Setting up reservable spaces portfolio
Before the reservation process begins, certain activities are necessary to prepare the application for your room reservations, equipment reservations, and vehicle reservations. These setup activities include editing the details of a reservable room, such as its name, layout, reservation type, calendar, group, and room services. The reservation type determines whether the room is a private, requestable, or reservable room. The reservation calendar defines the working hours and non-working events for the room. The reservation group defines the members who can manage the room.
About this task
Important: If you are using Microsoft Outlook or the Room
Reservation Perceptive app (without Microsoft Exchange integration),
then the FRONT_END_SERVER property in the file must be set to use the
"https://" (secure) protocol in the URL. When integrated with Microsoft Exchange, the Room
Reservation Perceptive app requires the "https://" protocol because in Microsoft Azure, OAuth
applications support "https://" callback URLs only. To avoid linking issues, it
is recommended that your users log in with the same URL that is set by the
FRONT_END_SERVER property with "https://" (secure) in the