meter (14 foot) power cord, 230-240 Vac, 23 Amps, used in Australia and New Zealand.

Refer to FC 9957 in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 9957, PDL 4.3 Power Cord (3952-F07)

This feature provides a PDL 4.3 meter (14 foot) power cord, 230-240 Vac, 23 Amps, used in Australia and New Zealand.

Refer to FC 9957 in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 9958, Korean 4.3m Power Cord

This feature provides a NEMA L6-30 non-watertight 4.3 meter (14 foot) power cord, 200-208, 240 Vac, 24 Amps, with a Korean plug, used in North and South Korea.

Refer to FC 9958 in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 9958, Korean 4.3m Power Cord (3952-F07)

This feature provides a NEMA L6-30 non-watertight 4.3 meter (14 foot) power cord, 200-208, 240 Vac, 24 Amps, with a Korean plug, used in North and South Korea.

Refer to FC 9958 in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 9959, Unterminated Power Cord

This feature provides an unterminated, non-watertight 4.3 meter (14 foot) power cord, 200-208, 240 Vac, 24 Amps power cord with IRAM and BSMI agency certifications. This is the recommended cord for Argentina and Taiwan.

Refer to FC 9959 in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 9959, Unterminated Power Cord (3952-F07)

This feature provides an unterminated, non-watertight 4.3 meter (14 foot) power cord, 200-208, 240 Vac, 24 Amps power cord with IRAM and BSMI agency certifications. This is the recommended cord for Argentina and Taiwan.

Refer to FC 9959 in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 9966, China Unterminated Power Cord

This feature provides an unterminated, non-watertight 4.3 meter (14 foot), 200-208, 240 Vac, 24 Amps power cord with CCC agency certification. This is the recommended power cord for China.

Refer to FC 9966 in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC 9966, China Unterminated Power Cord (3952-F07)

This feature provides an unterminated, non-watertight 4.3 meter (14 foot), 200-208, 240 Vac, 24 Amps power cord with CCC agency certification. This is the recommended power cord for China.

Refer to FC 9966 in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC AG00, Shipping and Handling - No charge (3952-F07)

This feature indicates there are no shipping and handling charge added to the order.

Refer to FC AG00 in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC AG00, Shipping and Handling - No charge (3956-XFC)

This feature indicates that there are no shipping and handling charge added to the order

Refer to in FC AG00 Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC AG00, Shipping and Handling - No charge (3956-CSB)

This feature indicates that there are no shipping and handling charge added to the order

Refer to in FC AG00 Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC AG00, Shipping and Handling - No charge (3956-XSB)

This feature indicates that there are no shipping and handling charge added to the order

Refer to in FC AG00 Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC AGGA, Shipping and Handling

This feature indicates each 3952 Tape Frame on the order will have a shipping and handling charge added to the order.

Refer to FC AGGA in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC AGGU, Shipping and Handling - No charge (3956-CSB)

This feature indicates there will be shipping and handling charge.

Refer to FC AGGU in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC AGGV, Shipping and Handling - No Charge

This feature indicates that there is no shipping and handling charge added to the order.

Refer to FC AGGV in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC AGGV, Shipping and Handling - XFC

This feature indicates that there is no shipping and handling charge added to the order.

Refer to FC AGGV in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC AGK0, Ship with R4.0 Machine Code

FC AGK0, Ship with R4.0 Machine Code, instructs factory installation of the latest manufacturing level of R4.0 machine code on the TS7700.
Note: The machine code levels on the 3957-VEC server and the 3952 F06 or F07 frames must be the same.

Refer to FC AGK0 in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC AGKE, Ship with R4.1 Machine Code

FC AGKE, Ship with R4.1 Machine Code, instructs factory installation of the latest manufacturing level of R4.1.1 machine code on the TS7700.
Note: The machine code levels on the 3957-VEC server and the 3952 F06 or F07 frames must be the same.

Refer to FC AGKE in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC AGKR, Ship with R4.1.2 Machine Code

FC AGKE, Ship with R4.1 Machine Code, instructs factory installation of the latest manufacturing level of R4.1.1 machine code on the TS7700.
Note: The machine code levels on the 3957-VEC server and the 3952 F06 or F07 frames must be the same.

Refer to FC AGKE in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC AGKT, Ship with R5.0 Machine Code

Instructs Manufacturing to load the latest manufacturing level of Release 5.0 machine code on TS7700. For Field orders of R5.0 machine code #AGKT, micro-code must be ordered via Super Shipper. The Field order of #AGKT allows for R5.0 machine code level prerequisite requirements on certain hardware features. This feature in itself does not provide microcode items. A one page flyer with instructions on how to order machine code via Super Shipper is provided.

Refer to FC AGKT in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC AGKU, Ship with R5.1 Machine Code

Instructs Manufacturing to load the latest manufacturing level of Release 5.1 machine code on TS7700. For Field orders of R5.1 machine code #AGKU, microcode must be ordered via Super Shipper. The Field order of #AGKU allows for R5.1 machine code level prerequisite requirements on certain hardware features. This feature in itself does not provide microcode items. A one-page flyer with instruction on how to order machine code via Super Shipper is provided

Refer to FC AGKV in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC AGKV, Ship with R5.2 Machine Code

Instructs Manufacturing to load the latest manufacturing level of Release 5.2 machine code on TS7700. For Field orders of R5.2 machine code #AGKV, microcode must be ordered via Super Shipper. The Field order of #AGKV allows for R5.2 machine code level prerequisite requirements on certain hardware features. This feature in itself does not provide microcode items. A one-page flyer with instruction on how to order machine code via Super Shipper is provided.

