Attaching drawing objects to records

In an attached CAD drawing, you can attach objects to TRIRIGA® records such as spaces and assets. For example, you might attach a block or cell to a desk or a person record. After the objects are attached, users can view and report on the objects in TRIRIGA CAD Integrator/Publisher and in the Graphics section in the TRIRIGA environment.

Before you begin

Before you can attach objects in a drawing, the objects must exist as records in TRIRIGA. The objects that you can attach are boundaries and AutoCAD blocks or MicroStation cells. You can create the records before you begin the following procedure, or you can create the records from TRIRIGA CAD Integrator/Publisher when you attach the objects.


  1. Select IBM TRIRIGA > Attach > Attach Object.
  2. Optional: Right-click in the tree to create or edit a TRIRIGA record and to refresh the tree objects.
  3. Select the object mapping and the object record to attach to, and click OK.
  4. Select the boundary, block, or cell of the object to attach.
  5. Optional: To attach additional objects, repeat steps 2 - 4.