SNMP MIB definitions

This topic defines the trap type values that can be present on an SNMP Management Information Block (MIB) log file.

Refer to Table 1 to identify a specific trap type present on the MIB log.
Table 1. SNMP MIB definitions
Trap type Description
hydAccountManagement This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs account management on the TS7700.
hydActivateCodeImage This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs activation of TS7700 code images on the TS7700.
hydActivateTapeMicrocode This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs activation of tape drive microcode on the TS7700.
hydActivateTapeMicrocode2 This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs activation of tape drive microcode on the TS7700 (Duplicate SMIT type entry).
hydAddAccessGroupVolumeRanges This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs when access group volume ranges are added to the TS7700.
hydAddLibraryPortAccessGroup This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs when a library port access group is added or modified on the TS7700.
hydAddModifyOrDeleteUser This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs when a user account is added, modified or deleted on the TS7700.
hydAddOrModifyCategory This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs when a category is added or modified on the TS7700.
hydAddOrModifyConstruct This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs when a construct is added or modified on the TS7700.
hydAutomaticOwnership This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs configuring automatic ownership takeover manager to a remote cluster on the TS7700.
hydBringNodeOffline This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs that a node was brought offline on the TS7700.
hydBringOnline This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs that the TS7700 was brought online.
hydCacheFailure This trap is sent when a physical drive failure is detected on the TS7700.
hydCacheRebuild This trap is sent when a physical drive is being rebuilt on the TS7700.
hydCacheReplaceSuccess This trap is sent when a physical drive has been successfully replaced on the TS7700.
hydCallHomeFilters This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs the changing or displaying of call home filters on the TS7700.
hydCallHomeRemoteServices This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs the changing or displaying of call home or remote services on the TS7700.
hydCancelCopyExport This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs when a copy export is cancelled on the TS7700.
hydCancelMove This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs when a move or eject of physical volumes is canceled on the TS7700.
hydCancelOperation This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs when an operation is cancelled on the TS7700.
hydCancelService This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs when service/service prep is cancelled on the TS7700.
hydCancelServicePrep This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs when a service prep is cancelled from the interface on the TS7700.
hydChangeStackedVolumeToRO This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs when the stacked volume is changed to read only on the TS7700.
hydChangeTapeDriveSettings This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs when the tape drive settings are changed on the TS7700.
hydChangeVPD This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs changes to Vital Product Data (VPD) on the TS7700.
hydClusterFamilies This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs when cluster families change on the TS7700.
hydClusterHealthScan This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs a cluster health scan on the TS7700.
hydClusterNetworkSettings This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs cluster network settings on the TS7700.
hydCommandText The message with a more detailed description of the task, this can be empty if it is not sent in the trap. Access the TS7700 Management Interface to view the command text.
hydCommandTextId The message ID mapped to a string with a more detailed description of the task. The full string is shown in the TS7700 Management Interface. The text may be sent in the hydCommandText value.
hydCommandTextInserts The specific inserts for the message with details info about the task. Used to insert context-sensitive values into the static message mapped to hydCommandTextId.
hydCompleteNonConcurrentLoad This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs completing a non-concurrent 3956 microcode load on the TS7700.
hydConfigTSSCIP This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs the IBM® TSSC TCP/IP configuration on the TS7700.
hydConfigureFICON This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs configuration of FICON® 1Gbit/2Gbit/4Gbit settings on the TS7700.
hydConfigureGridDegradation This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs configuration of grid degradation detection settings on the TS7700.
hydConfigureLocalCluster This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs configuration of the local cluster with remote cluster network IPs on the TS7700.
hydConfigureLocalGrid This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs configuration of the local GRID network IPs on the TS7700.
hydConfigureNetworkPort This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs configuration of network ports for remote connection on the TS7700.
hydCopyExport This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs a copy export on the TS7700.
hydCopyExportSettings This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs a copy of export settings on the TS7700.
hydCopyPolicy This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs the copy policy on the TS7700.
hydCurrentStep The current step that is being executed for the task. Used in conjunction with hydTotalSteps to determine how far the task has progressed. Since the notification is sent when the task is first created, the user will not see a progression of the task. The management interface for the TS7700 provides updated status on the progression of a task.
hydCustomerConfig This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs customer configuration settings on the TS7700.
hydDeleteAccessGroupVolumeRanges This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs when access group volume ranges are deleted from the interface on the TS7700.
hydDataManagement This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs data management settings on the TS7700.
hydDeleteCategory This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs deletion of a category on the TS7700.
hydDeleteConstruct This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs deletion of a construct on the TS7700.
