Physical volume search
Use this page to search for physical volumes in a given IBM® TS7700 cluster according to one or more identifying features.
If the cluster does not possess a physical library, the Physical Volume Search page is not visible on the IBM TS7700 management interface.
- Previous Searches
- Click this hyperlink to view the results of a previous search query on the new page Previous Physical Volume Searches.
- Name
- To create a new search query, enter a name for the new query in the Name field. Enter a value for any of the fields defined below and select Search to initiate a new physical volume search. The query name, criteria, start time, and end time are saved along with the search results.
- New Search Name
- Use this field to create a new search query.
- Enter a name for the new query in the New Search Name field.
- Enter values for any of the search parameters defined in the Search Options table.
- Search Options
- Use this table to define the parameters for a new search query.
- Click the down arrow adjacent to Search Options to open the Search Options table.
Note: Only one search can be executed at a time. If a search is in progress, an information message will occur at the top of the Physical Volume Search page. You can cancel a search in progress by clicking the Cancel Search button within this message.
- Define one or more of the following search parameters:
- The volume's serial number. This field can be left blank. You can also use the following wild
card characters in this field:
(percent)- Represents zero or more characters.
(asterisk)- Is translated to
(percent). Represents zero or more characters. .
(period)- Represents one character.
(single underscore)- Is translated to
(period). Represents one character. ?
(question mark)- Is translated to
(period). Represents one character.
- Media Type
- The type of media on which the volume resides. Use the drop-down menu to select from available
media types. This field can be left blank. Other possible values are:
- JA
- Enterprise Tape Cartridge (ETC)
- JC
- Enterprise Advanced Data Cartridge (EADC)
- JD
- Advanced Type D Data (ATDD)
- JE
- Advanced Data E Cartridge (ATED)
- JB
- Extended Data Enterprise Tape Cartridge (EDETC)
- JJ
- Enterprise Economy Tape Cartridge (EETC)
- JK
- Enterprise Advanced Economy Tape Cartridge (EAETC)
- JL
- Advanced Type L Economy (ATLE)
- JM
- Advanced Type E Economy Cartridge (ATME)
- Recording Format
- The format used to write the media. Use the drop-down menu to select from available media types.
This field can be left blank. Other possible values are:
- Undefined
- The recording format used by the volume is not recognized as a supported format.
- J1A
- E05
- E05E
- Encryption-capable E05
- E06
- E06E
- Encryption-capable E06
- E07
- E07E
- Encryption-capable E07
- E08
- E08E
- Encryption-capable E08
- 55F
- 55FE
- Encryption-capable 55F
- 60F
- 60FE
- Encryption-capable 60F
- Capacity State
- Whether any active data exists on the physical volume and the status of that data in relation to
the volume's capacity. This field can be left blank. Other possible values include:
- Empty
- The volume contains no data and is available for use as a physical scratch volume.
- Filling
- The volume contains valid data, but is not yet full. It is available for additional data.
- Full
- The volume contains valid data. At some point, it was marked as full and additional data cannot be added to it. In some cases, a volume can be marked full and yet be short of the volume capacity limit.
- Home Pool
- The pool number (0–32) the physical volume was assigned to when it was inserted into the library, or the pool it was moved to through the library manager Move/Eject Stacked Volumes function. This field can be left blank.
- Current Pool
- The number of the storage pool (0–32) in which the physical volume currently resides. This field can be left blank.
- Encryption Key
- The encryption key label designated when the volume was encrypted. This is a text field.
Possible values include:
- A name identical to the first or second key label on a physical volume
- Any physical volume encrypted using the designated key label is included in the search.
- Search for the default key
- Select this check box to search for all physical volumes encrypted using the default key label.
- Pending Eject
- Whether to include physical volumes pending an eject in the search query. Possible values include:
- All Ejects
- All physical volumes pending eject are included in the search.
- Priority Ejects
- Only physical volumes classified as priority eject are included in the search.
- Deferred Ejects
- Only physical volumes classified as deferred eject are included in the search.
- Pending Move to Pool
- Whether to include physical volumes pending a move in the search query. Possible values are:
- VOLSER Flags
- Whether to include, exclude, or ignore any of the following VOLSER flags in the search query.
Select only one: Yes to include, No to exclude, or Ignore to ignore the
following VOLSER types during the search:
- Misplaced
- Mounted
- Inaccessible
- Encrypted
- Export Hold
- Read Only Recovery
- Unavailable
- Pending Secure Data Erase
- Copy Exported
- Click the down arrow adjacent to Search Options to open the Search Options table.
- Search Results Options
- Use this table to select the properties displayed on the Physical
Volume Search Results page.
- Click the down arrow adjacent to Search Results Options to open the Search Results Options table.
- Select the check box adjacent to each property you want to display on the Physical Volume Search Results page.
- Review the property definitions from the Search Options table
section. The following properties can be displayed on the Physical
Volume Search Results page:
- Media Type
- Recording Format
- Home Pool
- Current Pool
- Pending Actions
- Volume State
- Mounted Tape Drive
- Encryption Key Labels
- Export Hold
- Read Only Recovery
- Copy Export Recovery
- Database Backup
- Click the Search button to initiate a new physical volume search. Once the search is
initiated but before it completes, the Physical Volume Search page displays the following
information message: The search is currently in progress. You can check the progress of the
search on the Previous Search Results page.Note: The search-in-progress message is displayed on the Physical Volume Search page until the in-progress search completes or is cancelled.To check the progress of the search being executed, click the Previous Search Results hyperlink in the information message.