Virtual volume search

Search for virtual volumes in a IBM® TS7700 cluster according to VOLSER, category, media type, expiration date, or inclusion in a group or class.

Previous Searches
Click this hyperlink to view the results of a previous search query on the new page Previous Virtual Volume Searches.
New Search Name
Use this field to create a new search query.
  1. Enter a name for the new query in the New Search Name field.
  2. Enter values for any of the search parameters that are defined in the Search Options table.
Note: A maximum of 10 search queries or 2 GB of search data can be stored at one time. A new search cannot be created if either limit is reached. You can delete one or more stored search queries from the Previous Virtual Volume Searches page.
Search Options
Use this table to define the parameters for a new search query.
  1. Click the down arrow that is adjacent to Search Options to open the Search Options table.
    Note: Only one search can be executed at a time. If a search is in progress, an information message occurs at the top of the Virtual Volume Search page. You can cancel a search in progress by clicking the Cancel Search button within this message.
  2. Define one or more of the following search parameters:
    Note: The following wild card characters can be used in the VOLSER and Category fields:
    % (percent)
    Represents zero or more characters.
    * (asterisk)
    Is translated to % (percent). Represents zero or more characters.
    . (period)
    Is translated to _ (single underscore). Represents one character.
    _ (single underscore)
    Represents one character.
    ? (question mark)
    Is translated to _ (single underscore). Represents one character.
    The volume's serial number. This field can be left blank. You can also use wild card characters in this field.
    The name of the category to which the virtual volume belongs. This value is a four-character hexadecimal string. This field can be left blank. You can also use wild card characters in this field. Possible values are the following:
    Table 1. Category values
    Hexadecimal value Category
    0001-FEFF General programming use
    FF00 Insert
    FF10 Convenience eject
    FF11 High-capacity eject
    FF12 Export pending volumes
    FF13 Exported volumes
    FF14 Import volumes
    FF15 Import pending volumes
    FF17 Export-hold volumes
    FFF4 Cleaner volume (ETC)
    FFF5 Service volume (ETC)
    FFF6 Service volume (HPCT/EHPCT)
    FFF9 Service volume (CST/ECCST)
    FFFA Manually ejected
    FFFD Cleaner volume (HPCT/EHPCT)
    FFFE Cleaner volume (CST/ECCST)
    FFFF Volser specific
    Media Type
    The type of media on which the volume resides. Use the drop-down menu to select from available media types. This field can be left blank.
    Current Owner
    The cluster owner is the name of the cluster, where the logical volume resides. Use the drop-down menu to select from the list of available cluster owners (names). This field is only available in a grid environment and can be left blank.
    Expire Time
    The amount of time in which virtual volume data expires. Enter a number. This field is qualified by the values Equal to, Less than, or Greater than in the preceding drop-down menu and defined by the succeeding drop-down menu under the heading Time Units. This field may be left blank
    Removal Residency

    This field is only visible if the selected cluster does not attach to a physical library.

    The residency state of the virtual volume. Possible values are the following:

    Blank (ignore)
    If this field is empty (blank), the search ignores any values in the Removal Residency field. This is the default selection.
    The search includes only virtual volumes that are removed.
    Removed Before
    The search includes only virtual volumes that are removed before a date and time. If you select this value, you must also complete the fields for Removal Time.
    Removed After
    The search includes only virtual volumes that are removed after a date and time. If you select this value, you must also complete the fields for Removal Time.
    In Cache
    The search includes only virtual volumes in the cache.
    The search includes only virtual volumes that are classified as retained.
    The search includes only virtual volumes that are classified as deferred.
    The search includes only virtual volumes that are classified as held.
    The search includes only virtual volumes that are classified as pinned.
    No Removal Attempted
    The search includes only virtual volumes that have not previously been subject to a removal attempt.
    Removable Before
    The search includes only virtual volumes that are candidates for removal before a date and time. If you select this value, you must also complete the fields for Removal Time.
    Removable After
    The search includes only virtual volumes that are candidates for removal after a date and time. If you select this value, you must also complete the fields for Removal Time.
    Removal Time

    This field is only visible if the selected cluster does not attach to a physical library.

    The date and time that informs the Removed Before, Removed After, Removable Before, and Removable After search queries. These values reflect the time zone in which your browser is located.

    The calendar date according to month (M), day (D), and year (Y); it takes the format: MM/DD/YYYY. This field is accompanied by a date chooser calendar icon. You can enter the month, day, and year manually, or you can use the calendar chooser to select a specific date. The default for this field is blank.
    The Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) in hours (H) and minutes (M). The values in this field must take the form HH:MM AM/PM. Possible values for this field include 01:00 AM/PM through 12:59 AM/PM. This field is accompanied by a time chooser clock icon. You can enter hours and minutes manually by using 12–hour time designations, or you can use the time chooser to select a start time based on a 12–hour (AM/PM) clock. The default for this field is midnight (12:00 AM).
    Time Units
    Units of time that are used to define Expire Time. This field is required if the Expire Time field is completed. Possible values include the following:
    Not Set
    The default entry. This value is only accepted if the Expire Time field is blank.
    This value is only accepted if the Expire Time field is blank.
    Volume Copy Retention Group
    The name of the Volume Copy Retention Group for the cluster.