Refer to FC AGKV in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC AGKW, Ship with R5.3 Machine Code

Instructs Manufacturing to load the latest manufacturing level of Release 5.3 machine code on the TS7700. For Field orders of R5.3 machine code FC AGKW, microcode must be ordered via Super Shipper. The Field order of FC AGKW will allow for R5.3 machine code level prerequisite requirements on certain hardware features. This feature in itself will not provide microcode items. A one-page flyer with instruction on how to order machine code via Super Shipper will be provided

Refer to FC AGKW in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC RPQ 8B3722, TS7770 - 3 PHASE POWER (PDU)

RPQ 8B3722 provides a three-phase power distribution unit (PDU) for TS7770 (MTM 3952 Model F07) for users who need 400-volt support. To get the appropriate 3 phase WYE power cord (415 volt), RPQ 8B3723 needs to be ordered as well . This RPQ can be used when the client wants to use top exit cabling. This RPQ re-quires lab approval before ordering.

Refer to FC RPQ 8B3722 in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

FC RPQ 8B3723, TS7770 - 3 PHASE POWER (cord)

RPQ 8B3723 provides a pair of three-phase PDUs for the TS7770 3952-F07 for clients who need 400 volt support. It provides a pair of 415 volt three-phase WYE power cables for TS7770 3952-F07. The cable is 4.3 meters (14.1-feet) long and ships with the connectors: Hubbell Part Number: C532P6W. Male, Plug, 32A 220/380-240/415V, 4-Pole 5-Wire Grounding, Screw Terminals, Red, C-Series, Water-tight. This RPQ requires lab approval before ordering. When three-phase is selected, the frame UPO switch will no longer control any power for the frame. Instead, power should be removed for each three-phase PDU.

Refer to FC RPQ 8B3723 in Table 1 for requirements and other information.

The following table describes feature codes for the Machine Type 3952, 3956, and 3957.

Table 1. 3952/3956/3957 TS7700 features
Feature Minimum Maximum Requirements Installation Removable?
FC 0201, 9 Micron LC/LC 31 Meter 0 8 (Initial order maximum: 8) Limitations:
  • Feature #9700 is required, or
  • When #3401 is installed, 2 x #0201 for each #3439/#3403 is required, or
  • When #3401 is not installed, 1 x #0201 for each #3439/#3403 is required
Plant / Field installable: Both Yes
FC 0203, 50 Micron LC/LC 31 Meter 0 8 (Initial order maximum: 8) Prerequisite: None
  • Feature #9700 is required
  • When #3401 is installed, 2 x #0203 for each #3438/#3402 is required, or
  • When #3401 is not installed, 1 x #0203 for each #3438/#3402 is required
Plant / Field installable: Both Yes
FC 0983, TAA Compliance 0 1 (Initial order maximum: 1)
  • Feature #0983 is not available in India for use.
Plant / Field installable: Initial No
FC 1034, Enable Second Port Grid Connection 0 1 (Initial order maximum: 1) Prerequisites: #1038, #1039, or #1041 is required. Plant / Field installable: Both Yes
FC 1036, 1 Gb grid dual port copper connection 0 2 Mutually exclusive with:
  • FC 1037
  • FC 1038
You must order two instances of one of the following:
  • FC 1036
  • FC 1037
  • FC 1038
Plant or field Yes
FC 1038, 10 Gb Quad Port Grid Optical LW Connection 0 2 (Initial order maximum: 2)

Limitation: Mutually exclusive with #1039 and #1041

  • These adapters cannot negotiate down to run at 1 Gb. They must be connected to a 10Gb net-work device
  • Two of #1038, #1039, and #1041 are required
Plant / Field installable: Both Yes
FC 1039, 10 Gb Grid Quad Port Copper Connection 0 2 (Initial order maximum: 2)) Prerequisite: None

Limitation: Mutually exclusive with #1038 and #1041

Comments: Two of #1038, #1039, or #1041 are required

Plant / Field installable: Both Yes
FC 1041, 10 Gb Dual Port Grid Optical LW Connection None 2 Prerequisite:
  • Mutually exclusive with #1038 and #1039.
  • Two of #1038, #1039, or #1041 are required.
Plant or Field Yes
FC 1776, US RoHS Indicator 0 1 (Initial order maximum: 1) None Plant / Field installable: Initial Non- applicable
FC 1903, Power Distribution Unit One of #1903 or #1912 or iRPQ 8B3722 1
  • Mutually exclusive with #1912 or iRPQ 8B3722
  • VEC can only have FC 1903
  • (R4.0 F06 or F07 only) – Not on R5

This feature provides one additional PDU to allow connection to independent branch power circuits. When this feature is ordered, two power cords will be provided.

Plant only No
FC 1913, Single Phase Power Distribution Unit (F07) 0 1 (Initial order maximum: 1) Prerequisite: FC 7337, FC 7338, or FC 7339 is required
  • One of FC 1912 or FC 1913, or RPQ 8B3722 is required on the 3952-F07
  • Mutually exclusive with FC 1912 or RPQ 8B3722
  • Minimum is one FC 1912 or FC 1913, or RPQ 8B3722
  • This feature no longer uses the Frame UPO switch. User must remove power from the building power cords
Plant / Field installable: Initial No
FC 1913, Single Phase Power Distribution Unit (VED) 0 1 (Initial order maximum: 1) Prerequisite: One of FC 9954, FC 9955, FC 9956, FC 9957, FC 9958, FC 9959, or FC 9966 is required

Corequisite: FC 4643 or FC 4649 Rack Mount Kit VED

Limitation: Mutually exclusive with FC 1912

Plant / Field installable: Initial No
FC 2704, TSSC expansion 26-port Ethernet switch/rackmount 0 1
  • Refer to the Limitations section to see a list of countries in which the switch has been qualified for use.
  • Mutually exclusive with #7335 or #7337 or #7339
Plant or field Yes
FC 2715, Console attachment 0 1 Mutually exclusive with FC 2714. You must order one instance of either FC 2714 or FC 2715. Plant or field Yes
FC 3401, Enable FICON second port 0 1 (Initial order maximum: 1) Prerequisites: FC 3402, FC 3403 is required.
  • FC 9700 is required or
  • 2 x FC 0201 for each FC 3403 installed, or
  • 2 x FC 0203 for each FC 3402 installed

Limitation: Mutually exclusive with #5999

Plant / Field installable: Both No
FC 3402, 16 Gb SW FICON Adapter 0 4 (Initial order maximum: 4) Limitations
  • Valid quantities of #3402 are 0, 2, or 4
  • Two of #3402, #3403 are required
  • The maximum quantity of #3402, #3403, is 4.

