Defining a space plan

Space plans provide an environment for a planner to work with a set of planning data, including supply and demand, for a set of locations.

Before you begin

Portfolio plans and an active planning environment must exist before space plans can be created.


  1. From the General tab of the portfolio plan or subplan, navigate to the Space Plans tab. Click Add.
  2. Review the Portfolio Plan form.
    1. In the General tab, General section, enter a unique ID to identify the space plan according to your organization's standards.
      If you do not assign an ID, IBM® TRIRIGA® generates an ID.
    2. Use a name that summarizes the scope of the plan, such as Nevada Optimization Space Plan 2013.
    3. Click the Search icon Search icon and select the planning environment that contains the planning data to be used for this space plan.
    4. IBM TRIRIGA pre-populates the primary contact with the person who is creating the form. To change the primary contact, click the Search icon Search icon and select the person to be used as the primary contact for this space plan.
    5. In the Units section, select the currency, area units, carbon units, and energy units for this plan.
  3. Click Create Draft.
    IBM TRIRIGA creates the space plan in Draft status and displays more sections and tabs.
  4. Click Save & Close.