CTQ evaluations section

Use this section of the form to identify the critical to quality (CTQ) need, importance ranking, evaluation, and score for each CTQ assessment. The form for a real estate (RE) project transaction shows this section if the Include Evaluation / Scoring in CTQs field in the application settings record is set to yes.

Item Description
Response Date The date of the required response.
Organization The name of the organization that provides the response.
Contact The contact for the organization that provides the response.
Status The status of the CTQ survey record.
CTQ Need The business need of the CTQ item, such as amenities, demographics, proximity, and site.
Importance Ranking The importance of the CTQ item in the plan or project, such as 1 - low, 3 - medium, and 5 - high.
Evaluation The satisfaction of the CTQ item in the plan or project, such as 0 - no satisfaction, 3 - low satisfaction, 6 - medium satisfaction, and 9 - high satisfaction.
Score The numerical product of the Importance Ranking and Evaluation values. For example, if the Importance Ranking is 5 and the Evaluation is 9, then the Score is 45.