Compatibility conflicts: OM1 is not recommended for 16 Gb FICON connections

  • At 16 Gb/sec speed, the total cable length cannot exceed:
    • 130 meters using 50 micron OM4 (4700MHz*km) Aqua blue colored fibre
    • 100 meters using 50 micron OM3 (2000MHz*km) Aqua blue colored fibre
    • 35 meters using 50 micron OM2 (500MHz*km) Orange colored fibre
Plant / Field installable: Both Yes
FC 3403, 16 Gb LW FICON Adapter 0 4 (Initial order maximum: 4) Limitations:
  • Valid quantities of #3403 are 0, 2 or 4
  • Two of #3402, #3403, are required.
  • The maximum quantity of #3402, #3403, is 4

Customer setup: No

Plant / Field installable: Both Yes
FC 3438, 8 Gb FICON Short Wavelength Attachment 0 4 Corequisite:
  • Total quantities of 0, 2, or 4 of FC 3438 and FC 3439
You must order at least two instances of any of the following features:
  • FC 3438
  • FC 3439
Plant or field Yes
FC 3439, 8 Gb FICON Long Wavelength Attachment 0 4 Corequisite:
  • Total quantities of 0, 2, or 4 of FC 3438 and FC 3439
You must order at least two instances of any of the following features:
  • FC 3438
  • FC 3439
Plant or field Yes
FC 3444, Fibre attachment short-wavelength 0 4 You must order this feature in quantities of zero, two, or four. Plant or field Yes
FC 3445, Fibre attachment long-wavelength 0 4 This feature is mutually exclusive with: You must order this feature in quantities of zero, two, or four. Plant or field Yes
FC 3446, Fibre attachment 10-km long-wavelength 0 4 You must order this feature in quantities of zero, two, or four. Plant or field Yes
FC 3466, 32 GB memory upgrade 0 1 Prerequisite: FC 5278 Plant or field No
FC 3479, 64GB DDR 4 memory upgrade for P9 based VED 0 1 (Initial order maximum: 1) Prerequisite: AGKU, AGKV or AGKW if running R5.3

Limitation: Qty 1 FC 3479 is mandatory in 3957-VED when running R5.3 or above

Comment: 128 GB of memory is supported with R5.0 and higher, however it is mandatory only with R5.3

Plant / Field installable: Both No
FC 4015, Grid Enablement 0 1 (Initial order maximum: 1) Limitation: Mutually exclusive with #5999 Plant / Field installable: Both No
FC 4016, Remove Cluster from Grid 0 99 (Initial order maximum: 99) Prerequisite: FC 4015 Plant / Field installable: MES No
FC 4017, Cluster Cleanup 0 99 (Initial order maximum: 99) Prerequisite: None Plant / Field installable: MES No
FC 4643, Rack Mount Kit VED with CSB 0 1 (Initial order maximum: 1) Prerequisite:
  • #1904, 1912, #2725, #5756 are required
  • A minimum of 1 #4694 is required
Limitation: Mutually exclusive with #4649 or #9350
Plant / Field installable: Initial No
FC 4649, Rack Mount Kit VED with CFC 0 1 (Initial order maximum: 1) Prerequisites: #1904, #1912, #2725, and #5756 are required
  • Mutually exclusive with #4643 or #9350
  • A 3956 model CFC with #4650 must be ordered and installed with this VED
Plant / Field installable: Initial No
FC 4651, Rack Mount Kit XFC 0 1 (Initial order maximum: 1) Prerequisite:
  • #iRPQ 8B3749 is required
  • One of FC 4651, FC 9354, or FC 9355 is required
  • One rack mount 3957 model VED with FC 4649 must be ordered and installed with this XFC.
  • One of AG00 or AGGV is required
Plant / Field installable: Initial No
FC 4694, Initial Order XSB Customer Rack 0 9 (Initial order maximum: 9) Corequisite: Feature FC 4643 Rack Mount Kit VED
  • Valid quantities of FC 4694 are 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9
  • For Korea, valid quantities of FC 4694 are 1 and 3
Plant / Field installable: Initial No
FC 4879, TS7700 BE Switch Mounting Hardware 0 1 On the 3584 Models L25 & D25:

Mutually exclusive with FC 1951 and FC 2704.

Plant or field No
FC 4880, TS7700 BE 16 Gb Fibre Channel Switch 0 2 Prerequisite: FC 4879 Plant or field No

FC 4881, 32GB switches in F07 frame

0 1 (Initial order maximum: 1) Prerequisite:
  • #1913 and or Customer Rack RPQ options with FC #1913
  • #5273

Costumer setup: No


  • Note a minimum Qty 1 of #5273, as well as a minimum Qty 1 #5274 or Qty 1 #5279. Purchase your external FC SW or MM 50 micron cable at the desired length from the TS 3500/4500 group.
  • Purchase your external 3584-L25/D25 FC #AGK1 (10 meter) or #AGK2 (25 Meters). 2 cables are required per drive inside the TS4500.
  • Note that a FC4881 can only be installed in a 3948-F07, or a supported RPQ customer rack frame with PDU #1913
Plant / Field installable: Both Yes
FC 5242, Dual Port 16 Gb Fibre Channel HBA 0 1 Prerequisite: FC 9323FC 9336, 1st Exp Frame or FC 9337, 2nd Exp Frame is required on the 3952 F06 or 3952 F07 where the 3957-VEC is installed.
Plant or field No
FC 5243, Quad Port 16 Gb FC HBA 0 2 (Initial order maximum: 2) Prerequisite:
  • #9336 (1st Expansion Frame Attach) is required on the 3952-F06 or F07 where this 3957-VED is installed when #5243 equals one
  • #9336 (1st Expansion Frame Attach) and #9337 (2nd Expansion Frame Attach) are required on the 3952-F07 where this 3957-VED is installed, when #5243 equals two

