Mobility Worker Rate (%) metric

Determines the percentage of remote and mobile workers that are designated to use shared space solutions. Identifies locations and organizations to further adopt shared workspace solutions.

Details of the metric Description
Name Mobility Worker Rate (%)
Category Operational
Analysis objective for exception conditions Narrows analysis to property level or building level, and organization level, to focus investigation. Views organizational information for potential adopters of mobile or shared workspaces. Uses time trend analysis to compare seasonal peaks, anomalies, or trends.
Description Identifies trends and opportunities for improved use and agility for mobile workers with flexible workplace solutions.
Source Customer Focus Group
Measurement Total Flexible Workers / Total Workers
Dependent data that is calculated Flexible Workers are determined by an ‘Assignment Type’ field on the Employee record. Assignment type options = Assigned, Mobile, Non-Office Worker, and Remote.
  • FA Move Manager/Planner
  • FA Space Manager/Planner
Display chart types
  • Value-based: Horizontal Grouped Bar (percent) Chart (Capture Period: Vertical Grouped Bar (percent) Chart)
  • Score-based: Horizontal Stacked Bar Chart (Capture Period: Vertical Stacked Bar Chart)
  • Low Threshold: .05 (5%)
  • High Threshold: .2 (20%)
  • Range 1: low/Negative/Red
  • Range 2: Medium/Caution/Yellow
  • Range 3: High/Positive/Green
Fact details Module: triMetricFact

Business Object: triWorkerFact

Metric Queries: triWorkerFact - Metric - Mobility Worker Rate (%) Metric, triWorkerFact - Metric - Mobility Worker Rate (%) Metric (Score)

Drill paths
  • Geography
  • Location
  • Organization
  • Capture Period
Interactive filters
  • Geography
  • Location
  • Organization
Static filters
  • Active Buildings
  • Active Floors
  • Active Spaces
  • Office Workers
Time Months
Data point refresh rate Monthly