Add access group range

Use this page to add a new VOLSER range to an existing access group used by the IBM® TS7700.

  1. From the Library Port Access Groups page, navigate to the Access Group Volume Ranges table.
  2. Select Add... from the Select Action drop-down menu.
  3. Click Go to open the Add Access Group Range page.
  4. Enter values for the following fields:
    The first VOLSER in the range to be added to the access group.
    The last VOLSER in the range to be added to the access group.
    Note: Ranges cannot overlap, and two consecutive, adjacent ranges do not automatically merge with one another. To merge two ranges under a single access group, you must create a new range that encompasses both of the existing ranges.
  5. Using the Access Group drop-down menu, select the access group that the range is to be added to.
  6. Click Go to retain your changes and add a new range to the access group. Click Cancel to discard your changes and return to the Library Port Access Groups page.
You can add a maximum of 50 total ranges to all access groups.