hydDeleteLibraryPortAccessGroup This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs deletion of a library port access group on the TS7700.
hydDeleteRange This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs deletion of a range on the TS7700.
hydDisableTapeDrivePath This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs when a tape drive path is disabled on the TS7700.
hydDisasterRecovery This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs recovery from disaster on the TS7700.
hydEjectPhysicalVolumes This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs when unassigned physical volumes are ejected on the TS7700.
hydEnableTapeDrivePath This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs when a tape drive path is enabled on the TS7700.
hydExport This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs an export on the TS7700.
hydForce3957Offline This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs when a 3957 is forced offline on the TS7700.
hydGeneric This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs a generic task on the TS7700.
hydGridProperties This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs changes to grid properties on the TS7700.
hydImport This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs an import on the TS7700.
hydInfoCenterSettings This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs changes to InfoCenter settings on the TS7700.
hydInitiateForcedServicePrep This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs initiation of a forced service prep on the TS7700.
hydInitiateMicrocodeActivation This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs TS7700 microcode activation on the TS7700.
hydInitiateServicePrep This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs initiation of service prep on the TS7700.
hydIntCancelService This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs a cancellation of service from the interface on the TS7700.
hydJoinLocalSystem This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs joining a local system with a remote cluster on the TS7700.
hydLogicalVolumeDelete This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs deletion of virtual volumes on the TS7700.
hydLogicalVolumeInsert This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs insertion of virtual volumes on the TS7700.
hydLoginLogout This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs user log in and log out events on the TS7700.
hydLowerRemovalThreshold This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs temporary lower removal threshold on the TS7700.
hydMicrocodeUpdate This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs an update of the microcode on the TS7700.
hydMigrateAllIvols This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs when all the virtual volumes in cache are migrated to tape and clears the cache (-m) on the TS7700.
hydModifyClusterPairProperties This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs a change to cluster pair properties on the TS7700.
hydModifyClusterProperties This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs a change to cluster properties on the TS7700.
hydModifyDateAndTimeSettings This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs a change to the date and time on the TS77000.
hydModifyFeatureLicensing This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs a change to feature licensing on the TS7700.
hydModifyKeyManager This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs a change to the key manager on the TS7700.
hydModifyLogicalVolumes This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs a change to virtual volumes on the TS7700.
hydModifyNodeNickname This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs a change to a node nickname on the TS7700.
hydModifyPool This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs a change to a pool on the TS7700.
hydModifyPoolEncryption This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs a change to pool encryption on the TS7700.
hydModifyRange This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs when a range is modified on the TS7700.
hydModifyRemovalThreshold This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs a change to the cache of temporary removal threshold on the TS7700.
hydModifyRolePermissions This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs a change to role permissions on the TS7700.
hydMoveListLogicalVolumes This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs moving a list of virtual volumes on the TS7700.
hydMoveLogicalVolumePools This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs moving of virtual volume pools on the TS7700.
hydMovePoolsLogicalVolumes This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs the moving of pools for a list of virtual volumes on the TS7700.
hydMoveQuantity This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs when a move or eject of a quantity of physical volumes occurs on the TS7700.
hydMoveRange This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs when a move or eject of a range of physical volumes occurs on the TS7700.
hydNodeHealth This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs the node health on the TS7700.
hydOperationalMode This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs that the TS7700 is in operational mode.
hydOperatorInterventionsChange This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs when operator interventions are changed on the TS7700.
hydOperatorInterventionsClear This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs when operator interventions are cleared on the TS7700.
hydOwnershipTakeover This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs an ownership takeover on the TS7700.
hydOwnershipTakeoverMode This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs the ownership takeover mode on the TS7700.
hydPerformDB2Reorg This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs performing a database (DB2®) reorganization on the TS7700.
hydPerformSwitchover This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs the event of switching to a new microcode image on the TS7700.
hydPremigrateIvols This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs when all resident virtual volumes are premigrated to tape (-p) on the TS7700.
hydPrepareNonConcurrentLoad This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It the log preparation of a non-concurrent disk cache microcode load on the TS7700.
hydProgressText The message with a progress information for the task, this can be empty if it is not sent in the trap. Access the TS7700 Management Interface to view the progress text.
hydProgressTextId The message ID that maps to a string with a more detailed description of the current progress of a task. The full string is shown in the TS7700 Management Interface. The text may be sent in the hydProgressText value.
hydProgressTextInserts The specific inserts for the message with details on the progress of the task. Used to insert context-sensitive values into the static message mapped to hydProgressTextId.
hydPromoteRecallQueue This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs a promotion of the recall queue on the TS7700.
hydReclaimSchedule This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs when an inhibit reclaim schedule is added or modified on the TS7700.
