Percent Projects over Budget metric

Identifies the percentage of projects that are over budget against the projects that are at or under budget. This metric applies to capital projects only.

Details of the metric Description
Name Percent Projects Over Budget
Category Financial
Analysis objective for exception conditions Identifies overall operational problems or issues if the percentage of projects over budget trends upward over time.
Description Provides management with a picture of how well the organization is managing projects to budget. By rolling projects up into programs, or by viewing this metric by region or project type, management can isolate where budget problems are originating.
Source Customer Focus Group
Measurement Projects Over Budget / Total Projects
Dependent data that is calculated Projects Over Budget = where Forecast Final > Current Budget
  • EN Workplace Executive
  • PR Executive
  • PR Manager
Display chart types Score-based: Horizontal Stacked Bar Chart (Capture Period: Vertical Stacked Bar Chart)
  • Low Threshold: .1 (10%)
  • High Threshold: Not Used
  • Range 1: Good/Positive/Green
  • Range 2: Poor/Negative/Red
  • Range 3: Not Used
Fact details Module: triMetricFact

Business Object: triCapitalProjectFact

Metric Queries: triCapitalProjectFact - Metric - Percent Project Over Budget (Score)

Drill paths
  • Program
  • Geography
  • Project Class
  • Capture Period
Interactive filters
  • Organization (Primary Organization for the Person who is the Project Manager Role)
  • Geography
  • Project Type
Static filters Status: Active and Revision In-Progress projects only.
Time Months
Data point refresh rate Monthly
License dependency IBM® TRIRIGA® Capital Projects Manager
Functional dependency Capital Projects, Budgets, Change Order Management