    The Volume Copy Retention Group provides additional options to remove data from a disk-only TS7700 as the active data reaches full capacity. Volumes become candidates for removal if an appropriate number of copies exist on peer clusters AND the volume copy retention time has elapsed since the volume was last accessed. Volumes in each group are removed in order based on their least recently used access times. The volume copy retention time describes the number of hours a volume remains in cache before becoming a candidate for removal.

    This field is only visible if the selected cluster does not attach to a physical library.

    Possible values include the following:
    Blank (ignore)
    If this field is empty (blank), the search ignores any values in the Volume Copy Retention Group field. This is the default selection.
    Prefer Remove
    Removal candidates in this group are removed prior to removal candidates in the Prefer Keep group.
    Prefer Keep
    Removal candidates in this group are removed after removal candidates in the Prefer Remove group.
    Copies of volumes in this group are never removed from the accessing cluster. The volume copy retention time does not apply to volumes in this group. Volumes in this group that are subsequently moved to scratch become priority candidates for removal.
    Care must be taken when assigning volumes to this group to avoid cache overruns.
    Volume Copy Retention does not apply to the cluster. This value (a dash indicating an empty value) is displayed if the cluster attaches to a physical tape library.
    Storage Group
    The name of the storage group in which the virtual volume resides. You can enter a name in the empty field, or select a name from the adjacent drop-down menu. This field can be left blank.
    Management Class
    The name of the management class to which the virtual volume belongs. You can enter a name in the empty field, or select a name from the adjacent drop-down menu. This field can be left blank.
    Storage Class
    The name of the storage class to which the virtual volume belongs. You can enter a name in the empty field, or select a name from the adjacent drop-down menu. This field can be left blank.
    Data Class
    The name of the data class to which the virtual volume belongs. You can enter a name in the empty field, or select a name from the adjacent drop-down menu. This field can be left blank.
    Compression Method

    The name of the compression method to which the virtual volume belongs. You can select a name from the adjacent drop-down menu. This drop-down menu can be left blank.

    Access Group
    The name of the library port access group to which the virtual volume belongs. You can enter a name in the empty field, or select a name from the adjacent drop-down menu. This field can be left blank.
    Whether the virtual volume is mounted. Possible values are the following:
    The search ignores any values in the Mounted field. This is the default selection.
    The search includes only mounted virtual volumes.
    The search includes only unmounted virtual volumes.
    Storage Preference
    Removal policy for a virtual volume, which determines when the volume is removed from the cache of a TS7700 Cluster in a grid configuration. Possible values are the following:
    Prefer Remove
    These virtual volumes are removed first when the cache reaches a predetermined capacity and no scratch-ready volumes exist.
    Prefer Keep
    These virtual volumes are the last to be removed when the cache reaches a predetermined capacity and no scratch-ready volumes exist.
    These virtual volumes are never removed from the TS7700 Cluster
    Logical WORM
    Whether the virtual volume is defined as write-once, read-many (WORM). Possible values are the following:
    The search ignores any values in the Logical WORM field. This is the default selection.
    The search includes only WORM virtual volumes.
    The search does not include any WORM virtual volumes.
    Partition Number
    The partition number (0 - 7) for a TS7700 Tape Attach volume. "Inserted" logical volumes are those with a -1 partition, meaning that there is no consistent data yet.
Search Results Options
Use this table to select the properties that are displayed on the Virtual volume search results page.
  1. Click the down arrow that is adjacent to Search Results Options to open the Search Results Options table.
  2. Select the check box that is adjacent to each property you want to display on the Virtual Volume Search Results page.
  3. Review the property definitions from the Search Options table section. The following properties can be displayed on the Virtual Volume Search Results page:
    • Category
    • Current Owner (Grid only)
    • Media Type
    • Expire Time
    • Storage Group
    • Management Class
    • Storage Class
    • Data Class
    • Compression Method
    • Mounted Tape Drive
    • Removal Residency
    • Removal Time
    • Access Group
    • Volume Copy Retention Group
    • Storage Preference
    • Logical WORM
  4. Click the Search button to initiate a new virtual volume search. Once the search is initiated but before it completes, the Virtual Volume Search page displays the following information message: The search is currently in progress. You can check the progress of the search on the Previous Search Results page.
    Note: The search-in-progress message is displayed on the Virtual Volume Search page until the in-progress search completes or is canceled.
    To check the progress of the search that is being executed, click the Previous Search Results hyperlink in the information message.
To cancel a search in progress, click the Cancel Search button. When the search completes, the results are displayed in the Virtual Volume Search Results page. The query name, criteria, start time, and end time are saved along with the search results. You can save a maximum of 10 search queries.