Repair virtual volumes

Use this page to repair virtual volumes in the damaged category for the IBM® TS7700 Grid.

You can print the table data by clicking Print Report next to the Select Action menu. A comma-separated value (.csv) file of the table data can be downloaded by clicking Download spreadsheet.
Repair policy
The Repair policy section defines the repair policy criteria for damaged virtual volumes in a cluster. Criteria shown includes:
Cluster's version to keep
The selected cluster obtains ownership of the virtual volume when the repair is complete. This version of the virtual volume is the basis for repair if Move to insert category keeping all data option is selected.
Move to insert category keeping all data
This option is used if the data on the virtual volume is intact and still relevant. If there has been data loss, then do not use this option. If the cluster chosen in the repair policy has no data for the virtual volume to be repaired, choosing this option is the same as choosing Move to insert category deleting all data.
Move to insert category deleting all data
The repaired virtual volumes are moved to the insert category and all data is erased. Use this option if the volume has been returned to scratch or if data loss has rendered the volume obsolete. If the volume has been returned to scratch, then the data on the volume is no longer needed. If data loss has occurred on the volume, then data integrity issues could occur if the data on the volume is not erased.
Damaged Virtual Volumes
The Damaged Virtual Volumes table displays all the damaged virtual volumes in a grid. Information shown includes:
Virtual Volume
The VOLSER of the damaged virtual volume. This field is also a hyperlink that opens the Damaged Virtual Volumes Details page, where more information is available.
Damaged virtual volumes cannot be accessed; repair all damaged virtual volumes that appear on this table. You can repair up to 10 virtual volumes at a time. To repair damaged virtual volumes:
  1. Define the repair policy criteria in the Repair policy section:
    1. Select a cluster name from the Cluster's version to keep dropdown menu.
    2. Click the radio button next to EITHER Move to insert category keeping all data OR Move to insert category deleting all data.
  2. In the Damaged Virtual Volumes table, select the check box next to one or more (up to 10) damaged virtual volumes to be repaired using the repair policy criteria.
  3. Select Repair from the Select Action drop-down menu.
  4. A confirmation message appears at the top of the page to confirm the repair operation. Click View Task History to open the Tasks page to monitor the repair progress. Click Close Message to close the confirmation message.