Compatibility conflict: Not available with 3956-CFC

Comments: Can only be used with CSB/XSB configurations

Plant / Field installable: Both No
FC 5262, 20 TB cache enablement 0 99 (Initial order maximum:4)

Customer set up : Yes

  • 1 x #5262 or 1 x #5263 minimum must be plant installed
  • At least 1 TB must be enabled before next 3956 Cache drawer pair may be installed (enforced via e-config)
  • Mutually exclusive with #5999
  • A Maximum of 4x #5262 20TB Cache Enablement Features may be selected for any one single order, either Initial order or MES
  • More than 4x #5262 20TB Cache Enablement Features may exist on the machine
  • If 5x 5262 20TB Cache Enablement Features are desired in one single order, 1x 5263 - 100TB Cache Enablement Feature will be enabled (enforced via e-Config)
Note: If #5999 is selected, neither #5262 nor #5263 is required as Qty 3 #5262 are included in #5999.
Plant / Field installable: Both No
FC 5263, 100TB cache enablement 0 39 (Initial order maximum:39)

Customer setup: Yes

  • A minimum of 1 x #5262 or 1x 5263 must be plant installed
  • At least 1 TB must be enabled before the next 3956 Cache drawer pair may be installed (enforced via e-config)
Note: If #5999 is selected, neither #5262 nor #5263 is required as Qty 3 #5262 are included in #5999.
Plant / Field installable: Both No
FC 5268, 100 MB/sec Increment 0 39 (Initial order maximum: 39)

Customer setup: Yes

Limitation: Mutually exclusive with #5999

Note: #5268 is not required because a full complement of #5268 is included in #5999
Plant / Field installable: Both No
FC 5270, Increased Logical Volumes 0 15 (Initial order maximum: 15)

Customer setup: Yes

Limitation: Mutually exclusive with #5999

Plant / Field installable: Both No
FC 5271, Selective Device Access Control 0 2 (Initial order maximum: 2) None Plant / Field installable: Both No
FC 5272, Disk Enabled Encryption 0 1 (Initial order maximum: 1)

Customer Setup: No

  • #9277 is required
  • When feature #5272 is installed, feature #7405 is required on each 3956-CSB and/or 3956-CFC model in the TS7700 cluster
  • TS11xx encryption capable tape drives are required, if tape attached

Limitations: #5272 is not available in Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Russia

Plant / Field installable: Initial No
FC 5273, TS7770 Tape Attach 0 1 (Initial order maximum: 1) Prerequisite:At least 1 x #5274 or #5999 is required.

Limitation: Mutually exclusive with #5278

Plant / Field installable: Both No
FC 5274, Enable 1 TB Pending Tape Capacity 0 10 (Initial order maximum: 10 unless #5999 is selected in which case maximum is 6) Corequisite: Feature #5273 or #5278 or #5999 is required

Customer setup: Yes

Comments: 3 x #5274 is the recommended minimum pre-migration queue size. Maximum is 6 if #5999 is added

Plant / Field installable: Both No
FC 5275, Additional virtual devices 0 15 (Initial order maximum: 15)

Customer setup: Yes

Limitation: Mutually exclusive with #5999
Plant / Field installable: Both No
FC 5276, Disk Encrypt-External Key Manager 0 1 Prerequisites:
  • #9277 is required
  • #5272 is required
  • When feature #5276 is installed, feature #7405 is required on each 3956-CSB and/or 3956-CFC model in the TS7700 cluster
  • TS11xx encryption capable tape drives are required (Remove #7404)
  • When feature #5276 is installed, feature 5272 is required
  • #5276 is not available in Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Russia.

Customer setup (CSU): NO

Plant or field No
FC 5277, External Disk Encryption Certificate - Field 0 1 Mutually exclusive with:
  • FC 9277
  • FC 5276
Field Only No
FC 5278, Cloud Enablement 0 1 (Initial order maximum:1) Corequisite:
  • At least 1 x #5274 or #5999 is required
  • Requires a minimum 64 GB RAM to support Cloud Enablement Fea-ture #5278.
  • Mutually exclusive with #5273
Important: 3 x #5274 is the recommended minimum premigration queue size

Customer setup: NO

Plant / Field installable: Both No
FC 5279, 5 TB Active Premigration Queue 0 10 (Initial order maximum: 10) Prerequisite:
  • Feature #AGKT, #AGKU, or #AGKV is required
  • 10 x #5274 are required before the first instance of #5279 may be installed unless #5999 is selected in which case it would be 6 x #5274.

Corequisites: Feature #5273 or #5278 is required

Customer setup: Yes

Limitations: 10 x #5274 are required before the first instance of #5279 may be installed unless #5999 is selected in which case it would be 6 x #5274.

Comments: Once 10 x #5279 are installed, the amount of data pending active pre-migration for tape or cloud is no longer constrained by features #5274 and #5279.

Plant / Field installable: Both No
FC 5281 - Secure Data Transfer 0 1 Prerequisite: Feature #4015

Customer setup: Yes

Comment: #5281 (SDT) is required on any cluster sending or receiving encrypted data across a grid link.

Plant / Field installable: Both Yes
FC 5282 – DS8000 Object Store 0 1 Prerequisite: #AGKT
  1. DS8000 objects cannot be migrated to physical tape or cloud (Storage Class, Storage Group). It is used for virtual volumes.
  2. DS8000 objects cannot be replicated to other clusters in the grid using Grid replication (Management Class).
  3. Only one object cache partition is allowed (Cache Partition).
  4. Compression is not available for DS8000 objects (Data Class). Define, modify, copy, or delete an IBM® TS7700 data class for volume sizes and LWORM policy assignment. Data class policies do not apply to DS8000 Object data.
Plant or field Yes
FC 5283, TS7700 Advanced Object Store for DS8000 0 1 (Initial order maximum: 1)

Prerequisite: #8083, #AGKV and/or #AGKW

Compatibility conflict: #5999 and #5278

  • Requires #8083
  • Mutually exclusive with #5999 and #5278
  • #5282 object data needs to be migrated to #5283 via an MES upgrade with the assistance of IBM Lab services
  • #5283 supports disk only and may have #5273 but does not support moving Object store data to tape
  • #5283 does not support #5278
Field No
FC 5630, Install 3957-VEC 0 1 Prerequisites:
  • FC 7333
Corequisites: FC 9350 on 3957-VEC
Plant only No
FC 5657, Plant installation of 3956-CSA 0 1 Prerequisites:
  • FC 7333 or FC 7334
  • FC 9352 on the 3956-CSA
Plant only No
FC 5658, Plant installation of 3956-XSA 0 15 Prerequisites:
  • FC 5657
  • FC 9355 on the 3956-XSA
Valid total quantities of FC 5658 plus FC 5659 plus FC 5661 and FC 5662 are:
  • 0 to 9 with FC 7333
  • 0 to 15 with FC 7334

Mutually exclusive with FC 5660.

