API Description Document

A description document is a machine-readable specification of the TS7700 RESTful API. You can download this document from the TS7700, and it can be used as a reference to create a program and to parse RESTful API responses. They are language-agnostic, so you can benefit from them no matter what language you choose.

Table 1. RESTful API description document
Document title Link to downloadable file
RESTful API description document YAML File

Query for the Description Document

The TS7700 RESTful API description document is retrieved in YAML format by using the GET command.

The following example shows how to use CURL to retrieve this document.

curl -k --request GET 'https://ip_address or hostname/api/docs'
Note: The provided curl command syntax may not work under Windows environment, it depends on the application to run the curl command. You may need to adjust the command syntax if it does not work.
The TS7700 RESTful API description document is listed as shown below.
Note: The response is formatted and truncated for clarity.

openapi: 3.0.0
  title: TS7700 RESTful API
  description: "TS7700 REST API OpenAPI definition. To be used by documentation generation\
    \ tools to display the API, code generation tools to generate servers and clients\
    \ in various programming languages, testing tools and more."
  version: 1.0.0
Note: The response from the REST API does not appear in the same order as in the documentation.