Deleting cloud settings
How to delete cloud settings.
About this task
Before you can delete cloud settings, verify that no cloud data exists.
- Delete cluster associations. In the MI (TS7700 Management Interface screen), go to Settings, Cloud Tier Settings, Containers. To expand a container, click the plus sign next to the name of the container. In the cloud association column, right-click one association at a time and select Delete Cloud URL and Cluster association to delete the association.
- Delete cloud URLs. In the expanded container is a URL column. Select one URL at a time. Right-click the URL and select Delete Cloud URL to delete the URL.
- Delete containers. In the MI, go to Settings, Cloud Tier Settings, Containers. Select the container and then right-click on it and select Delete container.
- Delete Cloud account. In the MI, go to Settings, Cloud Tier Settings, Accounts. Select the account and then right-click on it and select Delete Cloud account.
- Delete Cloud pool. In the MI, go to Settings, Cloud Tier Settings, Pools. Select the pool and then right-click on it and select Delete Cloud pool.