Plant only No
FC 5659, Field installation of 3956-XSA 0 15 Prerequisites:
  • FC 5657
  • FC 9354 on the 3956-XSA
Valid total quantities of FC 5659 plus FC 5658 plus FC 5661 and FC 5662 are:
  • 0 to 9 with FC 7333
  • 0 to 15 with FC 7334

Mutually exclusive with FC 5660.

Field only No
FC 5660, Plant installation of 3956-CSA with 8 TB DDMs 0 1 Prerequisites:
  • FC 9352 on the 3956-CSA
  • FC 7333 or FC 7334
Plant only No
FC 5661, Plant installation of 3956-XSA with 8 TB DDMs 0 15 Prerequisites:
  • FC 5660
  • FC 9354 on the 3956-XSA
Valid total quantities of FC 5661 plus FC 5662 are:
  • 0 to 9 with FC 7333
  • 0 to 14 with FC 7334
Plant only No
FC 5662, Field installation of 3956-XSA with 8 TB DDMs 0 15 Prerequisites:
  • FC 5657 or FC 5660
  • FC 9355 on the 3956-XSA
Valid total quantities of FC 5658 plus FC 5659 plus FC 5661 plus FC 5662 are:
  • 0 to 9 with FC 7333
  • 0 to 14 with FC 7334
Field only No
FC 5663, Plant Install 3956 CSB 0 2 (Initial order maximum: 2) Prerequisites:
  • #9352 on 3956 CSB is required.
  • #7337 or #7338 is required
  • 1 of #5262 or #5263 minimum must be ordered on the 3957-VED

Customer setup: No

  • When #7337 is present, maximum of 3956-CSB allowed is one
  • When #7338 is present, maximum of 3956-CSB allowed is two
Plant / Field installable: Initial No
FC 5664, Plant Install 3956 XSB 0 18 (Initial order maximum: 18) Prerequisites:
  • #5663
  • #9354 on 3956 XSB is required
  • Valid quantities of #5663 plus #5664 plus #5665 with or #7337 are 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10.
  • Valid quantities when #5663 equal one, #5663 plus #5664 plus #5665 with #7338 are even numbers from 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10
  • Valid quantities when #5663 plus #5666 equal two, #5663 plus #5664 plus #5665 plus #5666 with #7338 are even numbers from 12, 14, 16, 18, and 20
  • Each 3956-CSB can have valid quantites of 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9 3956-XSBs
  • 1 x #5262 or #5263 minimum must be ordered on the 3957-VED
Plant / Field installable: Initial No
FC 5665, Field Install 3956 XSB 0 17 (Initial order maximum: 17) Prerequisites:
  • #5663
  • #9355 on 3956 XSB is required
  • Valid quantities of #5663 plus #5664 plus #5665 with or #7337 are 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10
  • Valid quantities when #5663 equal one, #5663 plus #5664 plus #5665 with #7338 are even numbers from 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10
  • Valid quantities when #5663 plus #5666 equal two, #5663 plus #5664 plus #5665 plus #5666 with #7338 are even numbers from 12, 14, 16, 18, and 20
  • Each 3956-CSB can have valid quantities of 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9 3956-XSBs
Plant / Field installable: MES No
FC 5666, Field Install 3956 CSB 0 1 (Initial order maximum: 1) Prerequisites:
  • #5663
  • #9353 on 3956 CSB is required

Comment: When #7338 is present, valid combined quantities of Plant Install 3956-CSB #5663 and Field install 3956-CSB #5666 is one or two

Plant / Field installable: MES No
FC 5669, Field Install 3956 XFC 0 1 (Initial order maximum: 1) Prerequisites:
  • #5667
  • #9355 on 3956 XFC is required

Customer setup: No

Limitations: Valid quantities of #5667, #5668, #5669 with #7339 are 1 or 2
Plant / Field installable: MES No
FC 5758, Integrated control path 0 1 Prerequisites: One total instance of:
  • FC 7333
Plant only No
FC 5904, Remote Code Load Exception 0 1 (Initial order maximum: 1) Limitation:
  • Must have one #5904 or #9904

Customer set up: No

Comment: Maximum number is one of #5904 or #9904

Plant / Field installable: Both No
FC 5995, zTape Air-Gap 0 1 (Initial order maximum: 1) Prerequisite:
  • 3948-CSB and or 3948-CFC
  • RPQ 8B3721 or RPQ 8B3749

Corequisite: AGKW

  • Mutually exclusive with AGKT, AGKU, and AGKV
  • FC 5273 and FC 5278
  • Currently supports LTO8 in TS4300
  • Includes 2 x 2M FC cables
Plant / Field installable: Both No
FC 5999, High Performance Tape/Cloud Controller. 0 1 (Initial order maximum: 1) Prerequisite: 3956-CFC and FC 9268

Corequisite: AGKV

Limitation: Mutually exclusive with FC 3401, FC 4015, FC 5262, FC 5263, FC 5268, FC 5275, FC 5283, 3956-XFC, AGKU, 3948-XFC, and AGKT.

Comment: Additional FC 5274 may be ordered to a max of 6 additional.

