Percent Lease (Rentable Area)

The Percent Lease (Rentable Area) scenario metric calculates percent lease (rentable area) for the scenario.

Item Description
Name Percent Lease (Rentable Area)
Metric category Portfolio
Metric objective Calculate percent lease (rentable area) for the scenario

(Rentable Area Leased / Total Rentable Area) * 100

Rentable Area Leased = The sum of Supply Summary’s Usable Area field; includes only leases (not owned); only includes records that are in the current focus period.

Total Rentable Area = The sum of Supply Summary’s Rentable Area field; includes leased, owned, and proposed locations; includes only records that are in the current focus period.

Default thresholds

Low Threshold: 75

High Threshold: 100

Range 1: Under Target/Negative/Red

Range 2: On-Target/Positive/Green

Range 3: Over Target/Caution/Yellow

Default target 0 percent