Schedule-based PM schedules

Schedule-based PM schedules provide a method of scheduling maintenance for building systems, assets, and locations. PM schedules are usually recurring.

When you create a schedule-based PM record, you set the recurrence schedule. You can create a one-time event, or set the event to recur daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly. To create a quarterly event, create a monthly schedule that is set to run every three months. You can also create an ad hoc event, which allows for multiple scheduled occurrences that do not conform to a standard pattern.

Although naming conventions are not mandatory for PM schedules, you can incorporate information into the name. For example, the ‘Q-1 Pump filter replacement’ PM schedule is the first quarterly check on the equipment in the job plan and the maintenance consists of replacing a pump filter.

When you activate a schedule-based PM schedule, the tasks are generated. The generated tasks are associated with the job plan, the schedule, and the appropriate assets and locations.


In the recurrence schedule, you can use shadowing to ensure that higher-level maintenance supersedes lower-level maintenance. If a lower-level maintenance task and higher-level maintenance task both fall within the offset duration, the lower-level task is not scheduled. When you use shadowing, schedule the higher-level maintenance tasks first to ensure that unrequired maintenance tasks are properly skipped.

For example, you create 'A-1 Pump Overhaul', an annual overhaul check. Then, you create ‘Q-1 Pump filter replacement', a quarterly schedule that replaces a filter. The annual schedule includes a replacement of the filter, so you specify that the quarterly schedule is shadowed by the annual schedule, with an offset duration of five days. If Q-1 is scheduled plus or minus five days from any existing A-1 task, then the Q-1 tasks are skipped.