Grid health and details

Use the main view of the Grid Summary panel to compare the details and health status of all clusters in the grid.

The following status icons can be displayed on each cluster image in the Grid Summary panel. You can view additional information about the status by hovering over the icon with a mouse pointer.
Icon Indicated health status
Yellow triangle that contains a brown exclamation point
Warning or Degraded
The connection between the grid and cluster is working but one of the cluster's redundant parts has stopped functioning.
The following operational states can cause a degraded health status for a cluster:
Out of Empty Stacked Volumes
The cluster does not contain any empty scratch virtual volumes.
Refer to HYDME1099W in Management interface messages for additional information.
Copies Disabled by the System
Copies are disabled on the cluster because the cluster is out of physical scratch volumes or out of cache space.
Refer to HYDME1100W in Management interface messages for additional information.
Copies Disabled by the Host
Copies have been disabled using a Host Console Request.
Refer to HYDME1101W in Management interface messages for additional information.
Immediate Deferred Copies
Copy operations on the cluster are deferred until after a rewind-unload operation occurs at the host.
Refer to HYDME1102W in Management interface messages for additional information.
All Storage Cells Full in Physical Library
No empty I/O slots exist in a physical library attached to the cluster.
Refer to HYDME1131W in Management interface messages for additional information.
Limited Free Space in Cache
Cache resources are limited and in danger of reaching maximum capacity.
Refer to HYDME1132W in Management interface messages for additional information.
Out of Cache Resources
The cluster is out of cache space.
Refer to HYDME1133W in Management interface messages for additional information.
Orange triangle that contains a black exclamation point
No immediate impact to operations, but ejects cannot proceed, input station processing problem, early warning for serious type interventions including performance degradation, copies may not be performed or are degraded.
Red circle containing a white X
Critical or Serious/Error
Operations in the reporting TS7700/Library are stopped, all jobs allocated may fail. Or, one or more jobs may fail, some virtual volumes may be inaccessible, mounts are suspended, performance may be degraded.
Brown square containing a white image of a wrench
Service or Service Prep
A cluster is in the Service or Service Prep mode.
Brown square containing a white image of a wrench
Fence Mode
A cluster is in the Fence mode.
Blue square containing a white question mark
The status of the cluster is unknown; its status has not been updated for at least 15 minutes.
Note: When someone performs a service login to the TS7700, the health check is disabled until shortly after the service representative logs out or until eight hours have elapsed, whichever happens first. During this time, the management interface might display a health status of Unknown.
Gray square
A cluster can be considered offline due to any of the following conditions: being in Service, Service prep, or Fence mode, all vNodes are offline, an active hNode is offline, or a cluster is in a pending online state.
This icon is displayed on the bottom right corner of the cluster image and takes precedence over any health icon.
Image of a padlock
Write Protect Mode
Write Protect Mode is enabled on the cluster. Click this icon to open the Write Protect Mode panel for the cluster.
Cluster Fenced or Devices Require Manual Vary Online
Hover your mouse over the icon to determine which informational state it represents.
The cluster is currently fenced due to the Alert or Isolate From Grid condition and must be manually unfenced from the grid summary actions menu. For more information, refer to Fence or Unfence clusters.
The cluster previously surfaced CUIR attentions to vary offline devices, LI REQ AONLINE is disabled, and the cluster is waiting to surface CUIR online attentions. You must manually request the devices to vary online by using the actions menu from the cluster summary panel. For more information, refer to Vary devices online.
The main view of the Grid Summary panel also displays these grid and cluster details:
Last Refresh
The timestamp for the last refresh is located on the top, right side of the Grid Summary panel. It displays the time the health of the system was last checked and updated. Data shown is not real time, but based on the automatic refresh determined by the TS7700.
To populate the summary with an updated health status, click the refresh icon. This operation can take some time to complete.
Grid View
The main view of the Grid Summary panel displays all clusters in the grid. Click a cluster's image to open the Cluster Summary panel for that cluster.
Each cluster is labeled using either the Cluster Nickname (if defined) or Cluster ID (if no nickname is defined).
If a Cluster Nickname exists, the cluster label appears as:
Cluster Nickname (Cluster ID)
If no Cluster Nickname exists, the cluster label appears as:
#Distributed Library Sequence Number (Cluster ID)
The cluster that was used to log into the web interface is the accessing cluster and is identified by a surrounding border. If the Show Families option is enabled, a label displaying each cluster's family is shown beneath the cluster label.
Raw Host Throughput
Hover over a cluster image to view the raw host read and write throughput for that cluster. Click the Raw Host Throughput pop-up window to open the Host Throughput panel.