You form drawing boundaries by using the standard commands in your CAD application. For integration with TRIRIGA® CAD Integrator/Publisher, boundaries cannot have a width. TRIRIGA CAD Integrator/Publisher recognizes four boundary types: circle, ellipse, polyline, and region.
Boundaries enclose an amount of space within them. When you attach drawing information to TRIRIGA records, these boundaries are what you select in the CAD application. After you attach a boundary, TRIRIGA CAD Integrator/Publisher automatically calculates the area totals and saves them in the TRIRIGA records. Without boundaries, you cannot attach objects, or use the other features of TRIRIGA CAD Integrator/Publisher.
Your boundaries must meet the following requirements:
- All boundaries are closed, with no overlap.
For AutoCAD, you can specify whether to allow unclosed boundaries for processing text entities as upload candidates. You specify your selection in the ACCEPT_UNCLOSED_BOUNDARIES_WHEN_UPLOADING property in the file. To treat unclosed boundaries as invalid boundaries for uploading candidates, use the default value of N for the property. To treat unclosed boundaries as valid for uploading candidates, use the value of Y for the property. Setting the property to Y allows the processing of upload candidates that are surrounded by unclosed boundaries, but the areas might not be correct.
- All boundaries, and the text entities that identify them, have
a height of zero (Z=0).
For AutoCAD, you can specify whether to force all text entities to be treated as if they have a height of Z=0. You specify your selection in the FLATTEN_Z_ON_TEXT_ENTITIES_WHEN_UPLOADING property in the file. The default value of Y in the property automatically treats all text entities as if they have a height of Z=0. A value of N in the property causes text entities that are floating to not be found during the uploading candidates process.
- One boundary for each attachable object.
For location-based boundaries that use the default Facilities Manager Primary application definition, the boundaries must meet the following requirements:
- One boundary around the exterior boundary for the gross area.
- One boundary around the interior face of the exterior boundary for the measured gross area.
- One boundary around all primary circulation corridors and fire exit corridors. Include only the boundary wall within the polyline area.
- One boundary around each individual hard-walled room. Unless the room bounds a primary circulation corridor or exterior wall, draw the lines at the wall centerline.
- One boundary around each assignable workspace or system furniture cube. You can draw the lines in the centerline or in a consistently designated side. For example, if you draw cube polylines along their exterior edge, apply that method consistently. Assign all cubes of the same type to the same size, regardless of position in the middle or end of the row.
- One boundary around the secondary circulation areas.
- The area that is contained within all polyline spaces must equal the area that is contained within the measured gross boundary polyline. If overlaps or gaps exist, the space areas do not equal the floor area.
- Unassigned space is calculated by summing the area of all spaces that are defined, then subtracting that sum from the floor gross measured area.
- For proration calculations, unassigned space is treated as floor common area.