Metric thresholds and queries

Metric chart types and templates include several metric-specific features, such as thresholds, value-based versus score-based metrics, and capture period metrics. You can define metric thresholds and queries to help evaluate performance.

Metric thresholds

Some bar chart types contain extra functions that show the threshold lines and that color the bars based on their relationship to the threshold targets. Metric queries in TRIRIGA® Workplace Performance Management are associated with threshold records. Threshold records contain the definition of the targets and provide a basis for evaluating the operational performance against objectives. For consistency in an organization, threshold records are maintained by an Application Administrator by using the Tools > System Setup > General > Thresholds menu.

Metric queries

TRIRIGA Workplace Performance Management provides several views of metrics to help with analysis and to help identify exception conditions. With this information, you can then take corrective action on under-performing resources and processes and can reward over-performing resources.

TRIRIGA Workplace Performance Management evaluates performance by using the following metric query types:

Value-based metric query
Displays the resulting values from the metric calculation, for example, the overall percent satisfaction for each survey category. The bars in value-based metric queries are colored red, yellow, and green based on their relation to the defined thresholds.
Score-based metric query
Displays the percentage of responses that fall into the threshold ranges. Therefore, all bars equal 100%, but show the percent breakdown, colored red, yellow, and green, for each bar. Sometimes, information can be derived from score-based metric queries that can be overlooked when you view value-based metric queries. In particular, this situation can occur when the value-based metric query is aggregated at a high level, for example to show results at a worldwide level. For example, a survey category might show that between 10% and 30% of the responses are poor or under-performing while the overall customer satisfaction is good. Such a score-based view might warrant investigation of the poor and under-performing results.
Time-trend metric query
Displays performance over multiple capture periods so that you can discern trends over time. Most metrics in TRIRIGA Workplace Performance Management contain a Show By option that includes the Capture Period drill path that shows performance over time.