Deleting cloud settings

How to delete cloud settings.

About this task

Before you can delete cloud settings, verify that no cloud data exists.


  1. Delete cluster associations. In the MI (TS7700 Management Interface screen), go to Settings, Cloud Tier Settings, Containers. To expand a container, click the plus sign next to the name of the container. In the cloud association column, right-click one association at a time and select Delete Cloud URL and Cluster association to delete the association.
  2. Delete cloud URLs. In the expanded container is a URL column. Select one URL at a time. Right-click the URL and select Delete Cloud URL to delete the URL.
  3. Delete containers. In the MI, go to Settings, Cloud Tier Settings, Containers. Select the container and then right-click on it and select Delete container.
  4. Delete Cloud account. In the MI, go to Settings, Cloud Tier Settings, Accounts. Select the account and then right-click on it and select Delete Cloud account.
  5. Delete Cloud pool. In the MI, go to Settings, Cloud Tier Settings, Pools. Select the pool and then right-click on it and select Delete Cloud pool.