My On-Time Service Responsiveness (turn-around time) metric

Determines the level of responsiveness based on defined service-level metrics.

Details of the metric Description
Name My On-Time Service Responsiveness (turn-around time)
Category Operational
Analysis objective for exception conditions Determines how the logged-in IBM® TRIRIGA® user is performing based on service-level metrics that are defined in the terms and conditions of service agreements, blanket purchase orders, and real estate lease contracts. Determines whether an individual’s work or the organization they report to are performing or trending toward performance outside of customer expectations. Uses time trend analysis to compare seasonal peaks, anomalies, or trends.
Description Informs an individual service technician how he or she is performing. The customer company or agency expects that services are performed within the time that is specified in the agreements and contracts. These expectations are recorded in the service matrix that is associated with the agreements and contracts based on the service that is requested, the requesting organization, and the geography or location of the request. This combination appends the service level time frames to the tasks based on the time to respond to the request, time to satisfy the request, and the time to follow-up with the requester.

This metric is focused on the actual completion time.

Source Customer Focus Group
Measurement (Count of Completed Tasks where the Actual Complete Date-Time <= Baseline Planned Date-Time) / Total number of Completed Tasks
Dependent data that is calculated Task – Baseline Complete Date, Baseline Planned Date, Complete/Closed Status
  • OP Service Manager
  • OP Service Technician
Display chart types
  • Value-based: Horizontal Grouped Bar (percent) Chart (Capture Period: Vertical Grouped Bar (percent) Chart)
  • Score-based: Horizontal Stacked Bar Chart (Capture Period: Vertical Stacked Bar Chart)
  • Low Threshold: .6 (60%)
  • High Threshold: .85 (85%)
  • Range 1: Poor/Negative/Red
  • Range 2: Under Performing/Caution/Yellow
  • Range 3: Good/Positive/Green
Fact details Module: triMetricFact

Business Object: triTaskDetailFact

Metric Queries: triTaskDetailFact - Metric - My On-time Service Responsiveness, triTaskDetailFact - Metric - My On-time Service Responsiveness (Score)

Drill paths
  • Geography
  • Location
  • Assigned Resource
  • Request Class
  • Responsible Organization
  • Capture Period
Interactive filters
  • Geography
  • Location
  • Responsible Organization
  • Request Class
  • Assigned Resource
Static filters Cost Type Classification = Maintenance
Time Months
Data point refresh rate Monthly
License dependency IBM TRIRIGA Operations
Functional dependency
  • Task Management
  • Service Management
  • Contract Management with Service Matrix entries

This metric uses the Baseline Start Date, Baseline End Date, and Baseline Duration.