Prerequisite setup for using TRIRIGA Real Estate Environmental Sustainability Impact Manager
To use the features of TRIRIGA® Real Estate Environmental Sustainability Impact Manager, a TRIRIGA administrator must set up the application settings, building equipment specifications, calendars, external companies, building equipment assets, and job schedules.
Application settings
Configure the application settings parameters on the Environmental Settings tab of the Application Settings record.
Specify values for the following fields under the Assembly Line Settings section:
- Data Retention Hourly Fact (days)
- The number of days of data that is retained in hourly fact table. This field is referenced by the “Asset Hourly Fact – Clear” ETL Job Item.
- Data Retention Daily Fact (days)
- The number of days of data that is retained in daily fact table. This field is referenced by the “Asset Daily Fact – Clear” ETL Job Item.
- Data Retention Monthly Fact (days)
- The number of days of data that is retained in monthly fact table. This field is referenced by the “Asset Monthly Fact – Clear” ETL Job Item.
- Energy Log Lag Time (days)
- The number of days to continue processing data after the last day of previous month. This field is referenced by the “Load Meter Item Staging Table” ETL job item.
The following fields are optional and can be used by an ETL created to populate the TRIRIGA Real Estate Environmental Sustainability Impact Manager fact tables.
- Debug Mode
- The flag can be set to specify that the ETL is running in debug mode.
- Sample Threshold
- The percentage of hourly energy use samples that are collected for a valid monthly record.
- Connector URL
- TRIRIGA URL and port with the format http://hostname:port/
- Connector User Name
- TRIRIGA user name
- Connector Password
- TRIRIGA password
- Connector Timeout
- The number of seconds to attempt HTTP connection before timeout
Specify values for the following fields in the Asset Event Settings section:
- Evaluation Period used in determining Repeat Requests and Tasks created from Asset Events
- The value that is entered for this field is used to check if the Request and Work Task created for Asset Analytic Event is a Repeat Request and Repeat Work Task that has Analytic Event with same Rule and Asset within this period.
- Default SNMP Triggered Event Type
- The event type that is triggered when an analytic event is created
- Default SNMP Priority
- The priority for the request generated
- Default SNMP Duplicates Evaluation Period
- The value that is entered for this field is used to check whether the asset analytic event created for SNMP trap is a duplicate event with same event name and asset within this period. A similar field is available in the rule definition for events that are generated by rules.
- Default SNMP Request Class
- If the Default SNMP Triggered Event Type field has a value that is specified as Asset Event Request, then specify a value for this field. The request class determines the business rules that are to be applied by the request.
- Default SNMP Contact
- This email contact receives analytic eEvent notifications
- TRIRIGA data source
- Connection String – TRIRIGA database URL and port. A sample format for oracle jdbc:oracle:thin:@hostname:port:dbname
- DB Driver Name – Driver name
- UserName – Database user name
- Password – Database password
- Test Table Name – Fact table name
- Other data source
- Connection String – OTHER/TDW database URL and port. A sample format for DB2 jdbc:db2://hostname:port/dbname
- DB Driver Name – Driver name
- UserName – Database user name
- Password – Database password
- Test Table Name – Fact table name
Building equipment specification
Create Building Equipment Specification records with Spec Class selected as “Air Handlers”, “Chilled Water”, or “Utility Meter”. These specification records are added under Spec Information section of Building Equipment Assets.Calendar
Create reservation calendar records. These records are used under Operating Schedule tab of Building Equipment Asset to determine the operating hours of an asset.External company
Create an External Company record with Organization Type selected as “Utility Supplier”. This makes the Utility Rates tab visible. This record is referenced by a Building Equipment Asset and used by the “Load Meter Item Staging Table” ETL job item.
- Name – Name of rate plan
- Rate Type – The type of rate specified
- Plan Type – The type of environmental data log that is created
- Energy Type – The energy type for rate plan
- Currency – Currency for the rate plan
- Base UOM – The unit of measure for Energy
- Start Date – Start date when rate plan is effective
- End Date – End date when the rate plan is expired
- Start Time – Time within the Start Date when rate plan is effective
- End Time – Time within the End Date when the rate plan is expired
- Rate – The value that is specified for this field determines the rates
- Has Weekend Rate? – When this is checked, it makes the “Has Weekend Rate” field visible
- Weekend Rate – The value that is specified for this field determines the rates for weekend. “0” is a valid value for this field and it means that no cost is applied on weekends.
Building equipment assets
Configure the following fields on Building Equipment Asset records that are associated with records in the fact tables.
- Nameplate – The value must match the nameplate value in fact table.
- Primary Location – Location of asset which is a space.
- Main Meter? – This should be checked when the asset is considered as a main meter of a particular location.
- Specification Name – The specification record with Spec Class selected as “Air Handlers”, “Chilled Water” or “Utility Meter”.
On the Operating Schedule tab, on the Operating Calendar field, select a reservation calendar to determine the operating hours of an asset. This field is required when the asset has a nameplate value added in General tab.
- Purchased From Organization – If the Main Meter? field is checked, select an organization that provides the energy. The organization should include a utility rate plan. This field is used by the “Load Meter Item Staging Table” ETL job item.
- Environmental Energy Type – If the Main Meter? field is checked, this value should be specified and match the “Energy Type” on the “Purchased From Organization” Utility Rate Plan. This field is used by the “Load Meter Item Staging Table” ETL job item.
On the Maintenance tab, on the Meter Service Allocations section, if the Main Meter? field is checked, records should be added specifying the buildings for which the energy usage is applied. This field is used by the “Load Meter Item Staging Table” ETL job item.
Job scheduler
- DEFAULT - Clear Asset Daily Fact Table
- DEFAULT - Clear Asset Hourly Fact Table
- DEFAULT - Clear Asset Monthly Fact Table
- DEFAULT - Load Meter Item Staging Table
- Schedule Type – Schedule type for the job item
- Start Date – The first date when the job item starts processing
- End Date – The last date when the job item ends processing