Plant / Field installable: Plant No
FC 6013, 13 m LC/LC fibre cable 0 4 You must order four instances of one of the following when ordering FC 7313:
  • FC 6013
  • FC 6025
  • FC 6061
Plant or field Yes
FC 6025, 25 m LC/LC fibre cable 0 4 You must order four instances of one of the following when ordering FC 7313:
  • FC 6013
  • FC 6025
  • FC 6061
Plant or field Yes
FC 6061, 61 m LC/LC fibre cable 0 4 You must order four instances of one of the following when ordering FC 7313:
  • FC 6013
  • FC 6025
  • FC 6061
Plant or field Yes
FC 7118, 96 TB SAS Storage 1 1 One of FC 7117 or FC 7118 is required.

Mutually exclusive with FC 7117.

Plant only No
FC 7119, 120 TB SAS Storage 0 1 (Initial order maximum: 1) None Plant / Field installable: Initial No
FC 7122, 92.16 TB SSD Storage 0 1 (Initial order maximum: 1) None Plant / Field installable: Initial No
FC 7333, TS7700 Encryption-capable base frame 0 1 Mutually exclusive with:
  • All other 73xx features
  • FC 1903
  • FC 5630
  • FC 5758
  • FC AGK0
  • FC 5657 or FC 5660
  • When FC 5657 is installed, valid quantities of FC 5658, FC 5659, and FC 5662 are 0 to 9
  • When FC 5660 is installed, valid quantities of FC 5661 and FC 5662 are 0 to 9
Plant only No
FC 7334, TS7700 Encryption Capable Expansion Frame 0 1 Compatibility conflicts:
  • Mutually exclusive with all other #73xx features
  • Mutually exclusive with all TSSC features
  • Must attach to a TS7700 base frame installed within 10 meters of this frame
  • Power Distribution Unit, #1903, is required
  • One of Plant Install 3956 CSA, #5657, or Plant Instl CSA w 8TB DDM, #5660, is required
  • When #5657 is present, valid quantities of model XSA, #5658 plus #5659 plus #5662 are 0 to 15
  • When #5660 is present, valid quantities of model XSA, #5661 plus #5662 are 0 to 14
  • This expansion frame may not be attached to a #7335 or #7337 base frame.
Plant only No
FC 7335, TS7700 Encryption Capable Base Frame 0 1 Compatibility conflicts:
  • Mutually exclusive with all other #73xx features.
  • Mutually exclusive with #2704
  • PDU, #1912 or RPQ 8B3722 is required
  • Plant Install VED, #5631 is required
  • Integrated Control Path, #5756, is required
  • Ship with R5.0 Machine Code, #AGKT, is required
  • Plant Install CSB, #5663, is required
  • When #5663 is present, Valid quantities of model XSB #5664 plus #5665 are 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10.
  • Valid quantities of model XSB #5664, #5665 are 1, 3, 5, 7, & 9
  • If Korea, valid quantities of XSB #5664, #5665 are 1
Plant only No
FC 7336, TS7700 Encryption Capable Base Frame 0 1 (Initial order maximum: 1) Prerequisites:
  • Must attach to a TS7700 base frame installed within 10 meters of this frame
  • Power Distribution Unit, #1912 or RPQ 8B3722, is required
  • Plant Install 3956 CSB, #5663 is required
Compatibility conflicts:
  • Mutually exclusive with all other #73xx features
  • Mutually exclusive with #2725
  • Feature #7336 is not available in South Korea for use
  • When quantity #5663 is one, valid quantities of #5663 plus #5664 plus #5665 are 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10
  • When quantity #5663, #5666 is two, valid quantities of #5663 plus #5664 plus #5665 plus #5666 are 12, 14, 16, 18, and 20

Comments: F06 expansion frame (#7336) may be attached to a F06 base frame (#7335) or F07 base frame (#7337)

Plant only No
FC 7338, TS7700 Encryption Capable Expansion Frame 0 1 (Initial order maximum: 1) Compatibility conflicts:
  • Mutually exclusive with all other #73xx features
  • Mutually exclusive with #2725
  • Must attach to a TS7700 base frame installed within 10 meters of this frame
  • Power Distribution Unit, #1912 or RPQ 8B3722, is required
  • Plant Install 3956 CSB #5663, is required

Corequisite: One of #9336 or #9337

  • #7336 is not available in South Korea for use
  • #7338 is not available in South Korea for use
  • #7338 with #9336 represents the 1st Exp Frame Attachment and the Base Frame with #7337 must also have #9336
  • #7338 with #9337 represents the 2nd Exp Frame Attachment and the Base Frame with #7337 must also have #9337
  • When quantity #5663 is one, valid quantities of #5663, #5664, and #5665 are 2, 4, 6, 8, 10
  • When quantity #5663, #5666 is two, valid quantities of #5663, #5666, #5664, and #5665 are 12, 14, 16, 18, and 20

Comments: F07 expansion frame (#7338) may be attached to a F06 base frame (#7335) or F07 base frame (#7337)

Plant / Field installable: Initial No
FC 7404, Encryption 0 1 Prerequisite: This feature is required when FC 5272 is installed on the TS7700 Server Plant or field No
FC 7405, Encryption CSB (USB Flash Drives (Four Pack)) 0 1 Prerequisite: Required when #5272 or #5276 is installed on the 3957-VED TS7770 server.
  • Feature #7405 is not available in the following countries: Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Russia.
  • Each 3956-CFC must have #7405
Plant only No
FC 8080, 600GB HDDs in VED 0 1 ((Initial order maximum: 1) Limitation:
  • Must have one #8080 or #8081

