
Use the Detach tool to selectively remove data added to the model by the Connector. It has four options:
Option Description
Clear Configuration Data Clears the parameter value rules created in Project Settings as well as the default DFX template.
Clear Space Use Classification List Clears the Space Use Classes cached in the model that were either loaded from the IBM® TRIRIGA® server, or from a local file.
Clear Parameter Map Removes any parameter map from the model.
Remove IBM Parameters Removes all the shared parameters added to the model by the Connector. Since much of the integration information is stored in these parameters, it also detaches the model from TRIRIGA.
Detach from TRIRIGA Clears all data that associates a model with TRIRIGA. This includes:
  • Setting the value of IBM.IsTRIRIGA parameter to false for all elements as well as values of hidden parameters used to track TRIRIGA integration.
  • Clearing the internal integration data store.
  • Deleting the unique ID used to identify the model in TRIRIGA. This can be re-established by integrating the model again to the same server using the Reattach building option.
Delete IBM Schedules Deletes the schedules created by the Connector.
Remove Reserve Parameters Deletes the TRIRIGA Reserve parameters from Revit Rooms and Areas