Adding goals to portfolio plans

Add goals to link your workplace performance goals to the planning and analysis process.

About this task

The goals in the Plan Goals section of the portfolio plan propagate to portfolio plans that are listed in the Sub Portfolio Plans section on the General tab (child-level plans of this plan) when you click the Save action. Removing a plan goal does not remove it from lower levels. In a child-level plan, IBM® TRIRIGA® copies the plan goals from the parent portfolio plan. You can change the target values for the plan.


  1. From the Plan Goals section of the portfolio plan, click Add.
    The list of plan goals that displays includes the goal types that you configured in the application setup settings.
  2. Select the goals to add and click OK.
  3. Optional: To add a goal that is not listed, click Add, complete the Goal Type form, click Create Draft, and select Activate to make the goal available.
  4. Adjust the target values for this portfolio plan to tailor the standard goals to this particular planning exercise.
    If the threshold value in a planning goal item is blank, the Scenario Evaluation section for the space plan does not include a threshold indicator.