Comments: Maximum number is one of #8080 or #8081

Plant / Field installable: Initial No
FC 8081, 775GB SSDs in VED 0 1 (Initial order maximum: 1) Limitation:
  • Must have one #8080 or #8081
Plant / Field installable: Initial No
FC 8083, 3.84TB SSDs in VED 0 1 Limitation: Mutually exclusive with #5999 Both No
FC 9000, Mainframe Attachment† 1 1 (Initial order maximum: 1) None Plant / Field installable: Initial No
FC 9217, Attach to TS7700 0 0 FC 9219 must be ordered on the TS7700 Plant or field Yes
FC 9219,Tape Library Attach † 0 1 (Initial order maximum: 1) Corequisite: FC 5273 is required Plant / Field installable: Both Yes
FC 9224, Enable IPv6 0 1 None Plant or field No
FC 9323, R4 Expansion Frame Attachment 0 2 Compatibility conflict: Mutually exclusive with #7335 or #7337
  • The maximum quantity of 2 requires R4.0 machine code, or higher
  • Feature #5242 is required on the model VEC installed in this frame
  • When #5657 is present, 9 x #5658 plus #5659 plus #5662 are required on this base frame
  • When #5660 is present, 9 x #5661 plus #5662 are required on this base frame
  • If 2 x #9323 are installed, 15 x #5658 plus #5659 plus #5662, or 14 x #5661 plus #5662 are required in the first #7334 expansion frame
Plant or field No
FC 9323 Expansion frame attachment (continued) 0 2 When installed on an encryption-capable TS7760 Base Frame (3952-F06 or F07 containing FC 7333) with a 3957-VEC:
  • Maximum quantity of two requires R4.0 machine code or later.
  • FC 5242 is required on the 3957-VEC
  • When FC 5657 is installed, nine total instances of FC 5658, plus FC 5659, and FC 5662 are required.
  • When FC 5660 is installed, nine total instances of FC 5661 plus FC 5662 are required.
  • If two (FC 7334) encryption-capable expansion frames are also attached to this base frame, the first (FC 7334) expansion frame must contain a total of 15 instances of FC 5658, FC 5659 and FC 5662 or 15 instances of FC 5661 and FC 5662.
Plant or field No
FC 9336, R5 1st Expansion Frame Attachment 0 1 (Initial order maximum: 1) Compatibility conflict: Mutually exclusive with #7333
  • #7337 or #7338 is required
  • Feature #5243 is required on the model VED installed in this frame
  • When #5663 is present, 9 x #5664 plus #5665 are required on this base frame
  • #9336 is also required on the Base Frame 3952-F07 which has #7337
Plant / Field installable: Both No
FC 9337, R5 2nd Expansion Frame Attachment 0 1 (Initial order maximum: 1)
  • 7337 or 7338 is required
  • Feature quality two of #5243 is required on the model VED installed in this frame
  • #9336 is also required on the Base Frame 3952-F07 which has #7337
  • #9337 is also required on the Base Frame 3952-F07 which has #7337

Customer setup: No

Plant / Field installable: Both No
FC 9327, Field merge V06 in F05     Corequisite: FC 5729 against the 3952 tape frame Field only  
FC 9352, Plant Install CSB 0 1 Prerequisite: One of #9352 or #9353 or #4647 is required

Limitation: Mutually exclusive with #4647 (Rack Mount) or #9352 (Plant Install CSB)

Plant only No
FC 9353, Field merge CSB (3952 F05) 0 1 Prerequisite: One of #4647 or #9352 or #9353 or #9355 is required

Limitation: FC 9352 (Plant Install CSB)

Plant only No
FC 9354, Plant Install XSB 0 1 Prerequisites: One of #4648 or #9354 or #9355 is required

Limitations: Mutually exclusive with #4648 (Rack Mount) or #9355

Plant only No
FC 9355, Field merge XFC 0 1

Prerequisite: One of #4651 or #9354 or #9355 is required.

Limitation: Mutually exclusive with #4651 (Rack Mount) or #9354 (Plant Install XFC)

Note: This feature must appear on the TS7760 Model XFC order, and the Field Merge feature #5669 must appear on the 3952 Tape Frame model F07 order
Plant only No
FC 9355, Field merge 0 1 Prerequisite: One of #4648 or #9354 or #9355 is required.
  • Mutually exclusive with #0983 and #ADZ1
  • Mutually exclusive with #4648 (Rack Mount) or #9354
Note: This feature must appear on the TS7760 Model XSB order, and the Plant Install feature #5665 must appear on the 3952 Tape Frame model F07 order.
Plant only No
FC 9900, Tape Encryption Tape 0 1 (Initial order maximum: 1) Prerequisite: #5273

Customer Setup (CSU): Yes.

Limitation: Feature #9900 is not available in Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Russia

Plant / Field installable: Both No
FC 9904, Remote Code Load Service 0 1 (Initial order maximum: 1) Limitation: Must have one #9904 or #5904

Comments: Maximum is one of #9904 or #5904

Plant / Field installable: Both No
FC 9954, NEMA L6-30 Power Cord 0 1(Initial order maximum: 1)

Corequisite: #1912 or #1913

Limitations: One of 9954, 9955, 9956, 9957, 9958, 9959, or 9966 is required.

Plant / Field installable: Both Yes
FC 9954, NEMA L6-30 Power Cord (3952-F07) 0 1(Initial order maximum: 1)

Limitations: One of 9954, 9955, 9956, 9957, 9958, 9959, or 9966 is required.

Plant / Field installable: Both Yes
FC 9955, RS 3750 DP Power Cord 0 1 (Initial order maximum: 1)

Corequisite: #1912 or #1913

Limitations: One of 9954, 9955, 9956, 9957, 9958, 9959, or 9966 is required

Customer setup: No

Plant / Field installable: Both Yes
FC 9955, RS 3750 DP Power Cord (3952-F07) 0 1 (Initial order maximum: 1)

Limitations: One of 9954, 9955, 9956, 9957, 9958, 9959, or 9966 is required

Customer setup: No

Plant / Field installable: Both Yes
FC 9956, IEC 309 Power Cord 0 1 (Initial order maximum: 1)

Limitations: One of 9954, 9955, 9956, 9957, 9958, 9959 or 9966 is required.

