Critical to quality (CTQ) assessment section
Use this section of the form to identify the critical to quality (CTQ) need, preferred value, assessment value, and average score for each CTQ item. The form for a real estate (RE) project transaction shows this section if the Include Evaluation / Scoring in CTQs field in the application settings record is set to yes.
Item | Description |
Request CTQ Evaluation | Sends a CTQ evaluation request. Select the line items, click this action on the section bar, select the contacts, and click the Continue action. The form adds the line items for each contact in the CTQ Evaluations section. |
Linked Record | Opens a line item. Click the Linked Record icon . |
CTQ Need | The business need of the CTQ item, such as amenities, demographics, proximity, and site. |
Description | The brief description of the CTQ item. |
Desired Value | The preferred value of the assessment type, where the assessment type can be a color, date, number, text, or other type. |
Assessment | The final assessed value of the CTQ item, where the assessment type must match the assessment type of the preferred value. |
Units | The unit of measure (UOM) for the assessment type. |
Average Score | The average score of the responses to each CTQ item. |