Adding TS7700 Clusters to a grid

You can upgrade an existing, on-site TS7700 Grid by adding a TS7700 Cluster. This is referred to as a join. A join is whenever an empty cluster joins an existing cluster or grid with existing data. An empty cluster is one which has not had logical volumes or physical volumes inserted. When you join one cluster to a cluster in an existing grid, all clusters in the existing grid are automatically joined.

The following restrictions apply:
  • The joining cluster must not contain any data.
  • The microcode level for the joining cluster must be equal to or later than the microcode level for any existing cluster.
  • The final resulting grid configuration cannot have more than three different microcode levels.
  • If FC 1035 is installed on the joining cluster, the existing infrastructure must support 10 Gbps grid communications for optimal performance.

The following table shows joining rules for different microcode levels. For example, it shows what the minimum microcode level is for existing clusters to be joined to a new member with later microcode.

Table 1. Join rules
  Joining 8.41.x.x 8.42.x.x 8.50.x.x 8.51.x.x 8.52.1xx.x
Existing cluster(s)            
  8.41.x.x Y Y Y Y N
  8.42.x.x N Y Y Y Y
  8.50.x.x N N Y Y Y
  8.51.x.x N N N Y Y
  8.52.1xx.x N N N N Y
GRID - Join and Merge Support
Table 2. Supported join and merge scenarios
Type Joining/merging cluster(s) Existing clusters Supported
Join No cloud enabled No cloud enabled Yes
Join Cloud enabled No cloud enabled Yes*
Join No cloud enabled Cloud enabled Yes
Join Cloud enabled Cloud enabled Yes*
Merge No cloud enabled No cloud enabled Yes
Merge Cloud enabled No cloud enabled Yes
Merge No cloud enabled Cloud enabled Yes
Merge Cloud enabled Cloud enabled Yes**

* Only supported if the joining cluster does not have any configured cloud pools, cloud accounts, containers, or URLs.

** Only supported if the resulting grid contains no more than one cloud pool and no more than 256 items for each of the following: cloud accounts, containers, cloud URLs, and cluster associations.

Whether performing a join or a merge, it is important to note that the actual data does not get copied from one cluster to another. This process creates place holders for all of the logical volumes in the final grid. When joining to an existing grid or merging with an existing grid, the process is initiated to a single cluster in the grid and the information is populated to all members of the grid.

  • If a join or merge does not complete successfully, it is not sufficient to just clear the online block and return the system to the customer. It is not sufficient to just verify that the VPD has been updated. Contact support for directions on how to continue.
  • If a join or merge results in a grid that is greater than six clusters, run VTD_EXE.271 for microcode levels earlier than 8.41.x.x so that the entire grid is viable.
To achieve any of the following upgrades, you must order FC 4015, Grid Enablement against the TS7700 Server.
Note: An RPQ is required for any intended 7- way or more Grid configuration.
Two-cluster TS7700 Grid
You can add a new, empty TS7700 Cluster to an existing TS7700 Cluster to create a two-cluster TS7700 Grid.
You can combine two existing TS7700 Clusters to create a two-cluster TS7700 Grid.
Three-cluster TS7700 Grid
You can add a new, empty TS7700 Cluster to an existing two-cluster TS7700 Grid to create a three-cluster TS7700 Grid.
You can add an existing TS7700 Cluster to an existing two-cluster TS7700 Grid to create a three-cluster TS7700 Grid.
Four-cluster TS7700 Grid
You can add a new, empty TS7700 Cluster to an existing three-cluster TS7700 Grid to create a four-cluster TS7700 Grid.
You can add an existing TS7700 Cluster to an existing three-cluster TS7700 Grid to create a four-cluster TS7700 Grid.
Five-cluster TS7700 Grid
You can add a new, empty TS7700 Cluster to an existing four-cluster TS7700 Grid to create a five-cluster TS7700 Grid.
You can add an existing TS7700 Cluster to an existing four-cluster TS7700 Grid to create a five-cluster TS7700 Grid.
Six-cluster TS7700 Grid
You can add two new, empty TS7700 Clusters to an existing four-cluster TS7700 Grid to create a six-cluster TS7700 Grid.
You can add two existing TS7700 Clusters to an existing four-cluster TS7700 Grid to create a six-cluster TS7700 Grid.
Seven-cluster TS7700 Grid
You can add two new, empty TS7700 Clusters to an existing five-cluster TS7700 Grid to create a seven-cluster TS7700 Grid.
You can add two existing TS7700 Clusters to an existing five-cluster TS7700 Grid to create a seven-cluster TS7700 Grid.
Eight-cluster TS7700 Grid
You can add two new, empty TS7700 Clusters to an existing six-cluster TS7700 Grid to create a eight-cluster TS7700 Grid.
You can add two existing TS7700 Clusters to an existing six-cluster TS7700 Grid to create a eight-cluster TS7700 Grid.