Customer setup: No

Plant / Field installable: Both Yes
FC 9957, PDL 4.3 power cord 0 1 (Initial order maximum: 1)

Corequisite: #1912 or #1913

Limitations: One of FC 9954, 9955, 9956, 9957, 9958, 9959, or 9966 is required

Customer setup: No

Plant / Field installable: Both Not applicable
FC 9957, PDL 4.3 power cord (3952-F07) 0 1 (Initial order maximum: 1)

Limitations: One of FC 9954, 9955, 9956, 9957, 9958, 9959, or 9966 is required

Customer setup: No

Plant / Field installable: Both Not applicable
FC 9958, Korean 4.3-m power cord 0 1 (Initial order maximum: 1)

Corequisite: #1912 or #1913

Limitations: One of FC 9954, 9955, 9956, 9957, 9958, 9959, or 9966 is required

Customer setup: No

Plant / Field installable: Both Not applicable
FC 9958, Korean 4.3-m power cord (3952-F07) 0 1 (Initial order maximum: 1)

Limitations: One of FC 9954, 9955, 9956, 9957, 9958, 9959, or 9966 is required

Customer setup: No

Plant / Field installable: Both Not applicable
FC 9959, Unterminated power cord 0 1 (Initial order maximum: 1)

Corequisite: #1912 or #1913

Limitation: One of FC 9954, 9955, 9956, 9957, 9958, 9959, or 9966 is required

Plant / Field installable: Both Not applicable
FC 9959, Unterminated power cord (3952-F07) 0 1 (Initial order maximum: 1) One of FC 9954, 9955, 9956, 9957, 9958, 9959, or 9966 is required Plant / Field installable: Both Not applicable
FC 9966, China Unterminated Power Cord 0 1 (Initial order maximum: 1)

Corequisite: #1912 or #1913

Limitations: One of 9954, 9955, 9956, 9957, 9958, 9959, or 9966 is required

Customer setup: No

Plant / Field installable: Both Not applicable
FC 9966, China Unterminated Power Cord (3952-F07) 0 1 (Initial order maximum: 1)

Limitations: One of 9954, 9955, 9956, 9957, 9958, 9959, or 9966 is required

Customer setup: No

Plant / Field installable: Both Not applicable
FC AG00, Shipping and Handling - No Charge (For 3952-F07) 0 1 (Initial order maximum: 1) Limitations: One of FC AG00 or AGGA is required.

Customer setup: No

Plant / Field installable: Initial No
FC AG00, Shipping and Handling - No Charge (For 3956-XFC) 0 1 (Initial order maximum: 1) Prerequisites: #9355 or 4651
  • Mutually exclusive with #9354
  • One of AG00 or AGGV is required
Plant / Field installable: Initial No
FC AG00, Shipping and Handling - No Charge (For 3956-CSB) 0 1 (Initial order maximum: 1) Prerequisites: #9353 or 4647

Limitations: One of AG00 or AGGU is required

Plant / Field installable: Initial No
FC AG00, Shipping and Handling - No Charge (For 3956-XSB) 0 1 (Initial order maximum: 1) Corequisite: #4643 or #4649 Rack Mount Kit VED

Limitations: Mutually exclusive with #9350

Plant / Field installable: Initial No
FC AGGA, Shipping and Handling 0 1 (Initial order maximum: 1) One of FC AG00 or AGGA is required.

Customer setup: No

Plant / Field installable: Initial No
FC AGGU, Shipping and Handling - No Charge (For 3956-CSB) 0 1 (Initial order maximum: 1) Prerequisites: Feature #9353 or #4647
  • One of AG00 or AGGU is required
  • Mutually exclusive with feature #9352
Plant / Field installable: Initial Not applicable
FC AGGV, Shipping and Handling - No Charge 0 1 (Initial order maximum: 1) Prerequisites: Feature #9355 or #4648
  • One of AG00 or AGGV is required
  • Mutually exclusive with feature #9354
Plant / Field installable: Initial Not applicable
FC AGGV, Shipping and Handling - XFC 0 1 (Initial order maximum: 1) Prerequisites: #9354
  • One of AG00 or AGGV is required
  • Mutually exclusive with #9352
Plant / Field installable: Initial Not applicable
FC AGK0, Ship with R4.0 Machine Code 0 1 Prerequisite:
  • FC 7333

One of FC AGK0 or FC AGKE is required.

Mutually exclusive with FC AGKE.

Plant only No
FC AGKE, Ship with R4.1 Machine Code 0 1 Prerequisite:
  • FC 7333

One of FC AGK0 or FC AGKE is required.

Mutually exclusive with FC AGK0.

Plant only No
FC AGKR, Ship with R4.1.2 Machine Code 0 1

One of FC AGK0, FC AGKE, or FC AGKR is required.

Mutually exclusive with FC AGK0 and FC AGKE.

Plant only No
FC AGKT, Ship with R5.0 Machine Code 0 1 (Initial order maximum 1) Limitations:
  • One of #AGKE or #AGK0 or #AGKR or #AGKS or AGKT is required
  • Mutually exclusive with #AGK0, #AGKR, #AGKE , #AGKS
Plant or Field Yes
FC AGKU, Ship with R5.1 Machine Code 0 1 (Initial order maximum: 1) Prerequisites: #7337 is required

Mutually exclusive with AGKT, AGKV

Customer setup: No

Plant/Field installable: Both  
FC AGKV, Ship with R5.2 Machine Code 0 1 (Initial order maximum: 1)

Limitations: Mutually exclusive with AGKT, AGKU

Customer setup: No

Plant/Field installable: Both No
FC AGKW, Ship with R5.3 Machine Code 0 1 (Initial order maximum: 1) Limitation: Mutually exclusive with FC AGKU, FC AGKV, and 3957-VEC Plant/Field installable: Both No
FC RPQ 8B3723, TS7770 - 3 PHASE POWER (cord) 0 1 Prerequisites: RPQ 8B3722 is required

Limitations: Mutually exclusive with #9954, #9955, #9956, #9957, #9958, #9959, and #9966

Plant only Yes
FC RPQ 8B3722, TS7770 - 3 PHASE POWER (PDU) 0 (One of #1903 or iRPQ 8B3722) 1
  • #7337, #7338, and/or #7339 is required
  • RPQ 8B3723 is required
† Withdrawn for at least one component. Refer to the Quick reference by component topic in the Related information section to verify availability.