Fence or Unfence clusters

This option allows you to fence and unfence a cluster using the Cluster States menu option.

For a TS7700 cluster in a grid, you can use the Cluster States > Fence menu option in the Grid Summary panel to fence one or more clusters in a grid. The menu option is available only if all the clusters in the grid are at microcode level 8.41.200.xx or later for a single cluster fence and 8.52.1xx.xx or later for a multi-cluster fence.

The Cluster States > Fence actions menu from the Cluster Summary page allows you to fence only a single cluster being summarized. The Cluster States > Fence actions menu from the Grid Summary page allows you to fence multiple clusters at the same time if 8.52.1xx.xx or later is installed.

Table 1. Details of the Fence cluster pop-up window
Element Description
Cluster States > Fence The accessing cluster is selected by default when the menu is accessed from the cluster summary page.
Cluster States > Fence Ability to select one or more clusters to fence when the menu is accessed from the grid summary page.
Check Boxes When initiated from the grid summary page, select one or more clusters to fence. When initiated from the cluster summary page, the accessing cluster is automatically chosen.
Action Drop-down menu to select the action to take. Possible values include:
Surface an alert only. The cluster will appear to be fenced from an MI perspective, but it will be fully operational while fenced
Force Offline
Fence and force the cluster offline.
Fence and reboot the cluster (best practice).
Reboot with Offline
Reboot the cluster and keep it offline.
Isolate from Grid
Isolate the cluster from the Grid network so that other clusters cannot communicate with the cluster.
Note: Isolating from grid can be performed only from remote cluster.
OK An alert is shown indicating that a task has been created for the cluster with the action selected.
Note: You can view the result of the fence cluster option on the Tasks page and the Events page.
Cancel Exits the Fence cluster menu without making any changes.

When a cluster has been fenced with the Isolate from Grid or Alert action either manually or through an automatic fence, it must be unfenced later manually through the grid summary panel or by a service personnel. To manually unfence a cluster from the grid summary panel, choose the Cluster States and Unfence menu options to unfence a remote cluster.

  1. Select Cluster States and Unfence from the grid summary Actions menu.
  2. Select one or more remote clusters to unfence from the Cluster list.
  3. Click OK to continue. Or, click Cancel to exit the Unfence cluster menu without making any changes.
  4. Click Close to close the pop-up window indicating that a task has been created to unfence the cluster.
Note: You can view the result of the unfence cluster option on the Tasks page and the Events page.