Defining a child-level portfolio plan

After a corporate-level portfolio plan exists, the next step is to create child-level portfolio plans.

About this task

Portfolio plans are hierarchical and you can develop as many levels as needed to support your corporate objectives. A child-level portfolio plan might contain the goals, objectives, risks, and resources of the corporate-level plan. You also can add more goals, objectives, and risks specific to a child-level plan.


  1. Click Space > Set Up > Strategic Planning > Planning Manager > Portfolio Plans to open the Planning Manager and select the parent portfolio plan.
  2. On the General tab, scroll to the Portfolio Plans tab. Click Add.
  3. Review the Portfolio Plan form.
    1. In the General tab, General section, enter a unique ID to identify the portfolio plan according to your organization's standards.
      If you do not assign an ID, IBM® TRIRIGA® generates an ID.
    2. Use a name that summarizes the scope of the plan, such as North America 2013 Plan.
    3. IBM TRIRIGA sets the Parent Portfolio Plan to be the corporate-level plan. If this plan is a child of a child plan, IBM TRIRIGA lists its immediate parent.
    4. The Geography field identifies the cities that are incorporated in the portfolio plan.
      It must be a lower level than the geography on the parent plan.
    5. The values in the Units section are pre-populated from the parent portfolio plan. Optionally, change the currency, area units, carbon units, and energy units for this plan.
      These settings determine the units of measure on the scenario metrics.
  4. Click Create Draft.
    IBM TRIRIGA creates the plan in Draft status and displays more sections and tabs.