Add access group

Use this page to create a new library port access group for the IBM® TS7700.

  1. From the Library Port Access Groups page, navigate to the Access Groups table.
  2. Select Add... from the Select Action drop-down menu.
  3. Click Go to open the Add Access Group page.
  4. Enter values for the following fields:
    The identifying name of the access group. This name must be unique and cannot be modified after it is created. It must contain between one and eight characters and the first character in this field cannot be a number. Valid characters for this field are:
    A-Z, 0-9, $, @, *, #, and %
    The default access group is identified by the name "- - - - - - - - ". This group can be modified but cannot be deleted.
    A description of the access group. This field contains a maximum of 70 characters.
  5. Using the View Cluster drop-down menu, select the cluster that possesses the library port IDs to be assigned.
  6. In the Library Port IDs table, select the check box adjacent to each library port ID to be included in the group. You can select the check box in the header row to select all library port IDs.
  7. Click Go to retain your changes and create a new access group. Click Cancel to discard your changes and return to the Library Port Access Groups page.
You can add a maximum of 8 library port access groups per FC 5271 license. The default access group is not included in this number.