hydReconfigureAllTape This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs the usage of vtd_hardconf_config, which reconfigures all tape devices on the TS7700.
hydRemoteLogin This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs a remote login on the TS7700.
hydRemoveClusterFromGrid This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs the removal of a cluster from the grid on the TS7700.
hydRemoveClusterHardwareChange This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs the removal of a cluster due to hardware change on the TS7700.
hydRemoveDefectiveControllerCard This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs the removal of a defective cache controller adapter card on the TS7700.
hydRemoveDefectiveDisk This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs the removal or replacement of a defective system hard disk (not 3956-Cxx disk cache) on the TS7700.
hydRemoveDefectiveEthernetCard This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs the removal of a defective Ethernet adapter card on the TS7700.
hydRemoveDefectiveFibre This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs the removal or replacement of a defective fibre switch on the TS7700.
hydRemoveDefectiveHostCard This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs the removal of a defective host adapter card on the TS7700.
hydRemoveDefectiveRouter This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs the removal or replacement a defective router on the TS7700.
hydRemoveDefectiveTapeCard This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs the removal of a defective tape adapter card on the TS7700.
hydRemoverClusterDisasterRecovery This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs the removal of a cluster due to disaster recovery on the TS7700.
hydRepairFibrePaths This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs repairing fibre paths to disk cache controllers on the TS7700.
hydRepairLogicalVolumes This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs the repair of damaged virtual volumes on the TS7700.
hydResetCallHomeDaemon This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs a reset of the call home daemon on the TS7700.
hydResetFCPPath This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs the reset of a fibre channel path (FCP) on the TS7700.
hydResetFCPPath2 This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs the reset of an FCP on the TS7700 (Duplicate SMIT type entry).
hydResetHostAdapterCode This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs the reset of host adapter code on the TS7700.
hydResetNetworkInterface This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs the reset of a network adapter interface on the TS7700.
hydResetNetworkInterface2 This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs the reset of a network adapter interface on the TS7700 (Duplicate SMIT type entry).
hydResetRouter This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs the reset of the router on the TS7700.
hydResetRouter2 This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs the reset of the router on the TS7700 (Duplicate SMIT type entry)
hydRestart3957 This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs a shut down and restart of the 3957 on the TS7700.
hydResumeFailedHotSwap This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs resumption of operations following a failed adapter card hotswap on the TS7700.
hydResyncDatabase This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs a resynchronization of the database with the physical library inventory on the TS7700.
hydResyncTapeDrive This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs a resynchronization of a tape drive following activation of tape drive code on the TS7700.
hydRLogin This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs a remote log in on the TS7700.
hydRLogout This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs a remote log out on the TS7700.
hydRunFibreSwitchSetup This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs when the fibre switch setup is run on the TS7700.
hydRunFibreSwitchUtilitiy This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs when the fibre switch utility is run on the TS7700.
hydRunPFE This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs when PFE/Support Center provided functions are run from a CD-ROM on the TS7700.
hydSecuritySettings This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs changes to the security settings on the TS7700.
hydService This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs service on the TS7700.
hydServicePrep This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs a service prep initiated from the interface on the TS7700.
hydSetCustomerRouterConfig This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs when customer router configuration is set on the TS7700.
hydSetDateAIX This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs when the date/time using the AIX® Tool (ONLY for first time installs) is set on the TS7700.
hydSetDateStandard This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs when the date/time using standard format is set on the TS7700.
hydSetFullRouterConfig This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs when the full router configuration is set on the TS7700.
hydSetLocalGridTSSCIP This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs when the local grid TSSC IP is set on the TS7700.
hydSetNTPAddress This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs when the NTP server address for date/time synchronization is set on the TS7700.
hydSetTSSCRouterConfig This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs when the TSSC router configuration is set on the TS7700.
hydShutdown3957 This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs when the 3957 is shut down on the TS7700.
hydShutdownCache This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs when the cache (3956-Cxx) and 3957 are shut down on the TS7700.
hydShutdownNode This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs that a node was shut down on the TS7700.
hydSmitInvokedCommand This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs when a command is invoked in SMIT on the TS7700.
hydSNMPSettings This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs changes to the SNMP settings on the TS7700.
hydSpeedDuplexSettings This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs showing or changing the customer network speed and duplex settings on the TS7700.
hydStandAloneDemount This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs that a stand-alone volume was demounted on the TS7700.
hydStandaloneMount This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs that a stand-alone volume was mounted on the TS7700.
