Informational events

Table 1. Informational Events
Event Code Message Text and Description
9000 A tape alert flag was reported by a drive.
9001 A drive is present but currently disabled.
9002 The library was powered on.
9003 Move Cartridge command was run.
9004 Inventory scan was completed.
9005 The library was powered down from Front Panel.
9006 The network interface was turned on.
9007 The network interface was turned off.
9008 The System Time was synchronized with an NTP server.
9009 A magazine was unlocked and opened.
9010 A magazine was closed and locked.
9011 An I/O station was unlocked and opened.
9012 An I/O station was closed and locked.
9013 A user logged in at the Management GUI.
9014 A user logged out at the Management GUI.
9015 A user logged in at the Operator Panel interface.
9016 A user logged out at the Operator Panel interface.
9024 Drive support ticket created.
9025 Library test started.
9026 Library test successfully finished.
9027 Library test was stopped by user.
9028 Configuration back up to chassis was successful.
9029 Configuration restore from chassis was successful.
9031 Library health Status was changed to status "OK”.
9032 Library health status was changed to status "Warning".
9033 Library health status was changed to status “Critical”.
9035 New library chassis detected.
9038 The library was rebooted through user interface.
9041 Key on KMIP server created.
9043 Drive cleaning was started.
9045 Library configuration data failed to duplicate on to the Base Module.
9060 One or multiple configured DNS servers aren’t responding.
9061 User account was locked due to too many invalid login attempts on Management GUI.
9062 Invalid password used for login.
9063 The network port used to contact the encryption server was changed.
9064 Backup of certificate created.
9065 Certificate is restored.
9066 Temporary password generated.
9067 LTO7 formatted cartridge with a Type M bar code detected.
9068 Type M cartridge without a Type M bar code detected.
9069 Sequential Mode load sequence ended because last storage cartridge of logical library was unloaded.
9070 Sequential Mode load sequence restarted (Loop Mode) because last storage cartridge of logical library was unloaded.
9077 User submitted feedback
9078 Unexpected drive reset occurred
9079 Media optimization needed