
In TRIRIGA® CAD Integrator/Publisher, the results that are returned by a graphic report include hatch patterns within a boundary, and a legend that identifies the results. Hatches and their associated legends visually group the real-time values of the TRIRIGA business object fields that are linked to attached drawing boundaries. The configured hatch patterns and graphic reports are available to all TRIRIGA CAD Integrator/Publisher users.

TRIRIGA CAD Integrator/Publisher provides default hatch patterns that you can access in the TRIRIGA environment. In a custom hatch pattern, you can specify the pattern, scale, and rotation information. When no custom hatch patterns exist, or no hatch pattern fields are found on the graphic report results, the CAD report uses a default hatch pattern. The default hatch pattern is defined in the TRIRIGA CAD Integrator/Publisher report preferences. In TRIRIGA CAD Integrator/Publisher, hatch patterns appear after you apply a graphic report that includes a graphic report field that is set as a Hatch display type.

To use the hatch feature in TRIRIGA CAD Integrator/Publisher, you need to configure the CAD hatch patterns. And, an administrator must configure the TRIRIGA graphic reports and business object records to use the CAD hatch patterns. All of the configurations are made in the TRIRIGA environment.

Configure hatch patterns

TRIRIGA CAD Integrator/Publisher users and TRIRIGA administrators can create, edit, and delete hatch pattern records in the TRIRIGA environment. You configure hatch patterns with the CAD Hatch Pattern report that is listed under the CAD Integrator menu in the TRIRIGA administration tools.

Configure hatch patterns to appear in CAD reports

A TRIRIGA administrator configures how and where hatch patterns appear when graphic reports are applied in TRIRIGA CAD Integrator/Publisher. For hatch patterns to appear in graphic reports, an administrator must configure TRIRIGA business object types with a locator field. The locator field points to the hatch pattern to use. An administrator must also set up the hatch configuration in TRIRIGA graphic reports. TRIRIGA CAD Integrator/Publisher uses the same graphic reports that TRIRIGA Graphics sections use.

The configuration of hatch patterns in a TRIRIGA graphic report is similar to the configuration of the Color Field legend column. To configure a graphic report to use a hatch pattern, add a Hatch field to the display columns in the Legend column of the Columns tab. Also, to upload images to display in the graphic report, you configure the Hatch Pattern field and the Image and Dimension field. Web Graphics hatch patterns support the PNG and GIF file formats.

Hatch pattern configuration example

For a classification graphic report, you can add a Hatch display column. The Hatch field points to a locator field where the hatch pattern is defined for the business object. You can set the Vacant classification record to a red color, and the hatch pattern to ANSI31. In TRIRIGA CAD Integrator/Publisher, the graphic report shows a vacant space as red with an ANSI31 hatch pattern.