hydStatus The current status of the task. The possible values are: in progress (1), finished with success (2), cancelled (3), failed (4), finished successfully with some extra information provided (5), finished successfully with some warnings (6), in the process of cancelling (7)
hydSynchronizeTime This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs the synchronization of time between clusters on the TS7700.
hydTapeDriveUtilities This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs the usage of tape drive utilities (tapeutil) on the TS7700.
hydTaskId A unique ID assigned to each task in the TS7700 database.
hydTaskName The string representation of the task type. This value should be the same value that is mapped to hydType.
hydTimeCreated The timestamp when the task record is created. The time is in GMT. The timestamp is given in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD-HH.MM.SS.SSSSSS
hydTotalSteps The total number of steps involved in completing this particular task. Used in conjunction with the hydCurrentStep to determine progress of a task. Since the notification is sent when the task is first created, the user will not see a progression of the task. The management interface for the TS7700 provides updated status on the progression of a task.
hydType The integer specifies the type of task that was initiated by the user. Current values are:
  • 1. Insert virtual volumes
  • 2. Delete virtual volumes
  • 3. Stand-alone mount
  • 4. Import
  • 5. Export
  • 6. Operational mode
  • 7. Microcode update
  • 8. Bring node offline
  • 9. Shutdown node
  • 10. Ownership Takeover mode
  • 11. Bring online
  • 12. Modify feature licensing
  • 13. Add, modify, or delete user
  • 14. Modify role permissions
  • 15. Modify date and time settings
  • 16. Modify node nickname
  • 17. Modify cluster properties
  • 18. Modify grid properties
  • 19. Generic
  • 20. Service
  • 21. Stand-alone demount
  • 22. Account Management
  • 23. Cluster Network Settings
  • 24. Write-Protect Mode
  • 25. Node Health
  • 26. Cluster Health Scan
  • 27. Copy Policy
  • 28. Disaster Recovery
  • 29. Modify Pool Encryption
  • 30. Modify Key Manager
  • 31. Cancel operation
  • 32. Repair damaged virtual volumes
  • 33. Ownership Takeover
  • 34. Promote recall queue
  • 35. Remove cluster - hardware change
  • 36. Remove cluster - disaster recovery
  • 37. Add or Modify Category
  • 38. Delete Category
  • 39. Add or Modify Construct
  • 40. Delete Construct
  • 41. Modify Pool
  • 42. Modify Range
  • 43. Delete Range
  • 44. Add/Modify Inhibit Reclaim Schedule
  • 45. Eject unassigned physical volume(s)
  • 46. Move/Eject Quantity of Physical Volumes
  • 47. Move/Eject Range of Physical Volumes
  • 48. Cancel Move/Eject of Volumes
  • 49. Modify Cluster Pair Properties
  • 50. Operator Interventions change
hydType (continued)
  • 51. Operator Interventions clear
  • 52. Move List of Virtual Volumes
  • 53. Move Pools for List of Virtual Volumes
  • 54. Modify Virtual Volumes
  • 55. Move Virtual Volume Pools
  • 56. Copy Export
  • 57. Cancel Copy Export
  • 58. Add or Modify Library Port Access Group
  • 59. Delete Library Port Access Group
  • 60. Cluster Families
  • 61. Security Settings
  • 62. SNMP Settings
  • 63. InfoCenter Settings
  • 64. Temporary Lower Removal Threshold
  • 65. Modify Cache Temporary Removal Threshold
  • 66. Login/Logout
  • 67. Copy Export Settings
hydUpdateAIXLevel This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs an update to the AIX maintenance level on the TS7700.
hydUpdateVPD This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs an update to VPD from current physical router settings on the TS7700.
hydUserControlledEvent This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs the addition or removal of a user-controlled event for online capability on the TS7700.
hydUserName The username that was used to log in to the TS7700 and initiate the particular task.
hydVary3957Offline This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs when the 3957 is varied offline on the TS7700.
hydVary3957Online This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs when the 3957 is varied online on the TS7700.
hydVaryHostAdapterOffline This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It is sent when offline host adapters are varied on the TS7700.
hydVaryHostAdapterOnline This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It is sent when online host adapters are varied on the TS7700.
hydVaryTapeOffline This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs when a tape drive is varied offline on the TS7700.
hydVaryTapeOnline This trap is sent when a SMIT command is executed. It logs when a tape drive is varied online on the TS7700.
hydWriteProtectMode This trap is sent when a new task is created in the task_tracking database. It logs write-protect mode on the TS7700.
ibmTaskTrackingNotificationsGroup This group defines those notifications that MUST be implemented by a compliant implementation.
ibmTaskTrackingObjectsGroup This group defines those MIB objects that MUST be implemented by a compliant implementation.